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Does he really need this spite thrust upon him? I'm beginning to think he should just walk away from it. I cannot understand why BB should be so unpleasant to him when there are SO many really nasty people in there who deserve to have some rubbish (won't swear) put upon them!!
Hi Joyron I completely agree with this! They really seem to be picking on him!
I've just realised that there is a way to leave messages for Figtree to look at when she comes back. It's so obvious that I could kick myself for not having thought of it for the 23rd June. For those who wish to why not leave a message for her on her wall. Click here to go straight to her wall. I've posted this here rather than on Freddie Fanclub becuase that is closed and should remain closed.

I've put a little message on her wall and also included a link there direct to the page on Freddie Fanclub where our birthday messages are.
El Loro
How quickly the forum turns.  Luckily Ben is stronger than most and I think that the most likely outcome is that he will just walk out.  And who could blame him?  And which now of those who would be left in the house would you think would be worthy of your support?  Catch up later guys.  Doesn't this go to show today that we are all merely puppets of the producers of BB.  They can just twist it however they like and most people just fall for their tricks.
Heading off to bed lovely peeps.  I can well understand if you are all a bit fed up with the huge fuss over Ben today, but tomorrow is another day and whether he stays or whether he goes he is head and shoulders above the rest of 'em.  Some of whom are behaving in a manner which I would describe in further detail if I wasn't so well brought up   Night night.
No other Ben's Buddies around today? Just caught up with last night's H/L's. Fake shirt fake person That's Mario gone from my name then.
Sorry I've not been around Squiggle.  Hubby and No.1 son have popped out for a little while so I thought I would drop in to say hello. 

I've not had a chance to watch last night's HL show but I've been thinking about dropping my membership to Mario's fanclub.  Think I will follow your lead and resign.  Our Ben is the only one I really want to support.  

If you are about Yogi, what's the weather like up where you are.  The forecasts seem to say there is a lot of rain about in Scotland.  It's still scorching hot down here in Essex.  No rain but, thankfully, quite a breeze. 

Will try and get back later.  If not will speak to you both tomrrow. 
Evening Buddies Can't say I am looking forward to tonights HL.... reckon Ben will be put through it.
Me neither but looking back its such an obvious trap.  C'mon its Ben we're talking about, does that big daft dollop look like he would fall into line when bullied by a drill sergeant? Neither would I, and he should at least be given credit for being true to himself.  I was totally amazed when I asked the question yesterday of who would have said yes to 6-8 hours of torture that so many said oh yes I would
Good morning Buddies.  Liverpoollass if you didn't yet get LF you won't have seen the unedited version of the task on Saturday.  The very bullying aspect of the drill sergeant task was horrifying.  I phoned C4 in protest, the guy told Ben he would be there exercising for 6-8 hours, under hot studio lights.  C'mon this is Ben we are talking about .  Quite rightly, in my view, he said he wasn't doing it and took the view that no-one else should either.  Don't forget he had already won them the luxury shopping budget.  Which incidentally why was that reduced to a premium shopping budget at less cost?   This was BB taking the proverbial.  Dave has grabbed the chance and is now putting the boot into Ben at every opportunity and encouraging others to do the same.  This is nothing else than BB being twisted.

Morning Joyron yes I would like to know the answer to that question too, just how bad did they make Ben look please, for those of us of a nervous disposition?
Morning Buddies This morning we have the will they, won't they walk drama of Shabby and Keeva, and while I would love to see the back of both of them, it will leave Ben very exposed when it comes to noms today. If they stay, then I think they could draw a lot of the flak, but if they go then Ben will be up for eviction for sure. And given those left, unless he is up against say Dave, I can see there being a great danger of him going.
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