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Good morning Buddies, didn't our boy do well.  I had a big grin on my face watching him.

Welcome to Fletch the newest addition to our list.  I shall try to watch as much LF as possible today.  Can I suggest that those of us with LF have a sort of mini LUT in here to inform of Ben's progress in his 'day of hell'?

1.     squiggle
2.     Baz
3.     Yogi19
4.     spidermonkey
5.     kattymieoww
6.     brisket
7.     RiverRock
8.     Gel
9.     justafriend
10.    barney
11.    Blue Diamond
12.    darloboy
13.    The Devil in Diamante
14.    scatterby
15.    lal
16.    suzybean
17     MrsB
18.    Kaytee
19.    Miss S
20.    Jeggo
21.    Pengy
22.    cologne
23.    Lee
24.    ilovewillyoung
25.    Cosmopolitan
26.    elkie5
27.    Azure
28.    Croc
29.    marybee
30.    Moomin
31.    stupidcupid
32.    Videostar
33.    PinkBabe 1966
34.    GMA
35.    Emplula
36.    liverbird
37.    EvelynWilliams
38.    joyron
39.    Gypsie
40.    mummymaz
41.    erinp
42.    Jensen Junkie
43.    greenandpink
44.    Clipboard
45.    Liverpoollass
46.    Fletch
Can I suggest that those of us with LF have a sort of mini LUT in here to inform of Ben's progress in his 'day of hell'
Squiggle, and anyone else who is lucky enough to have LF, it would be VERY much appreciated by me if you were able to keep us up to date with what is happening to Ben today.
I have not yet watched last night's HL show but I'm looking forward to seeing how Ben got on, which seems to be okay according to what I've read on here.

What is wrong with Mario?  Why is he treating Ben so badly?  I'm considering giving up my Mario membership.
What is wrong with Mario? Why is he treating Ben so badly? I'm considering giving up my Mario membership.
Hi Joyron, Mario is talking on LF about this now.  He says he is annoyed because Ben said something about not wishing to endanger his possible presenting career in America.  Mario is saying that the sort of people he told BB he did not want to share the house with were the Jordan lookalikes and wannabe TV presenters, but that sounds a bit picky on Mario's part, you are going to get people in BB now who want to pursue careers in TV and anyway Ben was already in this sphere before BB. Whether this is about Ben not going along with Mario's gay agenda I do not know.  But Ben is very much his own person and will not dance to anyone else's tune.  I get the feeling that this is sour grapes on the part of Mario but I will look further into the alleged remark.  I too am disappointed in Mario, where has the gentle Mario gone?

Edit: Just got this from the LUT, which makes it a little bit clearer.

mario is upset with Ben because he is upset that Ben doesn't want to be seen to be affiliated with gayness in any form in case it affects his career particularly in America
Last edited by squiggle
Ben talking to Dave now about Mario and showing that he has a firm grasp on the Mario situation.  Ben saying that I fancied Rachel she didn't return those feelings, I had to deal with that and so should Mario deal with the fact that Ben doesn't see him in that way.  Dave is a good person to talk to saying for Ben to leave it a day or so but if Ben sees an opportunity to talk to Mario then try to talk to him about it.
I think the public are bound to see sooner or later that Josie is a false friend and quite a stirrer. I can't believe they are falling for her nice act.
HOW is she so popular?! I don't understand it. I can't stand her, she's so annoying and I'm hoping that her and JJ don't create a little romance because that would be extra annoying and boring.
Its not in Ben's nature to be pushed around.  This drill sergeant thing will just rile him up the wrong way and of course BB know this with their psychiatric tests which is why they have done it.  And I am not watching my movie

I've just thought the whole purpose of this is to lose them the luxury shopping budget and for Ben to get the blame, this is why the shopping list has not yet been delivered.
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