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Ros, migraines are nasty, I hope you are feeling better now


Very rarely (once every few years) I get a very mild version. The technical name is acephalgic migraine. The most noticeable effect is an aura in both eyes where the central part of my vision starts shimmering. I always get a warning as the aura starts, so although it has never occurred when I'm driving, I would have the time to stop safely before the aura got further. I also feel slightly nauseous. I don't get weakness on one side of my body and I don't get the headaches which is the main difference between my type and the more common type. I know that the aura will last for between a few minutes and at most 30 minutes. As this is mild, treatment is not required - I just rest and let it subside.


El Loro

I occasionally get that sort of mild migraine too EL, I didn't know it had a name, I used to get them much more when I worked on a computer all the time.


Ros I hope your migraine has cleared up now, awful things


I read about the Kate Winslet rescue, wow she actually carried Richard Branson's 90 year old mother out of the building, well done to Kate


Yogi and Skylark you are both doing very well, keep it up.


And finally, a quick twirl

Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by Skylark24:

Going out to do some food shopping. Will get more fruit and veg, although i have a craving for a bacon roll ! Day 2 and the diet going well 
Back later xx

I'm on Day 5 and I'm still hanging in there.

Well done Yogi 
Tesco has the big tins of choccys in again, i resisted ! 
Lovely hair squiggle  

Originally Posted by Skylark24:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by Skylark24:

Going out to do some food shopping. Will get more fruit and veg, although i have a craving for a bacon roll ! Day 2 and the diet going well 
Back later xx

I'm on Day 5 and I'm still hanging in there.

Well done Yogi 
Tesco has the big tins of choccys in again, i resisted ! 
Lovely hair squiggle  

10 out of 10 for willpower, Skylark.

beautiful hair squiggle My data allowance is part of my mobile phone contract, I'm 95% online using my iPhone. I believed home Internet users have a limit too before they slow you down but the vast majority of us will never ever use it enough to have that happen. I've been on you tube a lot lately looking at dogs, which because they are videos, uses a large amount of data. Unfortunately, I forgot I have a limit but that's because I've never used you tube so heavily before How is your grandson squiggle? And how is your diet going yogi? And you skylark? I discovered this morning that I'm 1 pound under my target weight I had to double check the scales because I couldn't believe it! It felt great, I hope you both get there too
~Sparkling Summer~

I watch University Challenge each week. Half way through they have a music round, and when it's classical music the contestants tend to be, let's say, not very good. I can't remember what one side answered to the starter, but the other side claimed that Dvorak's New World Symphony was Stravinsky's Rite of Spring. The music questions were classical music used in adverts, and the New World Syphony is the music for the famous Hovis adverts.


Anyway, one of the questions answered something for me as to the title of this music which is one of those where the music is well known but I couldn't place it. The famous bit starts 1 minute 36 seconds in.

El Loro

I love that bit of music EL, I don't know much about classical music but bits like those I love.  I did a CD of all my favourite bits a while ago, lovely and relaxing.


Oh well done Summer, how lovely to be one pound under your target weight, hope Skylark and Yogi get there soon too - and well done on resisting the choccies Skylark


I don't know how my grandson is now because he don't want his granma ringing every 5 minutes but as they say no news is good news and we will find out more this time next week when we have to go back for them to remove the plaster of paris cast, check it over and hopefully put a new fibreglass cast on.


Like Squiggle, I don't know very much about classical music - but I do know what I like. Lovely music, thanks for posting the vid, El.

No OTT fussing allowed with your grandson, Squiggle? He's lucky he hasn't got my mum as his grandma.


Squiggle, I think it might be a very long time before my scales say I'm a pound under target.


Hi x
Lovely music there El  
Well done Summer, dont hold your breath for me telling you i am close to my target weight ! 
Just did a white wash, and forgotten i had put in a red vest top last night. My son,s white sport socks he wears to the gym have turned out a lovely shade of pink.  Have put them back in with some bleach, and hope for the best !

Originally Posted by Skylark24:

Hi Yogi, i wouldnt mind but they werent cheap !  My red top was tho, hence it didnt hold the colour  

Meant to say, hope your Grandson is fine this evening, squiggle. I can understand you dont want to be phoning all the time. I am like that too, though, i have to say !  

Thanks Skylark, I don't want to make a nuisance of myself I'm glad you understand.


Horrible when you have an accident like that, I hope the socks come out OK.

Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by Skylark24:

Its only because you care squiggle, nothing wrong with that 

Socks still pinkish, my daughter can have them, she is always looking for socks, i dont know what that girl does with them !

Every cloud has a silver lining, Skylark.

That's called when life hands you lemons make lemonade


Signing out now, speak to you tomorrow



Originally Posted by squiggle:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by Skylark24:

Its only because you care squiggle, nothing wrong with that 

Socks still pinkish, my daughter can have them, she is always looking for socks, i dont know what that girl does with them !

Every cloud has a silver lining, Skylark.

That's called when life hands you lemons make lemonade



Signing out now, speak to you tomorrow



That's a good philosophy to have.

Goodnight Squiggle.

Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by Skylark24:

yes squiggle ! Goodnight sleep well x
That calender thing getting on my nerves, cant see new postings because of it , never happy !
Hi Ros, hope you are ok tonight x 

I just check for NEW signs on the threads.

So do i, normally , but doing 3 things at the same time. Multi tasking doesnt come easy these days , it be the old age 

Originally Posted by Skylark24:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by Skylark24:

yes squiggle ! Goodnight sleep well x
That calender thing getting on my nerves, cant see new postings because of it , never happy !
Hi Ros, hope you are ok tonight x 

I just check for NEW signs on the threads.

So do i, normally , but doing 3 things at the same time. Multi tasking doesnt come easy these days , it be the old age 

Nowadays, I find it difficult to concentrate on one thing at a time.

Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by Rosgirl:

hi yogi and skylark - hope you are both OK

No - i do get migraines - usually hormonal or when i am tired - thank you both for asking

Glad you are feeling better.

Will you be watching CBB tonight?

I keep watching so that I can have a good, old moan.

yep - love the fred - not the prog very much

Rocking Ros Rose
evening, I just finished a great book I'm in that missing it mood right now, I'm a little lost lol Hope those pink socks are used, I'll take them if not, I love socks! El, I keep forgetting to say that I'm in favour of the investigation into the price of gas & electric, I'm stunned that the suppliers are allowed to hike the prices up by 18%, I'd have thought that be regulated by someone! Yogi, I'm already tucked up under my duvet so will be missing CBB tonight, if I don't see you after, sweet dreams Leaves for night owls & early birds
~Sparkling Summer~
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