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Good afternoon everyone


I've been having a somewhat frustrating day today, though I've now sorted it out. Limited companies now have to file their accounts and tax returns with the Revenue using a language called iXBRL which is written just for the Revenue. For the past year I have been using accounting software which costs me over ÂĢ800 each year which I bought so that I could file the accounts for my limited company clients. It's only recently that the Revenue have made this compulsory so until now I had been using the software to familiarise myself with it and then filing using PDF formats, but I no longer have that option.


So today I decided to bite the bullet and do a test file for one of my clients using the iXBRL format. It failed for about 7 items in the accounts typically it said that there was no date that the accounts were approved though I had put such a date. In the end I worked out what I needed to do, though it took several hours. I won't go into details as it is way too technical and to explain it would make this the longest post ever made on this forum full of gibberish. The important thing is that when I retested the filing, it was accepted. So I will be able to use this experience on sorting this out for other companies.


This iXBRL filing is without doubt causing more problems for accountants across the country. The professional bodies did lobby the government to postpone the implementation date, but the government and Revenue refused to budge. I know that my software does work though I know that some of the major packages for accountants are not working, and the problems I've been having are nothing compared to many other accoutants.


Another accountant I know has been taking the cheap option of using the Revenue's own software for filing company accounts. He is having horrendous problems as the software is not user friendly and is only intended for the simplest of company accounts. It's not really intended for use by accountants, more for people who are doing their own accounts. Just to avoid any confusion, what I have been talking about just applies to limited companies, not to personal tax returns where there is no iXBRL format requirement.


Rant over

El Loro

Good morning everyone


Skylark, I think you need to get a pc engineer to check your computer. There is clearly something wrong as this isn't the first time you've had problems, and it seems more than just a case of defragging the computer.


The next paragraph is only relevant if you are having problems with speed with general use of the computer rather than just when you try to post on this forum.


If your computer seems to be accessing the internet almost continuously, there is a small possibility that your computer has been infected with a virus called TDL-4. This has been in the news in the last couple of days, and it is estimated that about 200,000 computers in the UK have been infected with it in the last 3 months. The TDL-4 virus is very hard for many antivirus programs to detect which is why specialist help would be needed.

El Loro

Good morning everyone, quite a nice morning here.


EL I think that sounds quite likely for Skylark's computer.  Skylark do you have checking software installed on your pooter?  I have Spybot which does seem to pick up any nasties (I used it on a friend's computer which had been terribly infected and it picked up about 134 trojans ) I know other people on this forum use other virus spotting software.


Enjoy your day everyone, I hope the sun shines on you all

Originally Posted by El Loro:

Good morning everyone


Skylark, I think you need to get a pc engineer to check your computer. There is clearly something wrong as this isn't the first time you've had problems, and it seems more than just a case of defragging the computer.


The next paragraph is only relevant if you are having problems with speed with general use of the computer rather than just when you try to post on this forum.


If your computer seems to be accessing the internet almost continuously, there is a small possibility that your computer has been infected with a virus called TDL-4. This has been in the news in the last couple of days, and it is estimated that about 200,000 computers in the UK have been infected with it in the last 3 months. The TDL-4 virus is very hard for many antivirus programs to detect which is why specialist help would be needed.

Thanks for that El. i will look into that x


Good afternoon everyone.    Still quite sunny and warm here.  Got a busy weekend coming up as it's my grandaughter's 9th birthday tomorrow.  Having a barbecue with friends and family and, fingers crossed, it looks as though the weather will co-operate.


Sorry to hear about your computer problems Skylark.  I hope you manage to get things sorted properly before too long.


I hope all my lovely buddies have a great weekend, whatever you are doing. 


I have just watched your beautiful clip EL , wonderful music, beautiful scenery and wildlife, shot of course in my neck of the woods.  Very reminiscent of Tarka The Otter.  The railway line between Barnstaple and Exeter is called The Tarka Line and we have a cycle trail also called The Tarka Trail.  Thank you for that


Joyron I hope all goes well this weekend, and like everyone else I too hope that your granddaughter has a wonderful birthday


I thought you would like that clip, squiggle I saw the film Master and Commander last night, and the music was used in that film. I knew instantly that it was by Vaughan Williams as it has a quality which somehow conjures up Englishness, so I looked carefully at the closing credits to confirm what it was. I then did a search on Youtube for the music and found that clip.


I also found another clip which uses the same clip. It was an extraordinary clip which showed a beautiful woman wandering around, firstly in the woods, before walking into a house and looking at the people there. I realised that it was about a woman who had died and was visiting the places and people that she had known. It was done with no dialogue and her movement was almost balletic. Hauntingly beautiful but very very sad which is why I chose not to post it. I did some further searching for clips posted by the person who posted the clip. I discovered that they had posted 3 clips which all used music by Vaughan Williams including The Lark Ascending, and they clearly were connected. I eventually found that they were excerpts from an independent American film called Williamstowne made in 1998. It has never been released commercially in this country.


It is unlikely that we will ever see it in this country, but I will post one clip which gives a feel for this film. She is visiting her now elderly parents, and of the clips I saw, this is happier than the others. 

El Loro

Good morning everyone


The weather for our church fete looks fair today. I don't think it will be like a few years ago when five minutes before the fete was due to open, the skies opened and there was a torrential thunderstorm which lasted about half an hour. People were rushing around trying to get everything in doors into the church. Eventually the fete opened, but the takings were well down from average as a lot of people who would have come to the fete didn't.

El Loro

Good late afternoon everyone


Just got back from the church fete which seems to have been reasonably successful. Bought lots of edible goodies (at least I hope they are edible ) and other bits and pieces. Entertainment was provided by a brass band. There was also a display by a group of belly dancers. Afterwards our church organist told me that they had been invited to take part in tomorrow's evening service. I realised he wasn't being serious - I think some of those attending who are very traditional would be more than a bit upset.


Someone started chatting to me whilst I was there. I didn't recognise him at first because he had grown a beard. It turned out to be one of the nurses in the hospital where I was well over a year ago. He still works there and used to live in the Forest of Dean but has now moved to where I live. It makes sense because it's much more local to the hospital. I had got on well with him when I was in hospital and it was good to see him again, but in somewhat different surroundings.

El Loro

Its been a lovely sunny day here, I think its going to be the same tomorrow from the sound of it  


Glad the fete went well EL, how was the general reaction to the belly dancers? I could certainly see some raised eyebrows from some of our older church members if we had had that Running into your ex nurse certainly proves the old adage it is a very small world.


Hope you are enjoying the weekend Yogi and Joyron, Skylark's computer must be playing up I think as we haven't heard from her for a few days.


Good morning everyone


Welcome back Summer . Sounds as if you had a great holiday. Strangely enough, there's a film called Unrelated being shown tonight on BBC2 about a woman in an unhappy relationship who goes on holiday with some friends and stays in a villa in Tuscany. It doesn't sound a happy film but it makes good use of the Tuscan countryside.


squiggle, I wouldn't be surprised if some people did have raised eyebrows at the belly dancers but I didn't hear anyone making adverse comments.

El Loro

Morning everyone x
Lovely weather here, had granddaughter yesterday so we were out and about, enjoying the sunshine. Hope your granddaughters birthday went well Joyron x
My nephews friend who works in PC world came down to have a look at my computer. Everything seems fine according to him, security etc in place. My line speed is very low, not sure why, it may be an issue with my provider. Because i have been watching a livefeed on a daily basis it is slowing down my computer even slower. He said all this in a very techie way, but thats basically what i understood!  He said he could give me a good deal at PC world for a new one. Ever the salesman !  
Welcome back Summer, looking forward to all your news x
Hi everyone else  


Good morning everyone, it's another sunny day up here.

Welcome back Summer, I'm looking forward to hearing all about your holiday and the wedding.

Hi Skylark, I was keeping everything crossed your computer wouldn't let you down for today's final statements in the trial.

El, how did I miss the "belly dancing" part of your post? We need more details!

Squiggle, I hope you are going to have a nice, relaxing day and enjoy the sunshine while you can.

Joyron, hope you are having a lovely weekend with your family and your granddaughter had a great birthday.


Yogi, there were about a dozen dancers at the fete wearing costumes rather like this:

I would estimate their ages at between 25 and 50, and their dancing was restrained and shouldn't have caused any offence to the majority of onlookers. Though doubtless someone will decide to complain about it as a matter of principle.


El Loro
Originally Posted by El Loro:

Yogi, there were about a dozen dancers at the fete wearing costumes rather like this:

I would estimate their ages at between 25 and 50, and their dancing was restrained and shouldn't have caused any offence to the majority of onlookers. Though doubtless someone will decide to complain about it as a matter of principle.


Those costumes are great, El. It sounds like it was a bit of fun and done in good taste, so it would be a shame if anyone complains.


Skylark, I'm glad your computer is OK. It is common practice amongst broadband internet service providers to have a bandwidth cap policy. Basically, users who exceed a certain amount of broadband usage during a period of time get capped so that once their limit is reached, the ISP caps their speed to a much lower level than normal for a period of time before it goes back to normal speed.


Their policy tends to be tucked away in the small print in their conditions and is typically described as fair use policy or traffic management. Most people are unaware of this policy and the ISPs won't notify them, they will just think their broadband has gone very slow.


I'm with Virgin and they have a policy that if you exceed your limit your speed gets cut by 75% for the following 5 hours. For that to apply to me if I tried to download more than 2 feature films between 10 am and 3 pm and if I tried to download more than 1 film between 4pm and 9pm, but no policy if outside those times. I don't tend to use that much, but I'm aware of it.


Different ISPs will have different policies, so my guess is that you have fallen foul of your ISPs cap through the livestreaming. You should be able to find out what your ISP policy is on their website.

El Loro

I mentioned an independent film called Williamstowne the other day and said it's not available in this country. I've just done a search to see if this was available to download online, and saw that a site called said that you could watch the film for free on their site. As I always get a bit suspicious about something where you can get something for nothing I did a bit of investigating about that site. And I soon discovered that its a trap for people, and anyone who visits that site will get their computers infected with viruses and spyware. So I think I will give that site a wide berth.

El Loro

Those costumes seem very respectable EL.  I am sure that the performance would have gone down very well.


It certainly does sound as if that could be the reason for your computer's slow performance Skylark, I know nothing about it because I don't really watch live feed and I don't download films.  Perhaps it will improve now.



Hi x  I like those costumes, as you know i am in Edinburgh, and with all the theatres and The Festival, it wouldnt be a problem, but it may not be to everyones taste.
I pay for unlimited broadband usage, and have lots of space, as we dont use this so much, except for here, googling, my son goes on FB and YouTube . We dont download films or any other stuff. I do check by the way what my son is up too !!  Thanks for advice and caring, and sorry for being soooo boring !
Just been out with my dog, its very warm here, son is at the beach with his friends, and after saying many times to put sun cream on, its here on his bedside table , i despair sometimes !

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