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Originally Posted by Yogi19:

El, it really annoys me that some people will be suckered into paying ÂĢ250 fee to these companies, when they are probably not due any compensation anyway.

I keep getting text messages from an accident claims company, telling me that I am due more than ÂĢ3,500 for the accident I had. I haven't had an accident and I have no idea how they got my mobile number.

It seems to me that the government needs to tighten up on accident and claims management companies, as well as those cowboy companies purporting to be debt collection agencies. Oh, and don't get me started on those legalised Loan Sharks (IMO) who advertise on TV, with APR rates in the thousands!

I have heard of these sort of calls having a really terrible effect.  When people have been phoned to say they are calling about the accident people have thought one of their loved ones has been involved in one and have gone into panic mode.  These people should be stopped. 


I signed up this week to stop the silent calls which hopefully will stop the ones made by machine (in this country anyway), caller display is great for weeding out those calls made from abroad, but it can backfire. I didn't pick up the phone for ages when my ex-neighbour (and friend) tried to call me from her new home in Jamaica following the death of my hubby, I picked it up in a hurry in the end and didn't check caller display first .

I'm here yogi how are you all?!! I've just had to pick up a new lock for my suitcase and my euros- I've not abroad for 4 years! The previous posts are very interesting- it never occurred to me that updates might not be genuine! I'll be checking in future And does anyone know how I can stop those annoying voice message calls? I had 3 in one day on my day off last week, and I was out all morning so I hate the think how many cone through when we're not home!
~Sparkling Summer~
Originally Posted by ~Sweet Summer~:
I'm here yogi how are you all?!! I've just had to pick up a new lock for my suitcase and my euros- I've not abroad for 4 years! The previous posts are very interesting- it never occurred to me that updates might not be genuine! I'll be checking in future And does anyone know how I can stop those annoying voice message calls? I had 3 in one day on my day off last week, and I was out all morning so I hate the think how many cone through when we're not home!

I'm sure you will have a fabulous time, Summer - and you deserve it.

I hope the wedding is special and wonderful, as all weddings should be.

Originally Posted by El Loro:

Yogi, although the Ministry of Justice is repsonsible for regulating claims management companies, looking at their website on this, it seems to be more of a reactive investigation rather than proactive. It's not like financial services companies which are regulated by the FSA.

I find the situation with all these companies very annoying and frustrating. I hope something is done soon to pull them all into line.

Thanks for the info, El.

Originally Posted by Yogi19:

Squiggle, I have bookmarked that website and will definitely sign up later, thank you for the link.

You're welcome, it was very straightforward, took about 30 seconds.  There was another option where they stopped all nuisance calls wherever they came from but they wanted to charge you for that so I didn't bother.  By the way you have to sign every 12 months, let's hope it works because I hate those silent calls, they feel sinister.


Morning all x
Have grandaughter, she wouldnt go off to sleep till about 11 pm and had the cheek to get up this morning at 6 am ! 
Not sure what to do with her today , weather isnt so good. There is lots of things going on in town, for Armed Forces day, so may head up there, but not keen on crowds, and i imagine it will be very busy.  The Red Arrows did a display 7pm yesterday, forgot about it, till i heard, and saw red jets flying over my house. A bit of a shock, madam never blinked an eye !
Have a good day whatever you are doing xxx

Originally Posted by Yogi19:

Squiggle, it's the same miserable weather up here - wet and cold. What has happened to our summer?

Skyark, have a good with with the wee one, hope she doesn't tire you out too much.

El, I'm very impressed with your Italian.

I can also do Galician, Haitian Creole, and Yiddish amongst other languages.

(with help from Google language tools )

El Loro
Originally Posted by El Loro:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:

Squiggle, it's the same miserable weather up here - wet and cold. What has happened to our summer?

Skyark, have a good with with the wee one, hope she doesn't tire you out too much.

El, I'm very impressed with your Italian.

I can also do Galician, Haitian Creole, and Yiddish amongst other languages.

(with help from Google language tools )


The weather's been a bit odd today. In Gloucester this morning it was really cloudy. I went over to Cheltenham, less than 10 miles away, and it was warm and sunny, but quite windy. When I got back to Gloucester, it was still really cloudy - quite a few vehicles had their lights on at mid morning


At long last it has become sunny here

El Loro

Good morning everyone


I won't get a chance to see Mildred Pierce as I'm not a Sky subscriber. It seems to be quite a departure from the usual American TV programs.


The film of the day on television has to be Born Yesterday (1950) on BBC2 starting at 11.30 this morning. It stars Judy Holliday, Broderick Crawford and William Holden. A romantic comedy involving political scandal. To show how good this film is, Judy Holliday got the Oscar for lead actress beating Bette Davis in All About Eve.

El Loro

Good morning everyone. Weather isn't looking very promising today.

Ros, sorry I missed you again. I shall try to log in later tonight and catch up with you.

Thanks for the heads up about "Born Yesterday", El. I've set the V+ to record it.

Skylark, I hope you can have an easy day to recharge your batteries.

Squiggle and Joyron


The film which was shown on BBC2 after Born Yesterday was When Time Ran Out which also had William Holden in. I did see it once, and never again. It was a disaster of a disaster film, It also starred Paul Newman and Ernest Borgnine. These actors and others were under contract to the producer Irwin Allen and according to IMDB, the reason why they appeared in the film was to void their contracts with Irwin Allen. It is generally accepted that this was the film which killed off the disaster genre of the 1970s.


El Loro
Originally Posted by El Loro:

The film which was shown on BBC2 after Born Yesterday was When Time Ran Out which also had William Holden in. I did see it once, and never again. It was a disaster of a disaster film, It also starred Paul Newman and Ernest Borgnine. These actors and others were under contract to the producer Irwin Allen and according to IMDB, the reason why they appeared in the film was to void their contracts with Irwin Allen. It is generally accepted that this was the film which killed off the disaster genre of the 1970s.


I love Paul Newman but I didn't bother to tape it, El. I remembered it was rubbish.

Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by El Loro:

The film which was shown on BBC2 after Born Yesterday was When Time Ran Out which also had William Holden in. I did see it once, and never again. It was a disaster of a disaster film, It also starred Paul Newman and Ernest Borgnine. These actors and others were under contract to the producer Irwin Allen and according to IMDB, the reason why they appeared in the film was to void their contracts with Irwin Allen. It is generally accepted that this was the film which killed off the disaster genre of the 1970s.


I love Paul Newman but I didn't bother to tape it, El. I remembered it was rubbish.

Good, you wouldn't have wanted to waste your time watching it. Of the island disaster films, the best I've seen was The Hurricane made in 1937 by John Ford. It starred Dorothy Lamour before she made the Road films. The hurricane sequence is very convincing, and was made years before CGI effects too over.


I won't post a clip of that hurricane sequence here as it is terrifying and would bring back memories of real disasters such as the recent Japanese tsunami.

El Loro
Originally Posted by El Loro:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by El Loro:

The film which was shown on BBC2 after Born Yesterday was When Time Ran Out which also had William Holden in. I did see it once, and never again. It was a disaster of a disaster film, It also starred Paul Newman and Ernest Borgnine. These actors and others were under contract to the producer Irwin Allen and according to IMDB, the reason why they appeared in the film was to void their contracts with Irwin Allen. It is generally accepted that this was the film which killed off the disaster genre of the 1970s.


I love Paul Newman but I didn't bother to tape it, El. I remembered it was rubbish.

Good, you wouldn't have wanted to waste your time watching it. Of the island disaster films, the best I've seen was The Hurricane made in 1937 by John Ford. It starred Dorothy Lamour before she made the Road films. The hurricane sequence is very convincing, and was made years before CGI effects too over.


I won't post a clip of that hurricane sequence here as it is terrifying and would bring back memories of real disasters such as the recent Japanese tsunami.

I don't think I've seen that film but I'll watch out for it in future, El.

Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by El Loro:

Good, you wouldn't have wanted to waste your time watching it. Of the island disaster films, the best I've seen was The Hurricane made in 1937 by John Ford. It starred Dorothy Lamour before she made the Road films. The hurricane sequence is very convincing, and was made years before CGI effects too over.


I won't post a clip of that hurricane sequence here as it is terrifying and would bring back memories of real disasters such as the recent Japanese tsunami.

I don't think I've seen that film but I'll watch out for it in future, El.

It's one of those films which only seems to be shown from time to time and doesn't appear to be available on DVD. Although someone tried to post the complete film on Youtube it was removed for copyright reasons. So you will need to be patient. There is a 1999 film called The Hurricane but that's about a boxer. Dorothy Lamour did make a later film called Typhoon but that is a much poorer film.



El Loro
Originally Posted by El Loro:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by El Loro:

Good, you wouldn't have wanted to waste your time watching it. Of the island disaster films, the best I've seen was The Hurricane made in 1937 by John Ford. It starred Dorothy Lamour before she made the Road films. The hurricane sequence is very convincing, and was made years before CGI effects too over.


I won't post a clip of that hurricane sequence here as it is terrifying and would bring back memories of real disasters such as the recent Japanese tsunami.

I don't think I've seen that film but I'll watch out for it in future, El.

It's one of those films which only seems to be shown from time to time and doesn't appear to be available on DVD. Although someone tried to post the complete film on Youtube it was removed for copyright reasons. So you will need to be patient. There is a 1999 film called The Hurricane but that's about a boxer. Dorothy Lamour did make a later film called Typhoon but that is a much poorer film.



Thanks El.


In the last week I've had a couple of people ringing me to ask if I had any vacancies for job placements. I have to disappoint them as working from home I don't take on any staff. I get these calls from time to time and I always explain why I can't take them on and wish them good luck. But both of these people rang me on a Sunday afternoon. The thought goes through my mind as to why would they enquire on a Sunday afternoon when the likelyhood of them contacting an office which was open then is remote (apart from in January when accountants are deluged as a result of the tax return deadline.


Although I would be allowed to take staff on, chartered accountants are not permitted to train students unless they have been licenced by my Institute, not that Joe Public would know that.

El Loro
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