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And given those left, unless he is up against say Dave, I can see there being a great danger of him going.
I think Ben would be okay if he was up against JJ too.  However IF Scabby and Keeva leave I'm not sure if there would be an eviction this week anyway.

Think I will take a look at the HL show.  I can always turn it off if I don't like what I see.
im lost people i been away for 2 hours, whats dave done to ben squiggs, although have to say i dont trust dave, the way he gets hold of something and repeats it over and over like ben being a coward thing, and uses it against them constantly. hes done it alot of times with other things too and other people, look how he was supposed to love sunshine but kept picking at her about her diet of 4 things. (wehn there was the trouble about the crisps)hes not a nice person. when he does something good he will milk it constantly.
so does the house know shabby has gone? is keeva staying, because if she is its like she wanted rid of shabby. (yes im confused) why are people blaming ben for keeva not going.
I suppose it would work out well if Dave went up for eviction. Then we could get him out and away from Ben. Much like Freddie last year our dear Ben doesn't realise which people he should be staying away from; Dave and Keeva to name two.
I agree Joyron, Ben doesn't have a good radar for spotting the bad eggs.
We have zero chance of Ben staying away from people like Keeva and Dave though peeps because he is so darn friendly and do you know, I wouldn't have him any other way. He's a one-off is our Ben.
You are SO right Squiggle.  Ben could never see bad in anyone.  Let's hope Keeva goes up, possibly with Dave, JJ, Ife and perhaps even Nathan.  That would be a good mix and I think Keeva would probably go (at last)!!
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