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Originally Posted by squiggle:

I know we are due to start a week of rain from this afternoon, so stay dry everyone

I saw this on that weather forecast site which indicates that Thursday evening across the whole country is in for 11 inches of rain in the evening - Don't panic - when I clicked on the detail for that day it showed that there is a website error which has caused this. And the wind speed shown on Friday evening is one of that site's regular errors. I just hope that anyone looking at that site realises that it is prone to serious errors.

El Loro

Good morning everyone. Weather is a bit showery today.

@ at El, remind me not to send you shopping.

That weather site is mad, it's always making mistakes.

I need to buy some grass seed today, as Keira and Harvey have made some yellow patches on the back lawn which need to be repaired - and according to Monty Don, now is the time to do it.

thank you El I proper love bales of straw, I love seeing them in the fields this time of year Squiggle I think you may be thinking of tequila slammers? You lick salt off your hand and bite into a wedge of lime as well as drinking the shot. I like margaritas too, they're served in a wide brimmed glass with salt on the rim A mojito is served in a tall glass with crushed lime, mint and lots of ice. One or 2 cocktails is plenty for me, I drink for pleasure & taste, not to get drunk Yogi, how funny! I had a customer in this morning who had bought a bag of grass seed, she had 2 dogs with her, and the bag spilt so a load of seeds spread over our floor (easily swept up)!
~Sparkling Summer~
Originally Posted by ~Sweet Summer~:
Yogi, how funny! I had a customer in this morning who had bought a bag of grass seed, she had 2 dogs with her, and the bag spilt so a load of seeds spread over our floor (easily swept up)!

Summer, I bet your customer was repairing doggy damaged patches on her lawn, too.


Skylark, I hope you have a great time at the festival, and the weather brightens up for you.

Originally Posted by ~Sweet Summer~:
What's the Mela festival?

Its a festival of celebration of the Asian culture, including music, literature, fashion , food etc. Its a big event and has been in several places throughout the UK. Its been good today, dancers were great (Bollywood style). Lots of stalls with arts and crafts, jewellery etc. The smell of curry was lovely, but didnt have any ! It was very difficult not to tho  Its on tomorrow too. 

I am off for a shower and hopefully be back for BB   

Originally Posted by Skylark24:
Originally Posted by ~Sweet Summer~:
What's the Mela festival?

Its a festival of celebration of the Asian culture, including music, literature, fashion , food etc. Its a big event and has been in several places throughout the UK. Its been good today, dancers were great (Bollywood style). Lots of stalls with arts and crafts, jewellery etc. The smell of curry was lovely, but didnt have any ! It was very difficult not to tho  Its on tomorrow too. 

I am off for a shower and hopefully be back for BB   

Glad you enjoyed it and well done on resisting the curry.


Summer I don't have any photos of Ben on the computer, only upstairs in my big photo box, but this is almost exactly what Ben looked like as a puppy, he was an American Beagle with champions in his bloodline.


Yogi I think he was more intent on killing every plant in the garden, and tunnelling under the fence






I found this one too of an adult beagle, Ben was slightly darker on the face but its really quite similar







Good morning everyone


It obviously rained overnight here, but it has stopped at present, but very cloudy. The forecasters got it right for once.


Squiggle, I now understand why this thread is called Ben's Buddies. You named it in honour to your Ben the beagle . Really cute pictures up there, particularly the one of the puppy.


I generally buy my curries from M&S or sometimes the local Co-op. I don't get takeaways. The local M&S stores don't seem to stock it any more, but I particularly liked their Chicken Dopiaza. Although it wasn't in their healthier foods section, it scored well on fat and salt scales so was just as healthy. I also like Chicken Jalfrezi. The nicest curry I've ever had was at a small restaurant in Cheltenham years ago, I think it was Indonesian and unlike any other curry I've had - delicate and fruity. Chicken Tikka Masala is OK but Chicken Korma is boring.

El Loro

Good morning everyone, like EL it obviously rained overnight but is now dry but cloudy.


I am a bit wary of hot curries but I do like a Chicken Pasandra which is flavoursome but mild, I get mine from Sainsburys.  I have tried Chicken Dopiaza and that was good too, never tried a Chicken Jalfrezi or Chicken Tikka Masala are they mild?


I have the proof now for the cake recipe book and its looking good, I will be taking it to Ladies on Thursdays for them to see and work out how many copies they want to buy but I will be giving a 'sneak preview' to a small group of ladies who are invited to a lunch on Tuesday by my very dear friend Edna.

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