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Good morning everyone. A brighter start to the morning, with some sunshine peeping through, although light rain is forecast for later. If it stays dry for the next hour or so, I'm going to try to get the front lawn cut. I also need to go on a dandelion cull once again.

Summer, great news on the discount and apology.

Thank you for the biccies, I haven't had Party Rings for years - lovely!


Good morning everyone.  That sounds a good recipe Summer but unfortunately I think our recipe book is going to be just ladies from our Ladies On Thursday group   Great news about your refund, quite right too.


Yogi are dandelions the bane of your life too? Go get 'em.


EL guess where that place we are thinking of having the booklet printed is based?  Blandford Forum   It is the same place as the Blandford fly isn't it?


Hope you are feeling well today Joyron.


Have a good day everyone

Originally Posted by ~Sweet Summer~:
Morning all It's bright and sunny although chilly here, i wouldn't be surprised if we see some rain later. Squiggle lol I wouldn't expect you to use my recipe in the book, sorry I should have been clearer. I thought you might like to try it sometime if you fancy doing something new

It does sound delicious Summer, sorry my confusion, my head is a bit full at the moment thinking out things like making sure the ladies put down telephone numbers with their names on the recipes in case I have problems (which I am bound to have ) its left me even more confused than normal. 


And yesterday was one of those funny days where everything goes slightly wonky (we had a series of tiny power cuts throughout the day which only lasted less than a minute but involved re-setting all the clocks on the appliances in the kitchen and there was one last night so my recording failed) And then to top it all off when I came home I found the light bulb had failed in the dining room where the computer is and I was too tired to get on the stepladder to change it so I sat in the dark


I will definitely try the recipe.  There was one cake there yesterday, cut into small squares which was totally moreish.  I think someone said it was a sort of rocky road thing it had cranberries in and all sorts, if that recipe comes through I shall post it in here and those that want can give it a go.  It tasted like it had milk chocolate and rice crispies but it was very chewy, gorgeous.


EL I don't think we're going down the sponsorship route with flyers but funding it completely ourselves and then all the cost of the book will go directly to The Leprosy Mission.  The books cost about ÂĢ3.75 for 20-30 pages of recipes, they are spiral bound with a solid waterproof cover and they lie flat for ease of use..  Someone yesterday did raise the thorny issue of copyright but having looked into it you cannot copyright a list of ingredients and as long as we are not quoting big chunks of, say, Delia Smith, but recipes clipped from here and there and handed down in the family we should be fine.


Hi Skylark, I hope the arthritis in your knee has eased a bit.

I have managed to cut the grass in the front garden - and massacre some dandelions.

It has become really overcast and I think the rain isn't far away, which is a good excuse to leave the back lawn for my son to do.

El and Skylark, I agree with you about the Jammy/Toffee Dodger advert, it's really weird.

Originally Posted by El Loro:

squiggle, you can get get tubs of Rocky Road mini bites from M&S, though they have glace cherries rather than cranberries - the chewy bits come from the marshmallow bits, and they do have rice crispies and chocolate, and they are rather moreish.

Ooh they do sounds good, and I am going to M&S next week for more teabags....................Thanks EL

Originally Posted by squiggle:

There are some weird people in the world of advertising aren't there?  I found that ad very odd too.


Yogi we have been promised rain here, have you?  We could really really do with a fair bit of rain now, not just a sprinkle we need a downpour or two.

Squiggle, light rain has been forecast for here. We've had lots of rain recently - some of it very heavy - so if you like, I'll send the next heavy shower down your way.


I've just had a phone call from that client who I went to see a couple of days ago and wasn't there. He's had a heart attack and isn't at all well. I wished him well, told him there's plenty of time and to get in touch with me when he's feeling better. Of course in that circumstance I do not charge any client for my wasted time.

El Loro
Originally Posted by El Loro:

I've just had a phone call from that client who I went to see a couple of days ago and wasn't there. He's had a heart attack and isn't at all well. I wished him well, told him there's plenty of time and to get in touch with me when he's feeling better. Of course in that circumstance I do not charge any client for my wasted time.

It's good that he got in touch to explain his absence, El.

I hope he gets well soon.

Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by El Loro:

I've just had a phone call from that client who I went to see a couple of days ago and wasn't there. He's had a heart attack and isn't at all well. I wished him well, told him there's plenty of time and to get in touch with me when he's feeling better. Of course in that circumstance I do not charge any client for my wasted time.

It's good that he got in touch to explain his absence, El.

I hope he gets well soon.

Oh dear, I hope he gets better soon.  It was good of him to let you know so quickly in the circumstances.

Oh dear El, the poor chap, I hope he makes a speedy recovery. Good to know you weren't stood up for a daft reason, it's good of you to waive the charge Squiggle that rocky road cake sounds wonderful, I'd be interested in the recipe if you do post it I've seen the m&s bites but haven't let myself buy them lol I am treating myself to a few party rings today, they're only 29 calories each trouble is, it'd be easy for me to eat the whole pack! Still sunny/cloudy here, it's been our best day all week
~Sparkling Summer~
Originally Posted by ~Sweet Summer~:
Oh dear El, the poor chap, I hope he makes a speedy recovery. Good to know you weren't stood up for a daft reason, it's good of you to waive the charge Squiggle that rocky road cake sounds wonderful, I'd be interested in the recipe if you do post it I've seen the m&s bites but haven't let myself buy them lol I am treating myself to a few party rings today, they're only 29 calories each trouble is, it'd be easy for me to eat the whole pack! Still sunny/cloudy here, it's been our best day all week

I'm very tempted to try those M&S ones that EL mentioned while I'm in the store.  I'm forever counting calories   But I figure they will be very handy when the gannets (er sorry my grandsons ) descend again.  But there again am I just being like my friend explaining away why she has to eat all the cakes  


I do hope that recipe comes through with the others, there were some really interesting cakes there yesterday, yogurt cake, coffee and walnut, a mincemeat cake made with home made mincemeat and loads more.  I will report back   I think its quite a fun project and if you can raise money too, well all the better.

Originally Posted by Skylark24:

Oh poor man El, good of you to waive the charge..many wouldnt

The worst case I heard was of the accountant who charged the client's company for the time he incurred on going to the client's funeral..(I knew the client and the accountant and I have on very good authority that this happened, it's not a story).

El Loro
Originally Posted by El Loro:
Originally Posted by Skylark24:

Oh poor man El, good of you to waive the charge..many wouldnt

The worst case I heard was of the accountant who charged the client's company for the time he incurred on going to the client's funeral..(I knew the client and the accountant and I have on very good authority that this happened, it's not a story).

Shocking, to say the least

Originally Posted by El Loro:
Originally Posted by Skylark24:

Oh poor man El, good of you to waive the charge..many wouldnt

The worst case I heard was of the accountant who charged the client's company for the time he incurred on going to the client's funeral..(I knew the client and the accountant and I have on very good authority that this happened, it's not a story).

That is a real cheek!

Originally Posted by El Loro:
Originally Posted by Skylark24:

Oh poor man El, good of you to waive the charge..many wouldnt

The worst case I heard was of the accountant who charged the client's company for the time he incurred on going to the client's funeral..(I knew the client and the accountant and I have on very good authority that this happened, it's not a story).

That is truly shocking, there are some funny people in this world


Have a good weekend EL

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