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I do know that The Artist was nominated for the Palme d'Or at Cannes and that the lead actor Jean Dujardin won Best Actor for his performance. As it hasn't yet been released generally, it's too soon to know how the film will be marketed and how it will be received. It's not going to be a blockbuster but from the trailer it looks as if it deserves success.


Although many of the cast are not well known, there are some better known American actors in it - I spotted John Goodman and James Cromwell in the clip.


And for once a film with no CGI effects, no bad language, and probably a U or PG certificate.


As you say, Sweet Charity and A Star is Born comes to mind. Also it reminded me of some of the Fred Astaire films. I suspect the very first scene in that clip may be intended to remind us of the Jazz Singer (the original version, not the remake).

El Loro

Good afternoon everyone.    Pleased to report that the ironing is done.  It took me just under two hours!!  At least I did get to catch up on two programmes I recorded last week whilst doing the ironing.  Now going to find something to eat and have a little break before I start on my next task.


Keep up the good work with the diet and exercise Yogi.  I'm sure you will start noticing a difference very soon.  Since my knee operation I find it hard to do much exercise.  I try to have a little walk around the lanes when it's not raining but I cannot cycle anymore.


Cannot say I'm a fan of Doris Day but I hope you all enjoy the programmes.  Did she star in "Pillow Talk" or am I getting her muddled up with someone else?


Hope to get back later. 

afternoon all I'm cranky summer today My colleague has texted in "sick", I've been extremely busy and people are so rude! Why, do they leave it until the last minute to get back to school hair cuts, and then get huffy with me because there's a massive queue?! I've also argued with 3 people about the fact that I have a lunch break! It's simple really: a 5 person queue at 12pm means it's going to take until 1pm ish to get them done. Therefore I have to stop anyone coming in after 12, just to get my break at 1, which means I'll be back at 2pm.. People seem to think I'm taking a 2 hour lunch break My hands were flat out busy for 4 hours solid, and that still isn't good enough for some people- people who have waited until today Right, apologies for my rant, I do feel better now Hope you're all having a lovely day so far, we just had a hail storm and now the sun is shiny! See you after work
~Sparkling Summer~

Well done, Joyron on catching up with the ironing And you are right - it was Doris Day in Pillow Talk.


Summer, I sympathise with you, 10 minues per person + 2 minutes inbetween cuts to allow customers to get up from the chair, pay you, and the next person to sit down = 5 people per hour - it's not possible to do more than 5 an hour safely, and legally you are entitled to a break.


Squiggle, that must have been quite momentous seeing the Glenn Miller Orchestra live.

El Loro

It's been a busy wee thread since I signed out this morning.

Joyron, well done on getting all your ironing done, I hope you are geting a chance to put your feet up now.

Summer, I am angry on your behalf, people can be so unreasonable at times. Would you like me to come down there and sort out those grumpy customers for you?

You can't beat a bit of Glenn Miller to lift the mood, thanks El.

Squiggle, Mr Yogi will be so jealous that you went to see the GM Orchestra live, he's a big fan.

Get that webcam on, Skylark, so we can see your jigging.

It was me! When I attached my fungi pics from the computer y'day, I noticed that I hadn't clicked like- so I did I love Glenn miller thank you El And thanks everyone for your support today I'm home, showered (I passed on my workout today) and in my pj's with my legs up the wall The volume of work, I don't mind, it's logical to aim to make a back to school hair cut last long as long as possible. What upsets me most is people's attitude towards me when I'm busy. This afternoon a lady said to her young son, loudly, "they should have had another person in, there wouldn't be such a queue" she didn't even look at me when she said it, even though it was a blatant snide remark directed at me! I'd had enough by then, so I replied, loudly "she called in sick" and looked up to face everyone. She still didn't look at me, but once my glance returned to the haircut I was working on she added "today of all days!" I replied with "yes, and I'm doing the best I can" She shut up after that but walked out about 10 mins later, saying much quieter, to her son "come on, I'm not waiting" I thought, good luck love, everywhere else will be just as busy, and it'll be the same tomorrow too! One more day and then they'll all be back at school I think I'll listen to Glenn miller again now Jazz fm have a wonderful show on at 7pm called dinner jazz, the lady who dj's it wed-fri is better but it's still good sun-tues, I love to put it on when I'm in the bath
~Sparkling Summer~

Hi Summer x
I fully understand where you are coming from, and yes i can see both sides , as a mother of 2 and my sister who has 3 sons, and it is unfortunate that parents leave it to the the last minute, but its what happens this time of year. What is not acceptable is abuse, Summer, and you dont have to put up with it.
Sensible parents know they will have to wait. We used to groan, knowing it was haircut day, but was never rude to anyone. 
You take pride in your work, as far as i can see, and you dont want to rush and give a bad haircut, that would cause bother too ! 
Glad you are home, chilling with your feet up the wall , my daughter does that too !
So you were number 12 then, mystery solved !

Originally Posted by El Loro:
Originally Posted by squiggle:
Originally Posted by Skylark24:

Just noticed we had 11 likes, now we are 12

Will we ever know who the 12th like is? It's not me and I know it's not you as the person who creates a thread can't vote for it.

Nor can anyone vote twice, by the way, incase anyone is looking xx


I'm glad you stood up for yourself, Summer.

Some people are so rude - it must have been obvious to her that you were working your socks off, so why have a go at you?!

My bath and PJs will need to wait until I've picked up youngest son from the station at 9pm - I could always tell him to walk home.

And the mystery of the 12th like has been solved.




I've had Harvey over, so Keira has had a happy day.

I've been catching up on washing and ironing.

When I was on my way to Tesco in the neighbouring town, there had been an accident. A car was on its roof and the front end was pretty bashed up. There didn't appear to be any other cars involved and the police were there and had managed to get the driver out. Thankfully, he didn't seem to be too badly injured.

Originally Posted by ~Sweet Summer~:
Yogi, that's nice of you to delay your pj o'clock to pick up your son, I've been known to pick up mr summer from places with my pj's on under loose clothing usually in winter though

A few years ago, Mr Yogi was waiting at traffic lights, when a car ran into the back of him. The lady driver was wearing her PJs and slippers.

Originally Posted by Yogi19:

I've had Harvey over, so Keira has had a happy day.

I've been catching up on washing and ironing.

When I was on my way to Tesco in the neighbouring town, there had been an accident. A car was on its roof and the front end was pretty bashed up. There didn't appear to be any other cars involved and the police were there and had managed to get the driver out. Thankfully, he didn't seem to be too badly injured.

Oh  Thankfully no serious injuries, were you a bit shaken up ?

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