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Originally Posted by El Loro:

Good morning everyone


At present it's another pleasantly sunny morning, but we know this isn't going to last very long - wetness is coming.


I'm off to the building society to pay off my mortgage  - yippee

Well done its a great feeling


A horribly humid and sticky night, hard to sleep, its a little cooler now but we really need it all blowing away.


Off to Homebase later to get some nice liquid feed to make my lawn lush and green

Originally Posted by squiggle:

Congratulations again EL how lovely to be debt-free.  I am struggling still to reach the same state, I have no mortgage but my hubby's death left me in a bit of a pickle financially.  I am within touching distance of reaching that lovely state but something always crops up


I sometimes feel like this 

I hope you get there very soon, Squiggle.


Good morning everyone


I think it's going to be a very showery day today here, and very very wet in Yogi's and Skylark's area, so take care if you have to go out


I'll be going to visit a client later this morning - she lives in a house at the bottom of a local hill. I park in a small car park for visitors going to the hill, the car park is next to her house. As her house is high up, if there's a thunderstorm, it could be quite spectacular.

El Loro

Good morning everyone.

EL, you are correct about the weather up here, it has been pouring down all night and shows no sign of abating. I know it poured all night because I couldn't sleep, so I might grab a quick nap this afternoon.

I'll keep my fingers crossed that there are no thunderstorms while you are out and about, El.


Good morning everyone, rainy here but as I don't have to go out I am just enjoying my lawn getting a good soaking.  I thought of you and Skylark yesterday Yogi when I saw the weather forecast - its definitely welly time, I hope it doesn't do any harm, enjoy your nap this afternoon


EL I hope on balance that there isn't a storm while you are visiting your client, it might be spectacular but I think you would prefer a trouble-free visit, hope all goes well.


Good morning everyone.    It rained hard last night but was dry by this morning.  Now it's rather overcast and I think we will probably get more rain.  The grass is certainly looking a little better for the soaking.


Hope your visit goes without too many problems El Loro.  Personally I don't like thunderstorms but would rather they happen during the day than the night. 


I'm back from visiting my client on the hill, and can report that not a drop of rain fell from the time I left here and the time I got back, and at present it's a nice sunny day, though a bit breezy. So your wishes that I wouldn't get caught in a thunderstorm have worked well


Whilst I was there, my client mentioned that she had received a letter from someone claiming to be a Japanese bank worker. His bank had been acting on behalf of someone with the same surname as my client (it's an unusual surname). There was a substantial amount of money - somelike ÂĢ100k in yen. The man had been killed in an accident and died intestate with no immediate family. The bank worker wanted to bring this to my client's attention and if she wanted to get the money, he was prepared to split the proceeds with her. The money would otherwise go to the state.My client was not going to be taken in by this letter so reported it to the police.


She had got the letter which she showed to me. It was well written and I'm sure there would be some people who would be taken in. I'm sure that in due course they would have been asked to pay some money over to cover expenses which had just materialised and of course would never get the promised money.

El Loro

The worrying thing was they had done some research on my friend.

"As you have relatives in Australia" which she has . . .

It continued by saying a "distant relative" had been killed and the "Australian" line of the family had a claim to the victims considerable wealth


So i Googled their address in GHANA - it didn't exist

So i Googled the solicitors name

And it led me to a FORUM of similar people discussing the rip off!!

Originally Posted by ~Sweet Summer~:
afternoon all I'm watching an affair to remember Squiggle you're doing great, it can't be easy I'm sure, my mum's been widowed 16 years now and although she still misses my dad, she carries on admirably Renton, good sleuthing scam's make me sick, the world would be a far better place without such things!

Here ya go Summer you will probably need these


  I love that film


Good afternoon everyone.  Glad to hear your visit was uneventful El Loro.  These scams which are going around are awful and, unfortunately, so many people do get taken in.  The saying "If it sounds to good to be true then it probably is"  is so right.  I would hope I wouldn't get taken in but I always seek advice from others before undertaking anything out of the norm so I would hope they would pick me up on something "dodgy" anyway.


Enjoy the film Summer.  I'm waiting for Tenko to come on at 4.00 pm.  I've watched the series so many times now but I still enjoy it. 


The analogue signal is due to start being switched off in our area starting today but I haven't seen any difference yet.  Only BBC2 is involved today and the big change over happens on the 20th. 


Joyron, apart from retuning on the two days of the switchover from analogue to digital, I noticed no difference at all from before and after. Unless you have a newish television (last year or so) or bought a new Freeview tuner box, you are not going to be able to get any of these high definition channels.


If your television is older, even if it says HD ready, that will mean nothing as Freeview changed the specifications for high definition a couple of years ago. The HD would only work if you were using Sky or Virgin cable rather than Freeview.

El Loro
Originally Posted by squiggle:

The site was unavailable for about 10 minutes, it seems a bit different, latest posts showing up on the right etc.


Bye Joyron, speak tomorrow

Thanks, squiggle. I have noticed that there has been quite a lot of delays today on this forum, probably because of this update. I have now made a thread which shows the changes I've seen, but nothing dramatic.


From this thread's point of view I can see that the old star rating has gone and that at this time, there have been 10 people who have voted in the past who liked this thread.

El Loro

Good morning everyone 


Yogi, you were right about trying to post here yesterday evening and in the end I gave up. It must have been due to Seattle doing the update. It does seem to have gone back to normal now though.


I'm just posting this little picture as there's a report on the Social Strata that as a result of the update they can no longer post pictures from their Photobucket account.

El Loro

Well, it seems to have worked here.


Yesterday evening I noticed a police van stop and 4 police women came out and started knocking on people's doors. One of them knocked on my neighbour's door and was invited into the house. A few moments later the others came over and went into that house. Later on I saw that 2 police cars were parked outside the house. I could see that some of the policewomen went away from my neighbours but a policeman went in.


As you can guess, I was wondering what was going on. They were next door for about 45 minutes. Eventually one of the police women knocked ay my door. It turned out that the police had recovered property stolen from cars in my road and so were going to every house to see if they could identify who had lost what. I don't leave anything in my car and I knew that I hadn't lost anything. It turned out that my neighbour had lost property from her car which is why the police were there so long. I know that she has a tendency to leave the car unlocked even overnight. The other day when it was hot overnight, in the morning I noticed that she had left the passenger window wound right down, so I can't say I'm surprised that her car was easy prey for the crook.

El Loro
Originally Posted by Yogi19:

Good morning everyone, good morning El.

Still raining this morning and a bit cooler, too.

Things do seem back to normal and the site is much faster than last night.

Love the picture of the dalmation.

It is a nice picture, I have posted it before ages ago, for reasons I can't remember I had drawn a G on the picture.

El Loro
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