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Morning It's still very windy up here I thought it would have ceased overnight, I had to fight to get the car door open & closed this morning! Skylark I've just read your left handed thread, I can't believe it, it's so Victorian to treat people like that there are many job's that require tools especially for left handed workers, this should be accounted for by his employer straight away. Did he go in today?
~Sparkling Summer~

Hi, yes he has calmed down a bit and so have i! In a bit of a rush, will chat later, going to pick up granddaughter xx Terrible wind here last night, and a huge tree at the park has been uprooted and taken a part of the path with it. A few there with cameras so it may be on the news. Bye for now, catch you later


Good morning everyone. It's still very windy up here, with heavy showers.

I'm glad your son decided to go back Skylark, tell him to stick with it.

My greenhouse has lost three large panels. I will be able to replace them as soon as the wind dies down (and whenever I can get any two out of three sons to put them back in for me. Mr Yogi subscribes to Skylarks DIY method of "If in doubt, gie it a clout with a hammer", so he is banned from going near the greenhouse.

Meanwhile, most of the plants are in my hall - the tomato plants have to remain in the draughty greenhouse because I can't lift the growbags, without damaging the plants. Fingers crossed they can survive a few days in the cold.

I hope everyone survived the winds without too many problems.


Skylark, I sympathise with your son, work wise - any reasonable employer should be able to provide left handed people with suitable tools. My brother is left handed, but as is so often the case, they get used to dealing with a right handed environment. It's not too bad for him as his work is more mental rather than physical.


Yogi, here's to your tomato plants

El Loro
Originally Posted by Yogi19:

Hi Ros.

I've checked our buidling insurance and we are covered for the greenhouse. My dilemma is that it might be more cost effective to replace all the broken panels myself, rather than pay the excess on the insurance. Not sure what I'm going to do.

awww yogi - what a dilemma - i did wonder if your green house was covered cos i know we have to pay extra for the garden - like with car insurance the excess makes it expensive sometimes

Rocking Ros Rose
Originally Posted by Rosgirl:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:

Hi Ros.

I've checked our buidling insurance and we are covered for the greenhouse. My dilemma is that it might be more cost effective to replace all the broken panels myself, rather than pay the excess on the insurance. Not sure what I'm going to do.

awww yogi - what a dilemma - i did wonder if your green house was covered cos i know we have to pay extra for the garden - like with car insurance the excess makes it expensive sometimes

I know Ros, I sometimes wonder why we bother with insurance.

Never mind, if I sweet-talk my sons they'll fix it for me.

I feel some emotional blackmailing coming on.

Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by Rosgirl:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:

Hi Ros.

I've checked our buidling insurance and we are covered for the greenhouse. My dilemma is that it might be more cost effective to replace all the broken panels myself, rather than pay the excess on the insurance. Not sure what I'm going to do.

awww yogi - what a dilemma - i did wonder if your green house was covered cos i know we have to pay extra for the garden - like with car insurance the excess makes it expensive sometimes

I know Ros, I sometimes wonder why we bother with insurance.

Never mind, if I sweet-talk my sons they'll fix it for me.

I feel some emotional blackmailing coming on.

yogi - was just going to make the same comment about insurance and your sons might be a better option

Rocking Ros Rose

Good morning everyone


Yogi, I would agree that it is probably cheaper to get the repairs done by your sons rather than to claim on the insurance. Besides the excess, there might be a no claims discount which you could lose. If the greenhouse had collapsed, that would be a different matter.

Glad you have rescued most of the plants,

El Loro

Good morning everyone.  I think we are all of the same mind Yogi, probably cheapest in the long run to have your sons replace the panes of glass and I am sure they won't mind.  Hopefully you will soon have everything back in place with very few losses. Glad the wind has dropped it sounded quite frightening in some places.


Hi everyone xx My grandaughter rushing around so just a quick post. All is well with my son, they were to do things indoors because of the bad weather, he had to use a tool to cut stuff , he couldnt use it and was made to feel a bit daft. It was more the attitude of the guy than anything else. But all is well now, i am sorry i went off on one, it was just all the pressure of the day . He has had a chat with the boss and all is well xxx

Originally Posted by Skylark24:

Hi everyone xx My grandaughter rushing around so just a quick post. All is well with my son, they were to do things indoors because of the bad weather, he had to use a tool to cut stuff , he couldnt use it and was made to feel a bit daft. It was more the attitude of the guy than anything else. But all is well now, i am sorry i went off on one, it was just all the pressure of the day . He has had a chat with the boss and all is well xxx

Thank goodness for that, it was still a horrendous first day for him and I hope he has a much better day today to make up.  I think the stress of that would have made anybody go off on one .


Cute pic in the paper today







That's a relief for you and your son, Skylark 


Yesterday I went to meet a client (local, about 5 minutes away) at the arranged time. When I got there, there was a tree grinding machine in action at a neighbours causing a dreadful din. The client's partner opened the door to say that he wasn't in - the din was so bad it was doing his head in so he had left and was walking down to the local Co-op. I left a message with her, but she is in the early stages of Alzheimers, so her memory is patchy. So I went down to the Co-op (I was going there anyway) and caught up with my client. He had completely forgotten that I was coming and so we re-arranged for the same time today.


So I've just been to meet him, and this time, although his vehicle was there, there was no reply when I knocked. I left a card and came home, a wasted trip. I am aware that this client (I may have mentioned him before) is a known drunk in the area, and is not reilable. I wouldn't be surprised if he's just sleeping it off. That, or he or his partner have had to go to hospital unexpectedly (they both have medical conditions). I'm not about to tell him to find another accountant though, as he is local so I haven't lost much time, he does need an accountant, and I know that many accoutants wouldn't be prepared to have him as a client. Surprisngly enough, though I did educate him, his records are pretty good.

El Loro

Skylark, glad everything has sorted itself out for your son.

Squiggle and El, I love the swan pic and the Nikon advert - sooooooooo cute!

Sorry your client has given you the runaround, El. It is very frustrating and annoying when someone wastes your time in that way. Only you will know if it is worth keeping him on as a client, but perhaps you should tell him you will have to bill him for time wasted, in future.


Yogi, it depends on what reason or excuse my client says. If there is a reason such as medical emergency, I would not charge. On the other hand if it's an excuse such as forgetting, that's a different matter.


I did have a client who lived about half an hour's drive away, so an hour round trip. We had arranged for me to meet him at his house. When I got there, there was no answer. I was told afterwards that they had to go out to collect a bed. I was not impressed, and after that year, we parted company.

El Loro
Originally Posted by El Loro:

Yogi, it depends on what reason or excuse my client says. If there is a reason such as medical emergency, I would not charge. On the other hand if it's an excuse such as forgetting, that's a different matter.


I did have a client who lived about half an hour's drive away, so an hour round trip. We had arranged for me to meet him at his house. When I got there, there was no answer. I was told afterwards that they had to go out to collect a bed. I was not impressed, and after that year, we parted company.

I don't blame you, El.

Originally Posted by ~Sweet Summer~:
Afternoon all Just popping in quick, we're heading out to go *cringe* shopping! I need a dress to wear at a wedding.. Wish me luck lol I'm looking forward to the food part of the trip Skylark I'm really pleased your son went back in and things have improved

Good luck Summer, I'm sure you'll find something lovely.


you're in luck guys!

i'm on my home computer and just figured out how to add pics!





i just got home though to discover it online ÂĢ30 cheaper! i rang house of fraser and they said the sale started at 5pm- i bought the dress at 4.37pm

they said to go back with it, get a refund and buy the exact same dress back at sale price!


i hope they let me do it, the dress was ÂĢ150, so ÂĢ120 would be nicer


funny thing too- i asked the sales girls if nude shoes would go with the dress lol

~Sparkling Summer~
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