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I feel the same Joyron, I feel as if Mario has had a personality transplant.  He seemed such a lovely gentle person but he cannot deal with rejection big time.  I am liking Ben more though, he stands up so well when everyone keeps sniping at him and I have never seen him lose his rag.

Han we will have to have that as our Ben catchphrase "I am just going to lie down for a little while with cotton wool pads on my eyes" said as we leave the thread

Oh by the way I am just going to lie down for a little while with cotton wool pads on my eyes
Seems to be a lot of Ben bashing in the threads today
Hope you don't mind me popping in here,

At least you can have a peaceful fan club/appreciation thread

I made the thread which was about the bashing Mario recieved... which then turned into take shots at Ben thread

Im not entirely keen on any of the HMs this year, but if I had to choose one... the only worthy winner I can see is Ben.
Thanks squiggle for posting the link. It was so funny even JJ was laughing too But I don't think Nathan or Steve picked up the humor of it at all.
Good morning Buddies, you are very welcome Blue Diamond.  When I was watching that bit, with (most of) the other HM's in fits around the dining table, can you imagine the house without Ben in it?  It would be so dull.  I hear various FM's saying 'oh Ben is this, Ben is that' but he is just such good fun and such a good friend to everyone in there.  Even Nathan is casting off his instant 'reverse snobbery' because of the way that Ben speaks and realising that Ben is not like that at all, but a really good person to talk to.

Onward and upwards for more Ben watching, catch you later -I love to see us all in here helping to keep Ben's thread up there, thank you and lets get together in here for some more Ben chat soon
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