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Originally Posted by Joyron:

Good afternoon everyone.  Hope you are all enjoying the bank holiday, whatever you are doing.  It has not rained here (yet) but it is very windy!!


Had to come in to pass on my good news.  I've driven my car for the first time today.   Only went a few miles and I let hubby drive back, but it's progress.  Didn't feel too bad getting into and out of the car and driving was more comfortable than I thought it would be.  At last I have my freedom back and that feels great!!!    

Apologies, just saw your post x  Well done you, i am sure this will help you feel you are "getting yourself back." You are well on your way now Joyron, keep your spirits up. Take care xx

hi in here Hope you've all had a lovely bank holiday Joyron, great news that's wonderful to hear, I hope you're feeling good about the progress you're clearly making I've been over the lake district doing some walks with mr summer, if any of you go I'd highly recommend dinner at the troutbeck inn just off the A66, we had the most amazing evening there! I've just climbed into a freshly made up bed, so I predict I'll fall asleep very soon! Sweet dreams to you all
~Sparkling Summer~

Good morning everyone.    Thought I would get in here bright and early today to say hello and to thank you all for your good wishes.  Hopefully I will venture out on my own sometime this week, just for a short trip into the local village for starters.


Have a great day whatever you are doing.  I have an enormous pile of ironing to get through this morning!! 


Good morning everyone, Joyron how lovely to see you starting off the thread.  I hope its a really good week for you.  Summer that sounds like such a lovely day you had Hope you slept well.


Off out soon first to drop my eldest grandson at the fracture clinic (he broke his wrist badly a few years ago and has been frightened off by the 'things that could wrong' talk from having it fixed before but the pain is too much now).  And then to M&S food shopping , I shall be looking for those rocky road things but only, of course, because I have my grandsons over so much   Catch you all later.


Good morning everyone as well


Good luck with the ironing, Joyron 


I hope your grandson can get treatment for his wrist, squiggle . If you find those minibites, get 2 tubs as you will then get them cheaper


A sunny day, certainly compared to yesterday's rain - there must have been at least 12 hours of rain here yesterday.

El Loro

Good morning everyone. A mixture of sunshine and showers up here.

Good to have you back with us this morning, Joyron.

Squiggle, I hope your grandson gets on alright at the fracture clinic.

Don't spend too much at M&S.

Summer, glad you had a lovely time at the Lake District. It's over 20 years since I last visited but I remember how beautiful the scenery was.

Skylark, hope you get your glasses fixed. Do you wear them all the time, or it just for reading?

El, has your brother gone back home now? - I hope you had a good weekend.



Yogi, I took my brother to the railway station yesterday afternoon - he's back at work now, though his job situation is looking very unsettled for everyone in the libraries in his borough. The person who is now in charge of the libraries is not a librarian as such, but someone who is clearly very ambitious and wants to transform the libraries out of all recognition. He wants libraries to switch to a retail model and those in charge of a library will need to be more entrepreneuarial and dynamic. All staff will have to be re-interviewed and will have to take tests to see if they fit the requirements.


So this is The Apprentice for real. There's only one small problem - libraries aren't shops and the sort of person who becomes a librarian tends not to be entrepreneurial in nature.


No-one working in the libraries there are happy about what is happening.


Apart from that, we had a pleasant weekend.

El Loro
Originally Posted by El Loro:


So this is The Apprentice for real. There's only one small problem - libraries aren't shops and the sort of person who becomes a librarian tends not to be entrepreneurial in nature.


No-one working in the libraries there are happy about what is happening.



Why do they have to keep mucking about with things?

I feel for your brother, it must be a difficult time for him and his colleagues.


Hi, got my specs fixed. I wear one pair for distance and one for reading, cant manage varifocals, tried too, but couldnt get the hang of them at all
I agree with Yogi El, what a carry on,
Having my grandaughter at 2pm ,overnight, i was looking forward to linking on to "the trial" , but its not to be. I shall catch up tomorrow.
Have a good day all,

Originally Posted by El Loro:

I hope your grandson can get treatment for his wrist, squiggle . If you find those minibites, get 2 tubs as you will then get them cheaper


I got the 2 tubs you're right there was a special offer on them.  My grandson has to have a bone graft (from his hip) and pinned, the surgeon says he has done loads of this exact same operation before so hopefully it will be OK.


Oh no Skylark, I hope they can fix your specs cheaply.


I did spend too much at M&S Yogi, I always do when catering for the young ones


That guy in charge of the libraries sounds like a nutcase EL, what do libraries have to do with retail?   And everyone knows that librarians are more cerebral than they are sales people, there are some strange people around nowadays.


squiggle, we will await your grandsons' verdict on the mini bites with interest. The ÂĢ2 for 2 tubs seems almost permanent and you can mix the tubs.


I hope your grandson doesn't have to wait too long for his operation.


Thanks everyone for your comments on my brother's job - he should know more over the next few weeks.

El Loro

I opened my inbox this afternoon and found an e-mail, claiming to be from the Tax Office.

It stated they had checked through their records for the last 7 years and discovered I had overpaid by ÂĢ285. Apparently, I am unable to contact the Tax Office by telephone to claim my refund and must do it online and there is a link to click on.

Hahaha, I don't think so!  Blooming scammers!!!!


Morning everyone x
Hope all goes well for your Grandson squiggle and he hasnt got to wait too long x
These scams are really bad arent they? Good for you reporting it Yogi
I recently got one from my bank, saying the internet banking had gone down and i had to re-register. It looked genuine, and had i not known better i may have fell for it. I reported it to the bank, who said they were aware of it, and now have a notice on their site, saying they never ask for any details on an email or text message. You really have to be on your guard!




Here's breakfast for everyone  


Squiggle, hope all goes well for your grandson, the poor tike- how old is he?


El, glad you had a good weekend with your brother and I wish him luck with the job situation, the theory there doesn't make sense to me! I fear for the future of our libraries in these times


Yogi, thank goodness you're wiser than to believe that e mail, crikey, it'd be easy for any of us to fall for that if our minds were on other things

A couple of years ago Mr Summer's bank account got frozen because someone had tried to log in online, and it wasn't our usual i.p. address- the bank instantly suspected a hacker and froze access, they they rang him to ask if he'd tried to log in from a different computer. The time they stated was when he was driving to work, so he knew straight away it wasn't him or me.

The laptop we were using at the time wasn't showing any signs of a virus, nor did it after we checked everything we could think of- we stopped using it straight away! 

The hacker couldn't get into his account and we were grateful for the bank's security measures, but it certainly opened our eyes.


i'm off on a little road trip to visit some family today, hope you all have a lovely day and a good evening tonight

~Sparkling Summer~

Good morning everyone


Nice brekkie, thanks Summer, and have a great day


After 5-6 months of trying, my next door neighbours have finally sold their house. Although mine is a 3 bed semi, theirs is only a 2 bed which isn't too good when they have a toddler and a near-teenage daughter. Apparently, the girl who is moving in has come into an inheritance so is able to buy the house without a mortgage.The move is scheduled for end of this month.


El Loro

Good morning everyone. Windy and showery today.

Skylark, you have had an early start to the day.

Summer, wasn't it lucky that Mr Summer's bank was on the ball?

Thank you for the pancakes and strawberries - delicious!

Youngest son has been ill overnight. We think the cause is a prawn sandwich he ate late yesterday afternoon. He seems a little better this morning and has managed to keep some water down.

El, I hope your new neighbour is a nice, quiet girl, who doesn't play basketball.


Yogi, the near teenage girl who lives next door does sometimes plays with a basketball but I have no greenhouse and where she plays, she is more likely to break their kitchen window rather than any of mine. There is a boy who live a few doors away on the other side of the road who does play basketball. He has a hoop screwed into their wall on their drive. It's positioned about 3 foot above their kitchen window, but I'm not aware that he's broken it - yet.


I thinks that basketball seems to have become more popular, possibly because of the Olympics next year.

El Loro

Good morning everyone, thanks for the delicious breakfast Summer.  My grandson is 18 and a half.  I have ordered him a wrist support online to make the wait more bearable.


My oh my the world seems to have gone basketball mad don't it, I agree with Yogi EL I hope your new neighbour is a nice quiet girl who doesn't like any noisy sports and only plays nice quiet music.


We have to be so vigilant with our emails and computer security in general.  I know people who swear they won't bank online and I understand that but as long as you are aware that there are people out there trying to scam you it helps.  I tried to download a new desktop wallpaper the other day, especially really for my eldest grandson's girlfriend who is mad about puppies.  So I found this lovely pictue of golden retriever pups and wouldn't you know my anti-virus software picked up that it was trying to download a trojan   I have a lovely (safe) picture now of a miniature dachshund pup.

Originally Posted by squiggle:


My oh my the world seems to have gone basketball mad don't it, I agree with Yogi EL I hope your new neighbour is a nice quiet girl who doesn't like any noisy sports and only plays nice quiet music.


That would be nice - she probably doesn't know yet that her immediate neighbours (ie the adjoining semi) have been known to have screaming rows, and he uses his back garden as a workplace and sometimes can make a racket - also chops wood, sometimes well into the evening. It doesn't affect me, but the wife moving out has mentioned it to me from time to time. I have pointed out to her that the man has built a workshop in his garden and has never bothered to get planning pemission. But the husband is too laid back to do anything about it. It would have to be them who complained, not me, as they are the neighbours affected.

El Loro
Originally Posted by squiggle:

We have to be so vigilant with our emails and computer security in general.  I know people who swear they won't bank online and I understand that but as long as you are aware that there are people out there trying to scam you it helps.  I tried to download a new desktop wallpaper the other day, especially really for my eldest grandson's girlfriend who is mad about puppies.  So I found this lovely pictue of golden retriever pups and wouldn't you know my anti-virus software picked up that it was trying to download a trojan   I have a lovely (safe) picture now of a miniature dachshund pup.

It's a pity that there are some nasty people out there who try to catch people unawares. It may not be the fault of the website with the golden retrievers pups - the crooks may have hacked into it.


It's just as well that your firewall stopped the trojan before it got on to your computer. PC security experts have in the past monitored how long it took a computer without a firewall to become infected by trojans. 20 seconds

El Loro

So true EL and all of my computer protection is free downloaded software from the internet.  As long as you register it and its for just personal use its completely free and no problems.  A great system.  I have a great antipathy for Norton and McAfee they seem overpriced and I don't trust 'em.  McAfee in particular was loaded onto my first PC when my hubby took it in for a service and when I found it was taking up far too much room on my (really tiny) first computer I tried to uninstall it and it wiped my hard drive   I saw it happening in front of my eyes


Good evening everyone.    Been out in the car twice today.  First time was to the local Post Office; no problems.  Unfortunately the second trip was to the doctors to get some antibiotics as there is a little patch at the bottom of my scar which will not heal!!  The specialist told me that there was a knot in there (from the operation), which would come out of its own accord in time.  I thought that had happened on Sunday when the scab came off (sorry if anyone is having their tea) but unfortunately that may not be the case.


All the info I had from the hospital told me to watch out for infection so I decided to act quickly.  The doctor said yes there was some infection and prescribed some antibiotics.  Just hope I've caught it in time.  Didn't realise it was so important not to get infection into the knee replacement until I read back through the literature which came home with me.  Thought it better to be safe than sorry.


Hope you have all had a good day.  Sorry that the only thing I can come on here and talk about is me!!!  Perahps it would be better if I stayed away until I'm fully recovered. 


Hi Joyron, don't be daft, we all come on here and witter on about ourselves and our doings and are interested in everyone else's witterings as well.  If we waited until we had something of real importance to say we would have tumbleweed blowing through here


You acted very quickly and sensibly and I hope you have caught the infection and stopped it in its tracks.

Originally Posted by Joyron:

Good evening everyone.    Been out in the car twice today.  First time was to the local Post Office; no problems.  Unfortunately the second trip was to the doctors to get some antibiotics as there is a little patch at the bottom of my scar which will not heal!!  The specialist told me that there was a knot in there (from the operation), which would come out of its own accord in time.  I thought that had happened on Sunday when the scab came off (sorry if anyone is having their tea) but unfortunately that may not be the case.


All the info I had from the hospital told me to watch out for infection so I decided to act quickly.  The doctor said yes there was some infection and prescribed some antibiotics.  Just hope I've caught it in time.  Didn't realise it was so important not to get infection into the knee replacement until I read back through the literature which came home with me.  Thought it better to be safe than sorry.


Hope you have all had a good day.  Sorry that the only thing I can come on here and talk about is me!!!  Perahps it would be better if I stayed away until I'm fully recovered. 

Don't you dare stay away!

You made me laugh with your "(sorry if anyone is having their tea)" comment.

Glad you feel able to get out and about a bit more, it's great that you now don't have to rely on others to take you out.

Some antibiotics should clear up the infection quickly - just as well you decided to mention it to the doctor.

Take care, and come back very soon.

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