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Is the manipulation level in this series worse than ever?  Or just as usual.  How on earth Sunshine went yesterday over Scabby and Keeva is just incredible and I feel this today has been treated as a bit of fun by some but it seems very manipulative to me and no doubt the fall out will be seen on Monday in nominations.
Could it be, they expected and wanted us to hate him, and are irked that he is quite popular?
Got it in one Yogi.  Their plan posh boy gets heavily booed by the crowd, tick. Posh boy gets hated by the HM's because he's a terrible snob, well he's not so that went wrong.  Did you notice that the TOT called him a posh git?  Oh well we have to give him our support and hope that enough of the decent HM's in there will support him too.  He is very supportive of everyone.  I have been so disappointed by Mario's attitude to him over the last few days, if that goes on I shall change my title.
I'm considering dropping my support for Mario too Squiggle.  I'll give it a day or two to see if things improve or not.

As regards Ben, I'm beginning to get the same feelings as I had about Freddie last year.  Does he really need this spite thrust upon him?  I'm beginning to think he should just walk away from it.  I cannot understand why BB should be so unpleasant to him when there are SO many really nasty people in there who deserve to have some rubbish (won't swear) put upon them!!
Thanks for the  Yogi.  I needed that.  I KNOW this programme is supposed to be a game but I find it really hard to accept such horrible treatment, especially when it's aimed at someone I like.

I've been reading through some of the posts in the Ben's Brigade over on DS.  Ben has some real support over there, which hopefully will help when it comes to the vote.
Oh I am so glad we are all here again. I have been really upset over today. I know its only a reality show but I hate to see this sort of manipulation. Thank you for being there, I feel as if we can share it together
Squiggle, once again we are united in defending our favourite HM.

P.S. I am missing being in the Freddie thread with you both.
As you say Squiggle, it's great to be here together again.  I agree that Ben is not as strong as our wonderful Freddie.  I think there is a possibility he might walk.  I have been very upset by what happened this afternoon.  There is only about an hour of LF on the tv in the afternoon and it has to cover that horrible period.  Perhaps I'm better off not being able to watch it all the time.

Incidentally, I wouldn't be here at all today except hubby took himself off down to his boat, so I've been able to watch a post without feeling "naughty".
Three cheers for the boat! Hip, Hip Hooray.
You don't know how many times I've said that in the past Yogi!!  I know we all lead busy lives but my hubby has a very stressful and busy job.  Taking himself out on the water seems to be a very good way of calming down.  He often goes off in a very grumpy mood and comes back much more mellow!!
I too miss the Freddie thread, perhaps we can gather in here a bit?
I would like that very much provided other buddies don't object.  It's been great replying to each other this afternoon.  If I go quiet all of a sudden it will be because hubby has come home.  If that happens I'll catch up with you again when I can.  Love you both. 
Glad all is well with the greenhouse Yogi.  Signing out for the night as hubby is on his way home.  Will catch up with you both tomorrow if I can.  Hubby and No.1 son will both be about so it might be difficult!!  At least our banter, albeit sometimes not BB related, may help to keep this thread on page 1; where it should be. 
What a pity they couldn't have let Ben at least have a weekend of feeling good about his task in front of the live audience.  Thank goodness we at least can see BB's agenda.  Hope they can on DS too.

Glad all is well with the greenhouse Yogi.  Nice to catch up with you Han, and Joyron enjoy your family time.  Catch up with you all whenever we can 
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