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Good morning everyone 

Dry, bright and chilly up here.

I love bluebells - in fact,  I love most Spring flowers.

I think I’m going to potter about in the garden today although I’m not sure what there is to do. Sadly, I don’t have any veg plug plants to put into the raised bed. I do have some veg seeds but it’s still too cold to put those straight into the ground.

Have a good day and stay safe, everyone 

Yogi19 posted:

Good morning everyone 

Dry, bright and chilly up here.

I love bluebells - in fact,  I love most Spring flowers.

I think I’m going to potter about in the garden today although I’m not sure what there is to do. Sadly, I don’t have any veg plug plants to put into the raised bed. I do have some veg seeds but it’s still too cold to put those straight into the ground.

Have a good day and stay safe, everyone 

Yogi, I’m sure you will find something to do 😉🙂


A busier day for me than I had expected.

One client VAT return completed and sent to them for approval.
At same time I mentioned other ways in which the VAT return could be done (more for their information as would create either more work for me or for them)
For same client asked what they wanted doing for the April payroll and mentioned the job retention scheme being launched on Monday.


More emails with another client regarding the job retention scheme.
Also he was wondering why he hadn't received the grant from the local council (the one which Summer has already received). He's now emailed them but got an automatic email response which was utterly useless that I could hear him exploding from 20 miles away. Council is in a different county so not the ones near me.


And another client rang and dropped off her accounts papers for me to do her tax return. Plastic file through letter box, picked up whilst holding a paper towel and put to one side for a few days before I actually touch it. She lives with parents which are house bound so she is as well. Only time she's been out of the house for 4 weeks and drove here, dropped off file, and went straight back home. I waved to her through the window

El Loro
Yogi19 posted:

Evening Moonie and El.

I pottered about in the garden and Mr Y helped me “turn” the patio fruit trees. They are in big planters and quite heavy. I have to turn them now and then otherwise they grow in one direction.

You have been busy, El. Sensible to put aside the file for a few days before touching it.

Hi Yogi  

Well done to you and Mr Y on turning those heavy planters 


Good morning everyone


More rain here than for Squiggle, 4.8mm yeserday evening and 3.8mm so far today. Some more rain expected this morning though eases off later.


Well done Yogi & Mr Y on turning your fruit tree planters Of course they tend to grow towards the sun so in the direction where the sun is at its highest - to the south. Hence the need to turn round the planters.


I hope everyone has a good day

El Loro
Yogi19 posted:

Good morning everyone 

Sunny intervals and moderate breeze are forecast. It was very chilly when I got up at 5.30am but, on a positive note, I got to hear the dawn chorus.

El, that’s exactly why the patio fruit trees need to be turned 

Have a good day and stay safe.


Good morning Yogi 

That was an early rise but at least it has its benefits  


Talking of early pluses El, I got up to go to the loo this morning at 6.30. Looked out the landing window onto the back garden and guess what I saw?

A huge male fox with its breakfast in its mouth, waking down the garden path 
It went through our fence, stopped, look up our neighbours garden, when to their hurdle fence, crouched, bounded up and over it. Up the next doors garden and disappeared. 

It was absolutely gorgeous with its long fur and lovely long bushy tail 

Made for a great start to the day. It’s a pity I didn’t have time to video it as the whole thing only lasted 30 seconds or so 

Last edited by Moonie
El Loro posted:

Moonie, I used to know someone whose parents' house adjoined the railway line. So her mother would get offcuts and bones from their butcher and leave them at the end of their back garden. They had a local family of foxes which regularly popped into the garden to collect their meals

Awww, that’s lovely El 


My sister used to live in a bungalow. The grass in the back gardening was quite long. We saw two foxes and three or four cubs frolicking in the grass on several occasions 


If one was so minded you could watch The Sound Barrier (1952) currently on the Talking Pictures channel. Finishes at 15.10. Then switch over to Channel 5 and watch Oliver! (1968) from 15.25 to 18.30. Then tomorrow, also on Channel 5, The Bridge on the River Kwai (1957) 12.25 to 15.45. So some 8 hours of film. Those with some film knowledge will know the connection between those films - all directed by David Lean though very different types of film.


Though if I was to recommend one film to watch over the weekend it would be The Court Jester (1956) tomorrow on Talking Pictures 12.35 to 14.40. The vessel with the pestle routine is wonderful and the whole film is delightful.

El Loro
Moonie posted:
Yogi19 posted:

Good morning everyone 

Sunny intervals and moderate breeze are forecast. It was very chilly when I got up at 5.30am but, on a positive note, I got to hear the dawn chorus.

El, that’s exactly why the patio fruit trees need to be turned 

Have a good day and stay safe.


Good morning Yogi 

That was an early rise but at least it has its benefits  

El Loro posted:

Yogi, as Moonie says, getting up that early can have some pluses


Sent another email just now with the latest on the job retention scheme which is due to go live on Monday for employers. Just counted the number of pieces I've printed off in relation to this for that client - 60 sheets.

I’m adopting our lovely Summer’s attitude and looking for the positives. They are there, sometimes you just need to look harder.

Moonie posted:

Talking of early pluses El, I got up to go to the loo this morning at 6.30. Looked out the landing window onto the back garden and guess what I saw?

A huge male fox with its breakfast in its mouth, waking down the garden path 
It went through our fence, stopped, look up our neighbours garden, when to their hurdle fence, crouched, bounded up and over it. Up the next doors garden and disappeared. 

It was absolutely gorgeous with its long fur and lovely long bushy tail 

Made for a great start to the day. It’s a pity I didn’t have time to video it as the whole thing only lasted 30 seconds or so 

That’s fabulous, Moonie. I love foxes

El Loro posted:

If one was so minded you could watch The Sound Barrier (1952) currently on the Talking Pictures channel. Finishes at 15.10. Then switch over to Channel 5 and watch Oliver! (1968) from 15.25 to 18.30. Then tomorrow, also on Channel 5, The Bridge on the River Kwai (1957) 12.25 to 15.45. So some 8 hours of film. Those with some film knowledge will know the connection between those films - all directed by David Lean though very different types of film.


Though if I was to recommend one film to watch over the weekend it would be The Court Jester (1956) tomorrow on Talking Pictures 12.35 to 14.40. The vessel with the pestle routine is wonderful and the whole film is delightful.

I love Danny Kaye in The Court Jester, I’ll record it 

Yogi19 posted:
El Loro posted:

If one was so minded you could watch The Sound Barrier (1952) currently on the Talking Pictures channel. Finishes at 15.10. Then switch over to Channel 5 and watch Oliver! (1968) from 15.25 to 18.30. Then tomorrow, also on Channel 5, The Bridge on the River Kwai (1957) 12.25 to 15.45. So some 8 hours of film. Those with some film knowledge will know the connection between those films - all directed by David Lean though very different types of film.


Though if I was to recommend one film to watch over the weekend it would be The Court Jester (1956) tomorrow on Talking Pictures 12.35 to 14.40. The vessel with the pestle routine is wonderful and the whole film is delightful.

I love Danny Kaye in The Court Jester, I’ll record it 

"Pixilated". Mr Deeds goes to Town. I loved it. A first too    


Hope you're not doodling. Same first        

Yogi19 posted:
Moonie posted:

Talking of early pluses El, I got up to go to the loo this morning at 6.30. Looked out the landing window onto the back garden and guess what I saw?

A huge male fox with its breakfast in its mouth, waking down the garden path 
It went through our fence, stopped, look up our neighbours garden, when to their hurdle fence, crouched, bounded up and over it. Up the next doors garden and disappeared. 

It was absolutely gorgeous with its long fur and lovely long bushy tail 

Made for a great start to the day. It’s a pity I didn’t have time to video it as the whole thing only lasted 30 seconds or so 

That’s fabulous, Moonie. I love foxes

I really was gobsmacked Yogi 

Moonie posted:
Yogi19 posted:
Moonie posted:

Talking of early pluses El, I got up to go to the loo this morning at 6.30. Looked out the landing window onto the back garden and guess what I saw?

A huge male fox with its breakfast in its mouth, waking down the garden path 
It went through our fence, stopped, look up our neighbours garden, when to their hurdle fence, crouched, bounded up and over it. Up the next doors garden and disappeared. 

It was absolutely gorgeous with its long fur and lovely long bushy tail 

Made for a great start to the day. It’s a pity I didn’t have time to video it as the whole thing only lasted 30 seconds or so 

That’s fabulous, Moonie. I love foxes

I really was gobsmacked Yogi 

I can imagine but, what a lovely surprise 

Moonie posted:
Yogi19 posted:
Moonie posted:

Talking of early pluses El, I got up to go to the loo this morning at 6.30. Looked out the landing window onto the back garden and guess what I saw?

A huge male fox with its breakfast in its mouth, waking down the garden path 
It went through our fence, stopped, look up our neighbours garden, when to their hurdle fence, crouched, bounded up and over it. Up the next doors garden and disappeared. 

It was absolutely gorgeous with its long fur and lovely long bushy tail 

Made for a great start to the day. It’s a pity I didn’t have time to video it as the whole thing only lasted 30 seconds or so 

That’s fabulous, Moonie. I love foxes

I really was gobsmacked Yogi 

We've got loads. SIx foot fence no probs.

velvet donkey posted:
Yogi19 posted:
El Loro posted:

If one was so minded you could watch The Sound Barrier (1952) currently on the Talking Pictures channel. Finishes at 15.10. Then switch over to Channel 5 and watch Oliver! (1968) from 15.25 to 18.30. Then tomorrow, also on Channel 5, The Bridge on the River Kwai (1957) 12.25 to 15.45. So some 8 hours of film. Those with some film knowledge will know the connection between those films - all directed by David Lean though very different types of film.


Though if I was to recommend one film to watch over the weekend it would be The Court Jester (1956) tomorrow on Talking Pictures 12.35 to 14.40. The vessel with the pestle routine is wonderful and the whole film is delightful.

I love Danny Kaye in The Court Jester, I’ll record it 

"Pixilated". Mr Deeds goes to Town. I loved it. A first too    


Hope you're not doodling. Same first        

I’m sure I’ve seen that, Velvet 

No doodling 

velvet donkey posted:
Moonie posted:
Yogi19 posted:
Moonie posted:

Talking of early pluses El, I got up to go to the loo this morning at 6.30. Looked out the landing window onto the back garden and guess what I saw?

A huge male fox with its breakfast in its mouth, waking down the garden path 
It went through our fence, stopped, look up our neighbours garden, when to their hurdle fence, crouched, bounded up and over it. Up the next doors garden and disappeared. 

It was absolutely gorgeous with its long fur and lovely long bushy tail 

Made for a great start to the day. It’s a pity I didn’t have time to video it as the whole thing only lasted 30 seconds or so 

That’s fabulous, Moonie. I love foxes

I really was gobsmacked Yogi 

We've got loads. SIx foot fence no probs.

 Do they bring their cubs? 

Yogi19 posted:
velvet donkey posted:
Moonie posted:
Yogi19 posted:
Moonie posted:

Talking of early pluses El, I got up to go to the loo this morning at 6.30. Looked out the landing window onto the back garden and guess what I saw?

A huge male fox with its breakfast in its mouth, waking down the garden path 
It went through our fence, stopped, look up our neighbours garden, when to their hurdle fence, crouched, bounded up and over it. Up the next doors garden and disappeared. 

It was absolutely gorgeous with its long fur and lovely long bushy tail 

Made for a great start to the day. It’s a pity I didn’t have time to video it as the whole thing only lasted 30 seconds or so 

That’s fabulous, Moonie. I love foxes

I really was gobsmacked Yogi 

We've got loads. SIx foot fence no probs.

 Do they bring their cubs? 

They make such a weird noise. Not exactly smaller but maybe younger.

velvet donkey posted:
Yogi19 posted:
velvet donkey posted:
Moonie posted:
Yogi19 posted:
Moonie posted:

Talking of early pluses El, I got up to go to the loo this morning at 6.30. Looked out the landing window onto the back garden and guess what I saw?

A huge male fox with its breakfast in its mouth, waking down the garden path 
It went through our fence, stopped, look up our neighbours garden, when to their hurdle fence, crouched, bounded up and over it. Up the next doors garden and disappeared. 

It was absolutely gorgeous with its long fur and lovely long bushy tail 

Made for a great start to the day. It’s a pity I didn’t have time to video it as the whole thing only lasted 30 seconds or so 

That’s fabulous, Moonie. I love foxes

I really was gobsmacked Yogi 

We've got loads. SIx foot fence no probs.

 Do they bring their cubs? 

They make such a weird noise. Not exactly smaller but maybe younger.

 I have fox envy 

Yogi19 posted:
velvet donkey posted:
Yogi19 posted:
velvet donkey posted:
Moonie posted:
Yogi19 posted:
Moonie posted:

Talking of early pluses El, I got up to go to the loo this morning at 6.30. Looked out the landing window onto the back garden and guess what I saw?

A huge male fox with its breakfast in its mouth, waking down the garden path 
It went through our fence, stopped, look up our neighbours garden, when to their hurdle fence, crouched, bounded up and over it. Up the next doors garden and disappeared. 

It was absolutely gorgeous with its long fur and lovely long bushy tail 

Made for a great start to the day. It’s a pity I didn’t have time to video it as the whole thing only lasted 30 seconds or so 

That’s fabulous, Moonie. I love foxes

I really was gobsmacked Yogi 

We've got loads. SIx foot fence no probs.

 Do they bring their cubs? 

They make such a weird noise. Not exactly smaller but maybe younger.

 I have fox envy 


Moonie posted:
Yogi19 posted:
velvet donkey posted:
Yogi19 posted:
velvet donkey posted:
Moonie posted:
Yogi19 posted:
Moonie posted:

Talking of early pluses El, I got up to go to the loo this morning at 6.30. Looked out the landing window onto the back garden and guess what I saw?

A huge male fox with its breakfast in its mouth, waking down the garden path 
It went through our fence, stopped, look up our neighbours garden, when to their hurdle fence, crouched, bounded up and over it. Up the next doors garden and disappeared. 

It was absolutely gorgeous with its long fur and lovely long bushy tail 

Made for a great start to the day. It’s a pity I didn’t have time to video it as the whole thing only lasted 30 seconds or so 

That’s fabulous, Moonie. I love foxes

I really was gobsmacked Yogi 

We've got loads. SIx foot fence no probs.

 Do they bring their cubs? 

They make such a weird noise. Not exactly smaller but maybe younger.

 I have fox envy 


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