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Good morning everyone. Showery weather forecast but it's still dry atm.

Hope everything goes well for your son today, and his hand is healing well.

Summer, I'd also be interested to hear how the christening went.

El, thanks for the heads up on the Cary Grant films. I hope the rain stays off and the tennis goes ahead as planned.

Squiggle, any update on Moley?


Hi Yogi, moley has made one hill recently which is just a little down the dip (out of my sight-line) so I am hopeful that he might be veering in that direction.   Who am I kidding?  Its definitely moley in the lead and squiggle trailing behind but the fight continues  aux armes citoyens (the Marseillaise doncha know )

afternoon all, sorry I'm later than usual, very busy day! Hope everyone is having a good start to the week, El look out for a new thread I'm doing FAO you The christening was lovely thank you everyone it was a quick service, no hymns and luckily the baby was well- she's had various health problems re digestion since her birth, and was poorly the day before. She made a little cry when the vicar put water on her head but was smiling again within moments The cake was superb after too
~Sparkling Summer~
Originally Posted by Yogi19:

Skylark, glad your son's hand is on the mend.


I am so sad at the news of Brisket, he will be sorely missed.

Skylark, I am so glad too that your son's hand is healing nicely.


Sad news about brisket, I don't know how old he was and whether he was ill or it was a sudden thing.  I hope his family can realise how much he will be missed from this little community of ours.  He touched us and no doubt he touched many people in his life, he seemed such a lovely gentle soul.

Originally Posted by squiggle:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:

Skylark, glad your son's hand is on the mend.


I am so sad at the news of Brisket, he will be sorely missed.

Skylark, I am so glad too that your son's hand is healing nicely.


Sad news about brisket, I don't know how old he was and whether he was ill or it was a sudden thing.  I hope his family can realise how much he will be missed from this little community of ours.  He touched us and no doubt he touched many people in his life, he seemed such a lovely gentle soul.

The sadness and grief being expressed tonight is an indication of the love and respect we all have for a truly lovely man. I am so glad to have "known" him.

Originally Posted by Rosgirl:

night yogi skylark and squiggle - totally agree with everything said above- it made me think just how fond i am of most FM'S on here and how close i feel to certain ones - the whole thing has made me feel so sad

Me too, Ros.


Originally Posted by ~Sweet Summer~:
just absorbing the news, how touching it is to see how loved brisket was on here <3 Sweet dreams all

I hope he realised how much we all loved him.


Good morning, El. Good morning everyone.

Originally Posted by Skylark24:

Good morning x
hope you are all well this morning, its sunny here so it lifts the spirits. i am off to a union meeting to discuss possible early retirement, want to know all my options before i decide.
Have a lovely day everyone

I hope they have lots of information for you.  I retired at 51 thanks to a legacy from my mum and my darling hubby who wanted me home with him as soon as we could afford it.  I heartily recommend it.


My brother had that re-interview at the beginning of last week. He and the others expect to be told what is happening to each person by the end of this week. He will either be promoted to a position he doesn't particularly want (and the others don't either), demoted but do the same as he does now but at lower pay, or be pensioned off. He will accept whatever they decide. Over the years he has paid more than he needs to on his mortgage, and with the inheritance he got, he will be able to manage financially whatever happens.

El Loro
Originally Posted by El Loro:

My brother had that re-interview at the beginning of last week. He and the others expect to be told what is happening to each person by the end of this week. He will either be promoted to a position he doesn't particularly want (and the others don't either), demoted but do the same as he does now but at lower pay, or be pensioned off. He will accept whatever they decide. Over the years he has paid more than he needs to on his mortgage, and with the inheritance he got, he will be able to manage financially whatever happens.

I hope he listens to his heart on this decision EL.  What would your advice be to him, if you were asked for it?

Originally Posted by squiggle:

I hope he listens to his heart on this decision EL.  What would your advice be to him, if you were asked for it?

We had already talked about this and whatever happens, he will look on the positives rather than on the negatives. Everyone he works with is in the same position and they continue to support each other.

El Loro

2 months ago I posted this here:


"Just come back from seeing another new client. This one is one I'll have to keep an eye on, as he has 3 years of tax returns to be done, and there are big gaps in his income records so I've told him to get this sorted out before I do the work."


Despite a subsequent phone call to him and then a letter from me, I haven't heard a thing from him. As you can tell, this was always going to be a questionable client who would in all probability cause more headaches than is worth it. When I met him, his body language was that of someone who had zero interest in getting things sorted out. The gaps in his income records were such that if I just accepted them as shown, the accounts would have been blatantly wrong, the Revenue would not accept them, and I could get into serious trouble with the Revenue and my Institute for negligence.


So, having given him ample opportunity to get in touch with me, I have just written to him saying that I was not able to act for him, and I hand-delivered the letter through his door. I chose to act now rather than wait any longer as the next penalty deadline for non-filing is 31 July, so it still gives him time to make alternative arrangements. My guess is that the previous accountants weren't prepared to do his accounts if they saw the records I saw, and I doubt if any responsible accountant would.

El Loro
Originally Posted by squiggle:

Morning everyone. I am so glad that Gaga will come up with a suitable memorial for lovely brisket.  Its nice too that people are talking about being  good to each other and keeping up with his generosity of spirit


Off to get my hair cut later - take care

I think Brisket would be happy with that.


Originally Posted by Skylark24:

Good morning x
hope you are all well this morning, its sunny here so it lifts the spirits. i am off to a union meeting to discuss possible early retirement, want to know all my options before i decide.
Have a lovely day everyone

Good luck with the meeting, hope you get lots of good advice, Skylark.


Originally Posted by El Loro:
Originally Posted by squiggle:

I hope he listens to his heart on this decision EL.  What would your advice be to him, if you were asked for it?

We had already talked about this and whatever happens, he will look on the positives rather than on the negatives. Everyone he works with is in the same position and they continue to support each other.

I wish him well, whatever he decides to do, El.


Originally Posted by ~Sweet Summer~:
El, I'm really quite shocked by that how on earth is he not in serious trouble?! 3 tax returns?! You did the right thing, he's clearly going to be a problem client and if he's not willing to help himself then I wouldn't want to deal with him either

I agree with Summer, I think you have done the right thing by rejecting this man as a client.


Summer, he will get into serious trouble. If he continues not to file his returns then apart from getting more penalties, the Revenue will at some point in time:

Firstly raise their own tax assessments which are likely to show more tax than would be due (the assessments would eventually get cancelled if he did send in the returns)

Secondly if he doesn't pay the tax shown on these assessments, the Revenue would get their debt collection procedures in motion which would eventually lead to court proceedings for debt collection.

Thirdly if he just ignores all communication from the Revenue he could eventually find himself being arrested and carted off to prison (that is very rare)

El Loro

Afternoon everyone.  I have been reading the thread about Brisket with tears in my eyes.  I'm not sure if I ever posted with him but from all that has been written he was obviously well loved and respected by everyone on here.


That thread started thinking about our dear friend (I know it sounds terrible but her forum name has elluded me) who went absent last year, who had a birthday sometime this month.  We never did find out what happened to her. 

Originally Posted by Joyron:

Afternoon everyone.  I have been reading the thread about Brisket with tears in my eyes.  I'm not sure if I ever posted with him but from all that has been written he was obviously well loved and respected by everyone on here.


That thread started thinking about our dear friend (I know it sounds terrible but her forum name has elluded me) who went absent last year, who had a birthday sometime this month.  We never did find out what happened to her. 

Figtree - missing since 16 April last year. I started posted in Freddies Fanclub after then so never got to post with her.

El Loro
Originally Posted by Joyron:

Thank you so much for remembering her name El Loro.  Either you have a very good memory or you have a "little black book" where you write all this important information down!! 

Or I remembered that posting I made over in the News forum which had a link to the old Freddies Fanclub thread, saw her name being mentioned as we were posting with thoughts for her on the anniversary of her going missing . I think we best think of her as either now being well cared for in a home or gone to a better place where she is free of her health problems.

El Loro
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