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Good morning everyone. Atm, it's dry and cloudy up here.

Hope you made it to nursery before the rain started, Skylark.

El, if you'd like to send some of your sunshine up to Scotland, I'd be very grateful.

Summer, I forgot to leave hugs for you and Ros last night - sorry.

Are you not watching BB, Summer? I'm only watching because I enjoy the banter in the CBB thread.


Good morning everyone, its quite a nice morning here but I can see some of the trees opposite me starting to change colour already and I have put the winter duvet on this morning so I guess we are heading swiftly into Autumn, still we may get an Indian Summer you never know.


Summer I don't think I've ever heard anyone say they like September, but I do know what you mean, your thoughts turn to cosy Autumn days, hot chocolate and roaring log fires - even though I don't have a working fireplace


I don't mind September as after a poor summer, there's always a hope that we might get an Indian summer, though looking at the latest Met Office forecast for September, there's no prospect this year. The farmers will need to get their crops harvested by Saturday as there's not much dry weather after then.


From time to time I get phone calls from people saying that I can get cheaper telephone through them. There is no way in which I would ever just take their word for it, but as soon as I say that I don't have a BT line, I'm on Virgin the phone immediately goes dead.Makes me think that the caller was trying to pull a fast one

El Loro

I thought I would cut my grass this afternoon as I hadn't cut it for over 4 weeks as the weather forecast from Sunday looks wet. It just goes to show that it hasn't been that wet here as it wasn't particularly long. It's not a big lawn and it took less than 30 minutes. Not like my late parents' house when I cut the grass. Quite large lawns at the front and back of the house.


This is a google snapshot. You can't see the lawn but it was almost the width of the hedge (over 6 foot tall) and went most of the way to the house. I guess about 30 foot wide by 40 foot. The back lawn was around twice the size. That was either once a week or two weeks and took well over an hour.


El Loro
Originally Posted by ~Sweet Summer~:
Crikey that's a large lawn to maintain El it must be a relief in a way to not need to look after it now

The lawns were nothing compared to that hedge - a hawthorn hedge 6 foot high, 30 foot wide and 4 foot across. I cut it twice a year. As I don't like the vibrations that an electric or petrol hedgecutter makes I did the whole lot using ordinary shears, though have a long armed one for the top part done whilst standing precariously on a ladder stretching across the hedge.


If you look at the top if the hedge in the photo you can see that there is some growth since the previous cut, but considering that the whole lot was done by shears, I managed to get it fairly even on top. It would take me about 3 hours to cut and to collect all the hedge cuttings.

El Loro

Good afternoon everyone


Skylark I hope your son feels better soon


I had been watching the lunchtime news on BBC and had left the room to deal with a phone call. When I got back Doctors was on. I looked at the screen and there was this elderly overweight man there. I thought to myself, surely that can't be William Gaunt? I can't recall having seen him since he was in The Champions (1968/69) so over a 40 year gap. I watched to the end and, yes it was him. His daughter Tilly was also in the cast, playing his daughter.

El Loro

I'm fine Squiggle, thank you.

El, I remember The Champions programme. I always thought Alexandra Bastedo was so pretty. In the 80's, William Gaunt did appear in a comedy programme called No Place Like Home, which also starred a young Martin Clunes as his son.

Skylark, I hope your son gets better soon.

BTW, if you have any leftover soup, I'd be happy to take it for you, I love homemade lentil soup.

Originally Posted by Yogi19:

I'm fine Squiggle, thank you.

El, I remember The Champions programme. I always thought Alexandra Bastedo was so pretty.

She was. She's done bits of acting since and I see on IMDB that she appeared in the film Batman Returns. I she on IMDB that she and her husband are long term friends with Prince Charles.

El Loro

Over the years I have given money to ASBAH as I know someone who has mild spina bifida and also knew the father of a girl who had hydrocephalus. I get email newsletters from them and saw this which I thought worth posting here:



David_Proud_BWASBAH (the Association for Spina Bifida and Hydrocephalus) is proud to share the news that their Patron, actor David Proud, has been awarded the prestigious honour of the Freedom of London.

David, who has spina bifida and has been involved with ASBAH since a young age, will receive the award at special ceremony on 16th September at London's Guildhall.

The former Eastenders star is thrilled to have been chosen for the honour and commented, 'It really is going to be a very special day for me. I really hope I can use this role to highlight the fantastic work of the many charities I work with.'

Explaining the special regard he holds for ASBAH, David said:

'I have spent a lot of time working with ASBAH both here and in Ireland and Northern Ireland meeting people with Spina Bifida and Hydrocephalus. The staff at ASBAH do such a vital job and support the lives of so many families. It has, and always will be a great honour to be their Patron.'

Dadid Proud played the part of Adam Best, that not very likeable university student.

El Loro
Did someone say soup?! evening! Lawdy, I've had a tricky 24 hours; last night I had connection issues between my wifi & iPhone so forumming proved difficult. This morning there was a car smash in Durham so I was stuck in traffic for ages, I just managed to arrive at work for 8.59am (good job I leave early), my colleague made a lame excuse to not come in and with it being the back to school rush, you could say she dropped me right in the.. I've done 32 haircuts and I'm knackered! Right now I'm chilling with my feet up the wall, and I had a lovely bath when I first got home All things considered, it's nothing terrible, but it still had me cranky All is well again now, and hello everyone happy first weekend of September to us all I went for a short walk after work last night and was amazed how many/much (el..?) fungi are/is around! There was a lady stalking around in the bushes with a carrier bag too, I presume she was mushroom picking
~Sparkling Summer~

Evening all.

Well done to David Proud, that's quite an achievement.

Summer, your feet must be killing you - 32 haircuts is above and beyond the call of duty.

I love mushrooms but you have to be pretty clued up to go picking them, there are some poisonous ones around. Or is that only in Midsomer Murders?

Squiggle, do you mean "Sergeant Cork", where William Gaunt's character followed policemen around in Victorian London?

Originally Posted by El Loro:

Over the years I have given money to ASBAH as I know someone who has mild spina bifida and also knew the father of a girl who had hydrocephalus. I get email newsletters from them and saw this which I thought worth posting here:



David_Proud_BWASBAH (the Association for Spina Bifida and Hydrocephalus) is proud to share the news that their Patron, actor David Proud, has been awarded the prestigious honour of the Freedom of London.

David, who has spina bifida and has been involved with ASBAH since a young age, will receive the award at special ceremony on 16th September at London's Guildhall.

The former Eastenders star is thrilled to have been chosen for the honour and commented, 'It really is going to be a very special day for me. I really hope I can use this role to highlight the fantastic work of the many charities I work with.'

Explaining the special regard he holds for ASBAH, David said:

'I have spent a lot of time working with ASBAH both here and in Ireland and Northern Ireland meeting people with Spina Bifida and Hydrocephalus. The staff at ASBAH do such a vital job and support the lives of so many families. It has, and always will be a great honour to be their Patron.'

Dadid Proud played the part of Adam Best, that not very likeable university student.

Well done David, he should feel very proud of himself x

Originally Posted by Yogi19:

Evening all.

Well done to David Proud, that's quite an achievement.

Summer, your feet must be killing you - 32 haircuts is above and beyond the call of duty.

I love mushrooms but you have to be pretty clued up to go picking them, there are some poisonous ones around. Or is that only in Midsomer Murders?

Squiggle, do you mean "Sergeant Cork", where William Gaunt's character followed policemen around in Victorian London?

That's the one, a very good series, hubby and me used to like that one

Originally Posted by squiggle:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:

Evening all.

Well done to David Proud, that's quite an achievement.

Summer, your feet must be killing you - 32 haircuts is above and beyond the call of duty.

I love mushrooms but you have to be pretty clued up to go picking them, there are some poisonous ones around. Or is that only in Midsomer Murders?

Squiggle, do you mean "Sergeant Cork", where William Gaunt's character followed policemen around in Victorian London?

That's the one, a very good series, hubby and me used to like that one


Originally Posted by Skylark24:

Comp has gone on a go slow again ggrrrrr 
I loved The Champions, cant remember the other programme tho. William Gaunt must be getting on a bit. 

I googled - he's 74.

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