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Tippi Hedren wasn't Hitchcock's first choice as Marnie. He had previously had discussions with a much more famous actress for the part who had retired from film making when she got married and moved away from Hollywood to Europe. When the people of the country where she lived heard that she was intending to play Marnie, they were very upset because of Marnie being a thief, so in the end she decided not to make the film, and in fact never returned to film making. If you haven't already guessed who I'm talking about, it was Grace Kelly.

El Loro
Originally Posted by squiggle:

I loved Poldark, Ross and Demelza.

Me too, I loved the programme and the books.


Originally Posted by El Loro:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by Joyron:

Same to you El Loro and Yogi.  Behave yourselves!!! 

We'll try, Joyron.


*whispers* El, I think we've got a bad rep.

We do indeed, and all because of those HTML codings posts we made

My family call me goody twoshoes in RL, so I quite like being a virtual .

Originally Posted by El Loro:

Tippi Hedren wasn't Hitchcock's first choice as Marnie. He had previously had discussions with a much more famous actress for the part who had retired from film making when she got married and moved away from Hollywood to Europe. When the people of the country where she lived heard that she was intending to play Marnie, they were very upset because of Marnie being a thief, so in the end she decided not to make the film, and in fact never returned to film making. If you haven't already guessed who I'm talking about, it was Grace Kelly.

I read about that today, El.

I thought Grace Kelly was stunningly beautiful and I loved her in Rear Window with James Stewart.

Originally Posted by squiggle:

I wonder what the new intake will be like?  Usual bunch of wannabes I suppose.  I will say goodnight, I do hope you 2 behave yourselves tomorrow Yogi and EL or are you determined now to live up to your new hell raiser status?


Hugs for Ros and any other night owls


Goodnight Squiggle.


Good morning all. It's raining again.

I'm off to get my eyes tested this morning, I definitely need a stronger prescription.

Got some shopping to do, too - nothing exciting, just some pillows and a new mop.

El, don't go causing chaos, until I get back.

Summer, are you at work today? If so, I hope you have a good day, with nice clients.

Velvet, sorry I missed you again last night.


Good morning everyone, a cloudy and breezy morning.  I do hope that those high winds in the North and Scotland aren't going to be as bad as predicted.


Hope all goes well with the eye test Yogi, Summer it must be so frustrating to have the grey screen all the time.


Waits with bated breath to see what naughtiness our two delinquents will be getting up to today

Originally Posted by ~Sweet Summer~:
morning all, What a dreary not cheery looking day! I hope the wind doesn't get too strong for those of you in the north-west I can't currently see you (grey screen) so I'll load you on the web browser when I get a chance

So far there are no pictures or video clips in our postings on this page, so there's nothing that any of is have done which would explain your grey screen. I think it might be to do with the adverts that appear on these pages.

El Loro

Hi everyone
I hope you are all well x
My dog has been quite sick for a couple of days, if she isnt better by Monday , it will be the vets. I am fasting her just now to see if she settles. She is drinking water, but bringing it back up. She seems well in herself tho, tail wagging and still on the go

Got a busy weekend, but hopefully chat with you all Monday .
Take care all


Summer, thank you for the brunch. I hope you get your grey screen issue resolved quickly.

Skylark, good to have you back with us. Sorry to hear your dog isn't well, poor wee thing. It's so hard when our pets are ill because they can't tell you where it hurts or how they are feeling. I hope she feels better soon.


Delinquents?!  I wonder who Squiggle is talking about El?


Got my eyes checked and did need a new prescription - 2 pairs of new glasses are ordered.

Originally Posted by Yogi19:

Summer, thank you for the brunch. I hope you get your grey screen issue resolved quickly.

Skylark, good to have you back with us. Sorry to hear your dog isn't well, poor wee thing. It's so hard when our pets are ill because they can't tell you where it hurts or how they are feeling. I hope she feels better soon.


Delinquents?!  I wonder who Squiggle is talking about El?


Got my eyes checked and did need a new prescription - 2 pairs of new glasses are ordered.

I've no idea I think squiggle is trying to distract us from what she will be up to on Monday when it's a full moon. She may turn into a weresquiggle , though cloud cover may prevent that from happening.


It's just as well you did get your eyes tested

El Loro
Originally Posted by ~Sweet Summer~:
just popping in to wish you a lovely evening, I'm heading out to a wedding do shortly. Luckily I have time to watch strictly El, let's hope the techies can cure my grey screen Yogi, what are your new frames like?! Squiggle, I didn't know you were a weresquiggle?! Hook me up with Jacob Black!

Jacob Black? Who he?


Good morning everyone


Skylark, that's good news about your dog


Squiggle, I've done a search about Jacob Black and he's a character from the Twilight series of books and films who is a shapeshifter and can change into a wolf.


Summer, I hope they can work out what is causing your grey screen problem. No answers yet on the postings you and I made but it is the weekend.

El Loro
Originally Posted by ~Sweet Summer~:
morning all *lights candles and sends out prayers of love & hope for all the victims of 9/11 and their lived ones, as well as everyone around the world affected by those terrible events*

In our church today, the vicar had lit the large paschal candle which was positioned in the centre of the sanctuary as a tribute to all those caught up in 9/11. We get a new paschal candle each year and it is lit for the first time on Easter Sunday as a sign of the resurrection. It is also lit for every baptism service as a symbol that the old life has died and has been reborn anew.


Although the service wasn't specifically in memory of 9/11, it was obviously in everyone's minds. The sermon was based on the gospel reading for the day and was about forgiveness. The preacher made the point that those who cannot forgive a past wrong are wracked with anger and are imprisoned in their own world, but the people who can forgive do not forget what had been done but are free of torturing themselves and are able to live fuller lives than those who cannot forgive.

El Loro
Originally Posted by squiggle:

Good morning everyone, I am glad your dog had a good night Skylark and I hope she gets better swiftly.


Thanks for the info about Jacob Black EL, I don't watch any of the vampire sagas or related programmes.

I've never read any of the Twilight books and seen the films either. I haven't seen either the True Blood or Vampire Diaries series, or even Buffy. 

El Loro
Originally Posted by ~Sweet Summer~:
Skylark, I'm glad your dog is feeling a bit better, give him/her a get well pet from me Squiggle & El, Jacob Black he's yummy he also has some of the best dialogue in the stories, he's sharp, witty, passionate & fiery, with a big, gentle heart <3

Thanks Summer, i will, she loves a cuddle. We are going to the vet in the morning, she has a lot of acid in her stomach, wont go into the details! But she is better today, just gave her some cooled boiled rice with a little shredded chicken, which she enjoyed, hopefully it stays down x

Originally Posted by El Loro:
Originally Posted by ~Sweet Summer~:
morning all *lights candles and sends out prayers of love & hope for all the victims of 9/11 and their lived ones, as well as everyone around the world affected by those terrible events*

In our church today, the vicar had lit the large paschal candle which was positioned in the centre of the sanctuary as a tribute to all those caught up in 9/11. We get a new paschal candle each year and it is lit for the first time on Easter Sunday as a sign of the resurrection. It is also lit for every baptism service as a symbol that the old life has died and has been reborn anew.


Although the service wasn't specifically in memory of 9/11, it was obviously in everyone's minds. The sermon was based on the gospel reading for the day and was about forgiveness. The preacher made the point that those who cannot forgive a past wrong are wracked with anger and are imprisoned in their own world, but the people who can forgive do not forget what had been done but are free of torturing themselves and are able to live fuller lives than those who cannot forgive.

Very wise words EL, we hand it over to the Lord and we are free to live in peace, vengeance is mine says the Lord.


It is very much on my heart today to think of those who are suffering now from inhaling some of that toxic cloud that poured from those buildings.  Many are already retired on medical grounds and I think its probably the tip of the iceberg

Originally Posted by Skylark24:
Originally Posted by ~Sweet Summer~:
Skylark, I'm glad your dog is feeling a bit better, give him/her a get well pet from me

Thanks Summer, i will, she loves a cuddle. We are going to the vet in the morning, she has a lot of acid in her stomach, wont go into the details! But she is better today, just gave her some cooled boiled rice with a little shredded chicken, which she enjoyed, hopefully it stays down x

I hope your dog continues to get better. It sounds as if you are doing the right thing as I found this little tip:

"After the fasting period, when the vomiting should have ceased, take away his normal food and replace with boiled chicken and rice or boiled hamburger and rice. If you use chicken make sure it is skinless, if you use burger make sure the fat is drained off. Make the rice the bulky part of the meal. Keep giving this diet until the dog seems to get better. Then, re-introduce gradually the regular food. This should be done slowly over a few days."

El Loro
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