For anyone who is interested, the Campaign for the Protection of Rural England is having a star count from this evening for the next week. It's to count the number of stars you can see (wothout using binoculars of telescopes) in part of the Orion constellation. It's in the sort of rectangle with at the top left is Betelgeuse, the top right is Orion, the bottom left is Saiph and the bottom right is Rigel. Betelgeuse and Rigel are amongst the brightest stars. Half way up the rectangle are the three stars known as Orion's Belt (from left to right Sigma Orionis, Alninam and 31 Orionis). The constelaation is towards the south.
For more information:
Obviously no point if the sky is cloudy. There's no point in me attempting to take part due to a high level of light pollution thanks to street lights and a nearby house who heep their downstairs lights on all night and don't use curtains.
I think anyone in England, Scotland and Wales can submit their numbers.