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Good morning everyone. Weather is a bit grey and cloudy atm. I'm sure I heard it is supposed to brighten up later. (Could be wishful thinking)

Squiggle, any news on your grandson, I hope the hospital check-up went okay?


Summer, we got married in the church my family had attended for generations.

I wore a white dress, veil and tiara. As well as my bouquet, I carried the white bible I had given as a gift to my aunt, when I was the flower girl (little bridesmaid) at her wedding - it was my something borrowed.

It was a beautiful day, the sun shone and we were surrounded by family and close friends, and everything went off to plan.

I love how you got your pearl ring, what a great idea to chose the oyster which contained the pearl you now have in your ring.

Good morning *stretches* I'm laying in, I think I'm ready for my porridge now though.. it's overcast here too we'll just have to be our own sunshine today! I hope squiggle is alright, I'm starting to worry a bit Yogi your wedding sounds wonderful, I love the fact that it was the church your family had used for a long time, and how you carried the bible too, sentimental things like that I just love! I have to go collect my bunnies today, they've been lodging at my SIL's while we were away and I was just too tired to call in when we got back, then had yoga class last night. I'm looking forward to bringing the furry little things home they need a manicure too so that's a must today Have a lovely day all
~Sparkling Summer~

Good morning everyone.  All is well with my grandson, the visit went well and the wrist is healing nicely, although my grandson says the scar is very long.  They have put a new lighter cast on now and it is more comfortable for him.  The journey is very long and with a very long and twisty section, then a fast mainly dual carriageway, then motorway for 2 junctions and then negotiating busy city streets and I found it very tiring yesterday so I apologise that I was just too tired to pop in here and tell you all about it.


Your wedding sounds lovely Yogi and its good to have those happy memories and to be celebrating your Pearl Anniversary. 


A lovely story too Summer about choosing your pearl.  I wonder will your rabbits be pleased to see you again? And how do rabbits express that (our dog always refused to 'talk' to us when he had been left in kennels, even though we had been told he had a great time with the other dogs in there).


And as for seagulls you should see Ilfracombe high street on the day the dustbin men are due when everyone leaves their black plastic sacks out overnight, the seagulls are strutting everywhere amidst a sea of refuse

Squiggle I'm really pleased that everything went well, it must be such a relief! Fully understand that you were too tired to post, driving like that is very tiring! I'll be doing the bunnies claws myself yogi, they fit nicely into a normal pair of nail clippers and the rabbits have given up resisting after all these years lol I'll let them loose in the garden after to smooth off the claws and hopefully keep them happy.. Squiggle, they do get in the huff upon their return, they turn around to show me their bottoms and don't look at me
~Sparkling Summer~

Squiggle, glad to hear it went well for your grandson yesterday. That was quite a journey, no wonder you were tired afterwards.

@ the bunnies showing you their bottoms, Summer. It's funny how pets take the huff at being left behind. Even though we usually left her with my parents and she had a great time - on our return, our old dog used to shove her head behind the couch when we spoke to her.


You may remember back on 7 July I made a post about the police returning stolen property from unlocked cars in my road. I see today that they have put up a large warning sign on a lamppost near by warning people not to leave valuables in their cars. The sign is at an angle so that it is pointing towards my neighbour who was one of the people who was affected. I hope she takes the hint though she seems to be a bit careless. Yesterday she went out leaving one of the side bay windows wide open - it would have been easy for someone to have just walked into the house.

El Loro
I nearly left the house with a window open earlier, I saw it as I was about to get in the car; it was an upstairs window and I was only out for 20 mins, but there's no chance I would even risk it! I ran back in and closed the window Your neighbour seems very careless El, I hope she wakes up and sees the dangers in her actions Yogi, oh your dog aren't they funny creatures! I came home, manicured the bunnies and then had to literally give one of them a bath, she's had an upset tummy and the mess had dried into her fur, the only option was to bathe her! She didn't seem thrilled but soon calmed down to let me work, I popped her straight outside to run around & get dried off
~Sparkling Summer~
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