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I've shed a few squiggle I've watched coverage of the memorial as well as some of the programmes I'd recorded about 9/11, I was choked up & tense much of that time, it's impossible to not get emotional. I'm thrilled that the memorial is open, I think it will be a huge comfort to many people who lost loved ones in the attacks It certainly brings home how very fortunate we all are just to be alive, well and free
~Sparkling Summer~

Hi everyone x
Thanks for advice El and all x
I didnt mean to go on about my dog, today of all days !
I was supposed to have my granddaughter today, but she is off to see her great-gran who is ill.
I watched Sky today, with the coverage of the memorial, and found it very moving. The names of those who died seemed endless, and brought it home of the magnitude of those who have lost family, friends etc.  Paul Simon singing "The Sound Of Silence " had me in tears, as well as the children who had lost their mums and dads  
They have worked hard for Ground Zero as a memorial, the waterfall looks so lovely, and all those names surrounding it, is so fitting x


Hi Yogi x
Granddaughter,s  great-gran is from her daddy,s side, she is in a private home, and has dementia. She wanted to see her, then couldnt remember who she was when she went.Poor soul. But my daughter said Nana is silly, and then Granddaughter went into her ballet routine, she had the nurses in fits of laughter! Nana was laughing too, bless her , she is bright as a button one minute and away the next.
Its been one long day !  

Originally Posted by Skylark24:

Hi Yogi x
Granddaughter,s  great-gran is from her daddy,s side, she is in a private home, and has dementia. She wanted to see her, then couldnt remember who she was when she went.Poor soul. But my daughter said Nana is silly, and then Granddaughter went into her ballet routine, she had the nurses in fits of laughter! Nana was laughing too, bless her , she is bright as a button one minute and away the next.
Its been one long day !  

Aww that's just lovely and I'm glad her great gran enjoyed it too, dementia is so difficult, especially for her family.  I have a mental picture of the wee one


Hi Ros how are you? Its been such a sad day of memories for everyone.

Originally Posted by Skylark24:

Hi Yogi x
Granddaughter,s  great-gran is from her daddy,s side, she is in a private home, and has dementia. She wanted to see her, then couldnt remember who she was when she went.Poor soul. But my daughter said Nana is silly, and then Granddaughter went into her ballet routine, she had the nurses in fits of laughter! Nana was laughing too, bless her , she is bright as a button one minute and away the next.
Its been one long day !  

Aww, she's a wee sweetie.

Goodnight Skylark.


Good morning everyone, like most places its very windy here, hope your greenhouse is OK Yogi.  I hope I don't have to drive today those gusts are quite fierce.  I don't think there's one HM so far that interests me, I'm only still watching out of habit, could we send Jedward in there do you think, that would stir them up a bit

Morning all Wow it's windy out! It's bright though, which is good, I drove to work in a confetti of autumn leaves- it was so pretty! Good luck at the vets skylark Squiggle, I hope those HM's are going to be entertaining, I missed it last night but i might catch the repeat around tea time if 5* are showing it El, I'll go check out Lori's reply now, thanks
~Sparkling Summer~

Hi everyone, its very windy here and its affecting my broadband so if i disappear you will know why ! I have no TV, its all pixalated (if thats the right word)

Dog is fine, thank you for asking. Vet thinks, as no swelling and she has no high temperature, its nothing too serious. She has given me powders to give her, much like an indigestion remedy, and see how she goes. I have to take her back on Thursday.

Have a good day, and take care if you are out in the wind


I think the wind is due to get worse up your way from 4pm Skylark   I am glad your dog is more comfortable, I can't help thinking she needs some of my 'magic tablets', the doc prescribed me Lansoprazole because I make too much stomach acid, I sympathise with her its most uncomfortable, I said to my doc its like having someone else's digestion.

*ducks and covers* wow it's windy out there! Yogi the sun is shining bright, with that late summer low kind of light, which really brings out the colour of the leaves The speed of the clouds is rather entertaining too Skylark I'm glad your dog is alright Squiggle I hope your stomach acid is treatable, half my family suffer reflux and it sounds very uncomfortable El, did you see there's an update coming for the iPhone app? I'll let you know if it helps with the grey screen issue
~Sparkling Summer~

Good afternoon everyone.    Hope you are all well.  It's very windy here but no where near as bad as you have in your areas Skylark and Yogi!!  Forecasters say it will get worse before it gets better!!


Glad to hear the vet is not too worried about your dog Skylark.  It can be very worrying when a pet is ill as, just lke babies, they cannot tell us what's the matter.


Will catch up later. 


I saw that the BBFC have passed a DVD for release and I thought what a weird idea for a film. It's an hour long animated film called "Tom and Jerry and the Wizard of Oz" I was intrigued and found this on Youtube. It is a review of this - it does not show anything from the film other than bits of the credits as that would be in breach of copyright. It looks as if some people have posted the actual film on Youtube, but I'm not posting those links as they are in breach of copyright.


El Loro
Popping in to wish you all goodnight Work was quiet, I credit the wind, so I dove into my book.. I read most of the afternoon, during my bath at home, on the sofa while mr summer watched tv and just finished here in bed thoroughly enjoyed it! Hope everyone is safe and sheltered, I hope the wind ceases very soon for our friends in Scotland *leaves breakfast hot trolley full of pancakes, waffles & juices*
~Sparkling Summer~

Good morning everyone


Summer, your breakfast trolley was empty by the time I looked a few minutes ago .I don't want to point the finger at the guilty person, but they know who they are . Anyway, I've replenished it so there should be sufficient for everyone else.


Here, at present, it's sunny and the wind is less than yesterday, but hefty showers are forecast.


Squiggle, from what I've read about The Body Farm which starts tonight, it is more gruesome than Waking the Dead. The opening scene shows a room with corpses shown in various stages of decomposition and there are autopsy scenes.

El Loro
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