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Morning I'm just getting up, and we're off to do some hiking so I'll not be around much this weekend. Yogi well done for letting the dog out does no one knock to ask for a ball back anymore?! Can the dog puncture the ball with her teeth? Skylark, Lordy drunken loud music is bad enough but oasis?! You poor thing I understand why you didn't call the noise squad, it's frustrating that it's not worth the hassle reporting it- I guess a few neighbours doing it would be better than one. If you report it, do you remain anonymous?
~Sparkling Summer~

Good morning everyone.

It's raining again - shall I send some down your way, Squiggle?

You are an early bird, Summer, thank you for the pancakes - I love them with maple syrup.

Enjoy your hike with Mr Summer and fingers crossed you get some decent weather.

Skylark, I hope your noisy neighbour didn't keep you awake all night. Inconsiderate neighbours are a real pain in the neck! 

El, hope you are having a nice weekend with your brother.

Joyron, thinking of you and sending you a big.


Hi everyone x
Spoke to "Liam Gallagher" this morning with a neighbour, he was very apologetic , which he is when he is sober, he is going to close his balcony window and keep the music down...we will see ...
Hi summer, have a great day x  If you phone the noise people you have to give them your name and address, and when they have been to the person, they come to your door to let you know the outcome, so it can be a bit off putting, especially when you have reported an aggressive drunk .
Have a nice day with your brother El x


Eldest son and DiL are going away for a week, so he has dropped off his labrador and his budgie for me to mind. My dog is delighted that her pal has come to stay - they really get on well. Not sure what she's going to make of the budgie flying around though.

Skylark, I hope your neighbour sticks to his word and keeps the noise down.

Originally Posted by Yogi19:

Eldest son and DiL are going away for a week, so he has dropped off his labrador and his budgie for me to mind. My dog is delighted that her pal has come to stay - they really get on well. Not sure what she's going to make of the budgie flying around though.

Skylark, I hope your neighbour sticks to his word and keeps the noise down.

Oh good, two dogs to chase basketball boy   Is the budgie a little aggressive maybe

Originally Posted by squiggle:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:

Eldest son and DiL are going away for a week, so he has dropped off his labrador and his budgie for me to mind. My dog is delighted that her pal has come to stay - they really get on well. Not sure what she's going to make of the budgie flying around though.

Skylark, I hope your neighbour sticks to his word and keeps the noise down.

Oh good, two dogs to chase basketball boy   Is the budgie a little aggressive maybe

It has already crossed my mind that I could have a basketball-hating, canine tag-team.

Son says the budgie can give an occasional peck.

I wonder if I could encourage this trait?

I can see the headlines now, "Bouncing Billy Savaged By A Budgie".

Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by squiggle:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:

Eldest son and DiL are going away for a week, so he has dropped off his labrador and his budgie for me to mind. My dog is delighted that her pal has come to stay - they really get on well. Not sure what she's going to make of the budgie flying around though.

Skylark, I hope your neighbour sticks to his word and keeps the noise down.

Oh good, two dogs to chase basketball boy   Is the budgie a little aggressive maybe

It has already crossed my mind that I could have a basketball-hating, canine tag-team.

Son says the budgie can give an occasional peck.

I wonder if I could encourage this trait?

I can see the headlines now, "Bouncing Billy Savaged By A Budgie".

I see we are thinking along the same lines, erm how long did you say you have to train this dear bird?

Originally Posted by squiggle:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by squiggle:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:

Eldest son and DiL are going away for a week, so he has dropped off his labrador and his budgie for me to mind. My dog is delighted that her pal has come to stay - they really get on well. Not sure what she's going to make of the budgie flying around though.

Skylark, I hope your neighbour sticks to his word and keeps the noise down.

Oh good, two dogs to chase basketball boy   Is the budgie a little aggressive maybe

It has already crossed my mind that I could have a basketball-hating, canine tag-team.

Son says the budgie can give an occasional peck.

I wonder if I could encourage this trait?

I can see the headlines now, "Bouncing Billy Savaged By A Budgie".

I see we are thinking along the same lines, erm how long did you say you have to train this dear bird?

A week. I hope she's a quick learner.

Originally Posted by squiggle:

So she's got to learn to peck on demand AND return home a la homing pigeon, could be a tight schedule

My dad kept racing pigeons when I was small.

To get the pigeons back into the loft, we used to shake a tin with pigeon food (like dried corn nuggets) to call them in.

I wonder if I could do the same with Trill.

Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by squiggle:

So she's got to learn to peck on demand AND return home a la homing pigeon, could be a tight schedule

My dad kept racing pigeons when I was small.

To get the pigeons back into the loft, we used to shake a tin with pigeon food (like dried corn nuggets) to call them in.

I wonder if I could do the same with Trill.

Go for it!   You could give us progress reports, we would like that

Originally Posted by squiggle:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by squiggle:

So she's got to learn to peck on demand AND return home a la homing pigeon, could be a tight schedule

My dad kept racing pigeons when I was small.

To get the pigeons back into the loft, we used to shake a tin with pigeon food (like dried corn nuggets) to call them in.

I wonder if I could do the same with Trill.

Go for it!   You could give us progress reports, we would like that

Will do.

Originally Posted by Yogi19:

Thanks Skylark.

I don't think my son's labrador is suited to becoming an attack dog - he's more the "lick and slober them into submission" type.

Reminds me of our beagle, he was such a coward.  My hubby heard a noise in the garden once and took Ben to investigate, Ben hid behind my hubby


Night everyone, sweet dreams


Good morning everyone


Budgie training to be a guard budgie


It looks as if it's going to be quite a wet day - it's been raining overnight, drizzle at present, but the forecast is for heavy rain later this morning in my area. Luckily my brother brought his coat with him as he could need it when he goes back home today.


I hope that the rain doesn't spoil things too much for people this bank holiday.

El Loro

Good morning everyone. Overcast, grey sky this morning. At least the wind seems to have eased off.

I don't like to give up too soon on my attack dogs/budgie plans, but my animals are not co-operating. The labrador refuses to show any signs of aggression and the budgie hasn't even given anyone a little peck yet.

My retriever's "bark at and chase" the boys when they come into my garden, is as good as it gets. The irony is that my dog is a big coward, and her barking is all a front - but I'm not telling the basketball boys that little piece of information.

Ros, good luck with choosing bathroom tiles and paint.


Good morning everyone, very wet here too, I know we need it but its a shame when it ruins people's plans.  There was a cruise ship due in to Ilfracombe yesterday, great excitement from everyone and the Victorian Society (they dress up) was set to meet them.  There were loads of extra scones baked but due to the weather the captain had to cancel


Ros do let us know what you choose in the way of bathroom tiles and paint, we are a nosey lot


Enjoy your day Skylark,   Yogi you will just have to rely on their bark being worse than their bite I guess, as long as basketball boy don't catch on.


Good afternoon everyone.  Hope you are all enjoying the bank holiday, whatever you are doing.  It has not rained here (yet) but it is very windy!!


Had to come in to pass on my good news.  I've driven my car for the first time today.   Only went a few miles and I let hubby drive back, but it's progress.  Didn't feel too bad getting into and out of the car and driving was more comfortable than I thought it would be.  At last I have my freedom back and that feels great!!!    

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