I'm back from visiting my client on the hill, and can report that not a drop of rain fell from the time I left here and the time I got back, and at present it's a nice sunny day, though a bit breezy. So your wishes that I wouldn't get caught in a thunderstorm have worked well
Whilst I was there, my client mentioned that she had received a letter from someone claiming to be a Japanese bank worker. His bank had been acting on behalf of someone with the same surname as my client (it's an unusual surname). There was a substantial amount of money - somelike ÂĢ100k in yen. The man had been killed in an accident and died intestate with no immediate family. The bank worker wanted to bring this to my client's attention and if she wanted to get the money, he was prepared to split the proceeds with her. The money would otherwise go to the state.My client was not going to be taken in by this letter so reported it to the police.
She had got the letter which she showed to me. It was well written and I'm sure there would be some people who would be taken in. I'm sure that in due course they would have been asked to pay some money over to cover expenses which had just materialised and of course would never get the promised money.