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If our lovely Ben is up my dialling finger will be poised, and you can bet your bottom dollar that I will be after that Rawky to dial as well since he persuaded me to phone to save Sunshine last week

you have my word that whoever Ben is up against, they will receive a phone vote from me......He's still on our hit list though

However, I do think if Ben is up against Caoimhe, he may stay.
Most definitely.   I can't begin to comprehend how Keeva could possibly be preferred over Ben.   The only problem I foresee is if Ben is up against JJ; JJ's got the teeny vote, for sure.

And as for Scabby backing me a favour!  She's had a quick gen-up on who's popular and spouted her usual back tracking, get out clause load of baloney.  That creature only does or says things to make herself look better. And still she fails!

I can't believe this post has gone through - the site's been a nightmare lately.
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