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What a lucky escape they both had, Squiggle - and what a gorgeous labrador.


I'm feeling a bit atm. I've been in the greenhouse, feeding the tomato plants and noticed that one of the panels is cracked. I know it wasn't broken yesterday afternoon and we don't get the wind blowing on that side of the greenhouse. All I'll say is teenage boys and basketsballs!

Originally Posted by Yogi19:

What a lucky escape they both had, Squiggle - and what a gorgeous labrador.


I'm feeling a bit atm. I've been in the greenhouse, feeding the tomato plants and noticed that one of the panels is cracked. I know it wasn't broken yesterday afternoon and we don't get the wind blowing on that side of the greenhouse. All I'll say is teenage boys and basketsballs!

And if you were to confront said teenagers they would have innocent faces like angels

Originally Posted by squiggle:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:

What a lucky escape they both had, Squiggle - and what a gorgeous labrador.


I'm feeling a bit atm. I've been in the greenhouse, feeding the tomato plants and noticed that one of the panels is cracked. I know it wasn't broken yesterday afternoon and we don't get the wind blowing on that side of the greenhouse. All I'll say is teenage boys and basketsballs!

And if you were to confront said teenagers they would have innocent faces like angels

And his parents would never believe it of their little angel.

Originally Posted by squiggle:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:

What a lucky escape they both had, Squiggle - and what a gorgeous labrador.


I'm feeling a bit atm. I've been in the greenhouse, feeding the tomato plants and noticed that one of the panels is cracked. I know it wasn't broken yesterday afternoon and we don't get the wind blowing on that side of the greenhouse. All I'll say is teenage boys and basketsballs!

And if you were to confront said teenagers they would have innocent faces like angels

El Loro
Originally Posted by El Loro:
Originally Posted by squiggle:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:

What a lucky escape they both had, Squiggle - and what a gorgeous labrador.


I'm feeling a bit atm. I've been in the greenhouse, feeding the tomato plants and noticed that one of the panels is cracked. I know it wasn't broken yesterday afternoon and we don't get the wind blowing on that side of the greenhouse. All I'll say is teenage boys and basketsballs!

And if you were to confront said teenagers they would have innocent faces like angels

 You have made me laugh and lightened my mood, EL.


I've returned from the fly infested wilds in the middle of nowhere.


The man I was meeting showed me his arm which was covered in fly bites from last night. When he mentioned that he had a bite very close to his eye, I told him to make an appointment to see his doctor today. With Blandford fly bites, they produce large blisters which can weep, and it is easy for secondary infections to set in, so they have to be taken seriously. The flies are attracted to water features - they have a small lake in the back garden, and rather like mosquitoes, they seem to also strike at night when people are in bed. They may have to consider putting up mosquito netting over the beds.


I took the precaution of wearing long arm shirts, a jacket and tie (top shirt button buttoned up to stop any flies trying to get down the shirt), and long socks, so I think I avoided getting bit. Thanks for the insect repellent and the protective clothing - they may have done the trick.


One thing I found out is that Blandford flies are seasonal in May and June, so I will try to avoid my return visit until July.

El Loro
Originally Posted by El Loro:

I've returned from the fly infested wilds in the middle of nowhere.


The man I was meeting showed me his arm which was covered in fly bites from last night. When he mentioned that he had a bite very close to his eye, I told him to make an appointment to see his doctor today. With Blandford fly bites, they produce large blisters which can weep, and it is easy for secondary infections to set in, so they have to be taken seriously. The flies are attracted to water features - they have a small lake in the back garden, and rather like mosquitoes, they seem to also strike at night when people are in bed. They may have to consider putting up mosquito netting over the beds.


I took the precaution of wearing long arm shirts, a jacket and tie (top shirt button buttoned up to stop any flies trying to get down the shirt), and long socks, so I think I avoided getting bit. Thanks for the insect repellent and the protective clothing - they may have done the trick.


One thing I found out is that Blandford flies are seasonal in May and June, so I will try to avoid my return visit until July.

I think that will be your best option. It sounds like those pesky flies can give really nasty bites.

Originally Posted by Yogi19:

El, have you downloaded Mozilla FF 4.?

I did recently, and I've noticed that my AVG Safesearch is not compatible and has been disabled.


I haven't yet as I get a warning that one of my add-ins isn't compatible.


I found this link to the AVG safesearch website with what to do about the incompatability issue. Hope this helps you. I don't use AVG myself so have no experience of it. You'll need to do a search using 4223 then read and follow the instructions.

El Loro
Afternoon all Oh crikey El I hope you didn't get bitten, I've not heard of them but they sound like nasty little critters! I've been a busy bee today; I drove my MIL to an appointment in Newcastle- only my 2nd time driving through the city, and I didn't take one wrong turn then I brought her home and colored & cut her hair. She's been unwell lately so it's nice to do something to make her feel good
~Sparkling Summer~

El, you are a genius! AVG Safesearch is all sorted now, thank you so much.


Squiggle, I agree, I don't think I could live there with all those flies. Poor Mr Yogi would be bitten alive - mosquitos etc seem to think he's a walking buffet.


Summer, I know I always feel better after having my hair done, and I'm sure your MIL really appreciates it. I hope her health is much better now.


Many years ago I went for a countryside walk near Gloucester and suddenly found myself in a swarm of midges or something similar. I got badly bitten particularly on the backs of my hands. And for the next couple of weeks, my hands were inflamed and extremely itchy. I used calamine lotion to reduce the itchiness, but it was very difficult to try and stop myself scratching my hands as that would not help at all. It's not an experience I would want to repeat.

El Loro

Summer, I've been a busy bee (not fly ) - seeing that client this morning - it's an hour's drive each way, so had a late lunch. Then I'm off to see another client at 6 (local this one). This one's a new client who rang me back in December when he was ringing around. I hadn't heard back from him until a few days ago - a small client, but they all count.

El Loro
Originally Posted by ~Sweet Summer~:
Afternoon all Oh crikey El I hope you didn't get bitten, I've not heard of them but they sound like nasty little critters! I've been a busy bee today; I drove my MIL to an appointment in Newcastle- only my 2nd time driving through the city, and I didn't take one wrong turn then I brought her home and colored & cut her hair. She's been unwell lately so it's nice to do something to make her feel good

Well done Summer, a busy day but a very productive one.  I am glad your MIL is feeling better now.

Originally Posted by ~Sweet Summer~:
El that sounds beyond irritating, isn't it amazing how something so small can cause so much damage?! Yogi, thank you MIL is much much better than she was even a month ago How's both of your day's going?

I'm glad your MIL is feeling better.

I've been having a bit of a clearout today, keeping myself busy.


I just got an email from that guy on Facebook, if you remember he was looking for members of his family.  He just lost his grampa a month ago which was I suppose the reason he was trying to get in touch with members of his grampa's family.  He is missing his grampa so much, he virtually raised him and he just wrote the most moving thing I have ever heard about losing someone we love.  It made me cry.  I am unsure as to whether to post it in the other place but I am tempted because it is just so beautiful and moving.  Tell me what you think.

Originally Posted by squiggle:

I just got an email from that guy on Facebook, if you remember he was looking for members of his family.  He just lost his grampa a month ago which was I suppose the reason he was trying to get in touch with members of his grampa's family.  He is missing his grampa so much, he virtually raised him and he just wrote the most moving thing I have ever heard about losing someone we love.  It made me cry.  I am unsure as to whether to post it in the other place but I am tempted because it is just so beautiful and moving.  Tell me what you think.

I'd love to read it, Squiggle.


I saw a film last night called The Duellists. The cinematography was exceptional, and the final scene was spectacularly beautiful. I've got a snapshot of that and I've put in in as an attachment so that you can get a better view. It will only give you a diluted impression as it really needs to be seen on a big screen, and of course there is no music.


Images (1)
  • The Duellists
El Loro
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