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Although the Blandford fly is around all summer, people can be bitten at any time, but the highest risk does seem to be in May and June. The flies generally don't fly above half a metre above ground so it is mainly people's legs at risk, and it tends to be people who sit in the garden rather than just walking from their car into the house.

El Loro

Good morning everyone.    Overcast and "sticky" here at the moment.


Sorry I've not been about but I have had a lot to catch up with having been away most of the weekend.  Got No.1 son and the grandchildren here this coming weekend too.  Never seem to get a rest!!


Not sure if I've told you all (don't think I have) but No.1 son was due to return to work yesterday following his surgery but the poor lad managed to catch chickenpox from somewhere and now has to stay at home for a further week until he is no longer contagious.  He had chickenpox as a child but apparently there is a new strain doing the rounds which can be caught by people who previously thought they were safe.  He was the fourth person the nurse at the surgery had seen in the last week!!


His boss at work was most anxious that he didn't return until he gets the all clear from the doctor as the boss has never had chickenpox himself and he also has a young baby at home and doesn't want to take it back there. 


Will catch up with you all when I can. 


Joyron, your poor son . I am like his boss in that I have never had chickenpox. Neither my brother or my father had chickenpox but both caught it as adults. My brother was visiting our parents and hadn't felt too well when he was travelling here. He came to see me in the afternoon for a couple of hours before going back to the parents' house. In the morning my mother rang me to say that he had chickenpox as the rash had appeared.


Considering that my brother was infectious when he came round to see me, I was half expecting to get it as well, but it never materialised.


I also have never had measles or mumps, and I had already passed early childhood before the vaccines were developed (1963).

El Loro

Good evening all.    Thankfully your brother only caught chickenpox.  Normally as an adult it can turn into shingles, which is not nice at all.  Yogi, I've not heard of this new strain before either but apparently it's out there.  No.1 son has not been too badly affected.  It just became rather a problem as he was due to return to work.  No one feels safe in their job nowadays and having had three weeks off to recover from his gallbladder surgery he didn't really want another week off


I've been doing a bit of Googling, and there are different strains of chickenpox. Generally when someone has had chickenpox, they can't catch it again because they have antibodies. However it depends as to when they caught chickenpox. There was a study a few years ago which indicated that for people who had caught chickenpox by the time they were 4, that 25% of them didn't develop antibodies which could therefore mean that they could catch it again. However anyone who caught it after 20 did retain the antibodies.


El Loro

You may recall that my eldest grandson is waiting for an operation on his wrist which has been broken for quite a while now.  Anyhow he has an operation booked for August and has to have a CAT scan beforehand.  He spoke to them and told me the scan was on the 27th July (I have to run him there, its about an hour and half away).  Well he phoned up yesterday (I think to confirm) and the guy who picked up the phone said he should have been there on the 27th of June.  He had obviously got a bit muddled so he said to the guy well can I reschedule and the guy said to him yeah just pop by any time and we will fit you in.  Well that didn't sound right so he spoke to me and I said to speak to his surgeon's secretary.  Turns out, not surprising, that was silly advice and they are rescheduling.  But what puzzles me is what did the guy get out of winding my grandson up like this?  Can anyone understand it because it saddens and puzzles me.  My grandson said he could tell from the bloke's voice that he couldn't care less as soon as he picked up the phone.


Good morning everyone


squiggle, it sounds as if the man who picked up the phone doesn't know what is going on. A 3 hour plus wasted visit would have been very irritating. It's just as well that your grandson rang to confirm the date,


Hazy sunshine at present, and I think today and tomorrow will be reasonable weather. Friday and Saturday look rather wet in my area.

El Loro

Morning all, I honestly think that the guy did it to wind my grandson up EL.  I guess some people get pleasure from that sort of thing, luckily although he is young my grandson is not that gullible.


Certainly a brighter morning here although we have had a sprinkling of rain.


This is probably one of the best views I have ever seen, in real life it is breathtaking, and right on our doorstep too, nearer to some Buddies than others if you get my drift.










Originally Posted by Skylark24:

Hi everyone x

squiggle, i would be putting in a complaint, so there will be a little bit staff training, that this person onviously needs x
Joyron, your poor son
Lovely day here, had the dog for a nice walk, she is now having a nap!

I wouldn't want to drop someone in it, and as it was my grandson who talked to the guy we don't have his name, but thanks for the advice, it is appreciated


Lucky you Yogi to be able to go see that view for a short break.


I have been checking the annual accounts for a very small local charity for several years. The current treasurer has been in office for about a year. When I checked the most recent accounts about 3 months ago I told him that because the Charity Commissioners thresholds had increased I should point out to him that as I didn't want the charity to be misled, there was no longer any legal requirement for the accounts to be independently examined.


Today I received a letter from the secretary saying that at the most recent committee meeting the treasurer had informed them that I was no longer able to do this work.


Before I reply to this letter I am hoping to have a word with the previous treasurer, who I know well, if he is still on the committee and present at that meeting is this letter a true reflection of what the treasurer said or not.


Either the secretary has written a poorly worded letter or the treasurer has seriously misrepresented what I said.

El Loro

Oh dear ,El, it looks like the treasurer hasnt fully grasped what it was you were stating, i am sure it was no fault of yours. Very frustrating for you. Of course you have to reply, they seem to have some wires crossed somewhere along the line! You have given honest information, and it seems to have been interpreted wrongly.....

Originally Posted by Skylark24:

Oh dear ,El, it looks like the treasurer hasnt fully grasped what it was you were stating, i am sure it was no fault of yours. Very frustrating for you. Of course you have to reply, they seem to have some wires crossed somewhere along the line! You have given honest information, and it seems to have been interpreted wrongly.....

Exactly!  I hope the previous treasurer can sort this whole misunderstanding out.

Originally Posted by squiggle:
Originally Posted by Skylark24:

Hi everyone x

squiggle, i would be putting in a complaint, so there will be a little bit staff training, that this person onviously needs x
Joyron, your poor son
Lovely day here, had the dog for a nice walk, she is now having a nap!

I wouldn't want to drop someone in it, and as it was my grandson who talked to the guy we don't have his name, but thanks for the advice, it is appreciated


Lucky you Yogi to be able to go see that view for a short break.

Yes i understand that squiggle, but a bit of training wouldnt go amiss! I have edited my spelling error, getting my new specs on Friday

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