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Originally Posted by ~Sweet Summer~:
Aaaw! I'm having my luck outside and can hear baby jackdaws squawking in the nest! I've watched the parents build it and come and go, it's lovely to hear the chicks I hope I get to see them when they come out!

I hope you do Summer, its part of the wonder of new life bursting into action isn't it? Baby birds,  lambs in the fields what a wonderful world we live in.

Originally Posted by Skylark24:

Hi everyone xx 
Oh Yogi, are you going to get bouncing ball boy all summer   His parents havent instilled some manners then 

I'm really fed up about it tonight, Skylark. He and his friends managed to knock over my planters this afternoon and still they continued to play basketball and put the ball into my garden. He always says please and thank you - and he apologises -but then does it again.

My greenhouse now has a cracked panel (I didn't actually see him break it), he's knocked over the birdbath and my planters, and he is damaging the fence. He clambers over to retrieve the ball but only if the dog isn't around. She chases anyone who comes into the garden uninvited.

Hubby says he is going to have a word with the dad, but I doubt it will do any good.


Sorry, that was a long rant.

Originally Posted by Skylark24:

Someone should have a word Yogi, it cant go on really. You dont want to have a full scale war, but maybe invite the parents for coffee and a chat, to explain how YOU feel ? They may not realise, just how much damage and annoyance he is causing. I do feel for you 

I'm just worried it will end up with a falling out. The parents are nice but very laidback and I'm not sure they'll accept that it's a problem.

Originally Posted by Skylark24:

I understand that Yogi, but they will have to take some responsibility . Something has to be said tho , or your nerves will be frazzled 

When hubby got home from work, I was in a right mood. I was saying "That's it, I'm not growing any more plants and you might as well give away the ones in the greenhouse, before they end up being splatted by that basketball!".

Poor man, I think he wished he'd stayed at work.

Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by Skylark24:

I understand that Yogi, but they will have to take some responsibility . Something has to be said tho , or your nerves will be frazzled 

When hubby got home from work, I was in a right mood. I was saying "That's it, I'm not growing any more plants and you might as well give away the ones in the greenhouse, before they end up being splatted by that basketball!".

Poor man, I think he wished he'd stayed at work.

Well if you keep moaning at him, he may do something. Good luck xx

Originally Posted by Skylark24:

Yes he is Yogi, giving him money on Saturday to get "dickies" . I said , what on earth are they? He says they are work trousers with built in knee pads. I said...if you think i am going into a shop and asking for a pair of dickies you can think again !! He is on is own with that one 

That made me smile

Originally Posted by squiggle:
Originally Posted by Skylark24:

Yes he is Yogi, giving him money on Saturday to get "dickies" . I said , what on earth are they? He says they are work trousers with built in knee pads. I said...if you think i am going into a shop and asking for a pair of dickies you can think again !! He is on is own with that one 

That made me smile

I am sure they cant be called that, it must be the boys in the trade that call them that! Now he is one of the boys he is getting the lingo 

Originally Posted by Skylark24:

I am sure they cant be called that, it must be the boys in the trade that call them that! Now he is one of the boys he is getting the lingo 

Aww that's exactly what you want, what we all want for the young ones who struggle to get a job, to be one of the boys earning a wage.


Signing out now, speak to you all tomorrow.

Originally Posted by squiggle:
Originally Posted by Skylark24:

I am sure they cant be called that, it must be the boys in the trade that call them that! Now he is one of the boys he is getting the lingo 

Aww that's exactly what you want, what we all want for the young ones who struggle to get a job, to be one of the boys earning a wage.


Signing out now, speak to you all tomorrow.

I agree. Goodnight squiggle, sleep well.

Originally Posted by squiggle:
Originally Posted by Skylark24:

I am sure they cant be called that, it must be the boys in the trade that call them that! Now he is one of the boys he is getting the lingo 

Aww that's exactly what you want, what we all want for the young ones who struggle to get a job, to be one of the boys earning a wage.


Signing out now, speak to you all tomorrow.

yes indeed squiggle, goodnight, sleep well xx

*puts on ninja outfit and sneaks round yogi's neighbours to deflate all basket balls* I hope mr yogi or yourself do approach the neighbour to complain, there's a gentle way of doing such things but at least if you lose your rag in future and turn pyscho on the fence, they'll know why.. they really should be more considerate, and it is impossible to leave the dog on guard 24/7 Sleep well all I've been out for our tea with some lovely friends for a catch up- very good lamb chops
~Sparkling Summer~
Originally Posted by Skylark24:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:

Youngest son is doing a sponsored spin cycle for charity tomorrow. He's never done a spin cycle class before - I don't think he knows what he has let himself in for.

Good on him, what does that involve then? Scuse my ignorance, you arent going to put him in the washer i gather 

He says it's like cycling really fast, but you are standing up. You don't actually move from the spot and there's no seat to sit on. I've heard it is really tiring.

He does a lot of swimming and has strong legs - I think he's going to need them.

The money is going to a mission in Glasgow, so it's all in a good cause.

He may be walking funny on Saturday.

Originally Posted by ~Sweet Summer~:
*puts on ninja outfit and sneaks round yogi's neighbours to deflate all basket balls* I hope mr yogi or yourself do approach the neighbour to complain, there's a gentle way of doing such things but at least if you lose your rag in future and turn pyscho on the fence, they'll know why.. they really should be more considerate, and it is impossible to leave the dog on guard 24/7 Sleep well all I've been out for our tea with some lovely friends for a catch up- very good lamb chops

Thanks Summer. Believe it or not, they are still outside bouncing the ball at this time of night.

If I left the dog out, she'd only bark to get back in. She likes her cosy bed indoors.

Originally Posted by ~Sweet Summer~:
Skylark, I'm very spoiled like that anyway, mr summer is the cook in our house, once a week I'll buy something from m&s and pop in the oven and declare myself a tremendous housewife Lol yogi I don't blame your dog, it's better inside! They must bounce that ball til it's too dark

He's even bounced it in the snow.

Originally Posted by Skylark24:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by Skylark24:

Bet they would complain about the dog barking tho...........

I might let her outside, every time he starts bouncing the ball.

Knew we would sort it out eventually ! The only thing is your dog is like mine, likes her bed 

Pampered pooches, the pair of them.

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