next, I hope you're all having a lovely weekend
like yogi, i'm relaxing today! i've just taken a little break from watching Jane Eyre, to hang some laundry.. which is still in the basket right next to me, because I couldn't resist the lure of signing in on the home computer..
So far I have watched 2 episodes, and I love Ruth Wilson as Jane!
Skylark, I think you might like our wallpaper, because like you, I can't take to loud wallpaper designs. We were shopping for paint for the bedroom 6 months ago when we happened upon it, and thought it would be perfect for our living room!
Squiggle, i fully understand your relating wallpapering to dressmaking, I myself compared it to gift wrapping!
I literally watched some wallpapering demo video's on you tube (b&q are very good) and then talked mr summer through it as we did it, he was impressed with my patience, and i was impressed with his cutting out of FIVE sockets on the one wall! between us, we did a grand job on our first attempt