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Originally Posted by Skylark24:

squiggle 5.2 is just about normal, why are you taking statins?
Yogi, yes levels are usually high with the combination of HBP and diabetes .
Any side effects, which you find are unpleasant? 

I've asked and he says not that he is aware of. Is there any side effect in particular that you are worried about?

Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by Skylark24:

squiggle 5.2 is just about normal, why are you taking statins?
Yogi, yes levels are usually high with the combination of HBP and diabetes .
Any side effects, which you find are unpleasant? 

I've asked and he says not that he is aware of. Is there any side effect in particular that you are worried about?

The effects on the kidneys, although there is some dispute whether this is the case. With my mum having kidney problems etc. Plus memory loss...


Good morning everyone


Tomorrow I'll be visiting a client who lives in the middle of nowhere. They live in a cottage near a large manor house and so does not appear on any street map. And sat nav (not that I have it) does not work. Last year when I went there, I drove down a path off the main road and the path has a badly broken cattle grid which is too risky to drive over. There is another route which involves going down a side road off the main road, and then turning down a path over another cattle grid, but this one is not damaged.


This is where Google maps comes into its own. Firstly I used the satelite option on Google maps. This gives an overhead photographic view of the area (and you can zoom in to get a better view). So I could see which path I was supposed to go down and roughly how far down the side road I needed to go. Then I switched to the ordinary map view, zoomed in over the side road until it became the actual ground level view. So I then "walked" down the side road until I came to the right set of gates leading to the path I need to go down (there were 3 sets of gates in the stretch I went down, but I worked out which set of gates I needed. So I'm now all set for tomorrow's adventure

El Loro
Morning everyone Sorry I missed you last night yogi, I popped in then mr summer was off to bed so I went to say goodnight, got ready for bed myself and then it was bus o'clock before I knew it! Yesterday was an easy Monday, it was wildly windy so I was quiet at work, I read lots of my book Happy tuesday all, feel free to talk about any illness/ailments, I'm interested in biology and like to play around with aromatherapy It's sunny but a bit fresh here, I'm glad the wind has eased
~Sparkling Summer~

Good morning everyone. A bit overcast but at least the wind has eased.

No worries Summer, I see you did the bus double yesterday. Going to get my hair cut this afternoon - pity you don't live nearer, Summer.

El, isn't it great that you can get so much information and detail from the internet. I don't know how we coped before we had it.

Skylark, ditto what Squiggle said, I'm keeping everything crossed for your son.

Joyron, hope you are having one of your better days.

Originally Posted by ~Sweet Summer~:
 I'm interested in biology and like to play around with aromatherapy

True story. Some years ago, I was at the home of a very attractive Swedish masseuse when she asked me to go upstairs with her to her bedroom to check her aromatherapy bottles.


I should explain that I did her accounts and tax return, and I needed a value of stock to put in the accounts. Also we used to be next door neighbours and I had known her and her family for over 20 years, so there was a trust between us. And yes, I did go upstairs, but made sure that I did not get too close to her.

El Loro

I've just had a very interesting phone call.


You remember that recently I went to a firm of solicitors to work on the final tax return of my client who died (the one with the New Orleans jazz band playing at her funeral).


She's aked me if I would do the tax return for someone else who had died, and has rather complicated tax affairs. Obviously I agreed, and this could turn out to be quite a good source of work for me in the future.

El Loro
Originally Posted by El Loro:
Originally Posted by ~Sweet Summer~:
 I'm interested in biology and like to play around with aromatherapy

True story. Some years ago, I was at the home of a very attractive Swedish masseuse when she asked me to go upstairs with her to her bedroom to check her aromatherapy bottles.


I should explain that I did her accounts and tax return, and I needed a value of stock to put in the accounts. Also we used to be next door neighbours and I had known her and her family for over 20 years, so there was a trust between us. And yes, I did go upstairs, but made sure that I did not get too close to her.

You lead an interesting life, El.


Originally Posted by El Loro:

I've just had a very interesting phone call.


You remember that recently I went to a firm of solicitors to work on the final tax return of my client who died (the one with the New Orleans jazz band playing at her funeral).


She's aked me if I would do the tax return for someone else who had died, and has rather complicated tax affairs. Obviously I agreed, and this could turn out to be quite a good source of work for me in the future.

I certainly do remember you telling us about the New Orleans jazz band funeral.

Things seems to be looking good on the jobs front, El - long may it continue.

Originally Posted by El Loro:

I've just had a very interesting phone call.


You remember that recently I went to a firm of solicitors to work on the final tax return of my client who died (the one with the New Orleans jazz band playing at her funeral).


She's aked me if I would do the tax return for someone else who had died, and has rather complicated tax affairs. Obviously I agreed, and this could turn out to be quite a good source of work for me in the future.

That's very good news EL it could lead to a lot of work in the future


Hi everyone xx 
Just got an hysterical phone call from my son, thought he had some kind of accident,but when he calmed down, he said he checked his emails on his blackberry, and he has got the job with the building firm! He is trying to console his friend who wasnt successful but he cant hide his joy. Dont know all the details yet, will know more when he is home . He is off to see his tutor, as he will be leaving college. 
I am soooo happy for him. I will be on later and bore you all with the details  

Originally Posted by Joyron:

What is absolutely wonderful news Skylark.  It's really brightened my day. 


I'm still reading all your news but don't feel able to contribute at the moment.  Love you all. 

Hi Joyron, thanks so much, very much appreciated, so glad it brightened your day. Keep well, and chin up 


Hi , well son hasnt stopped talking since he came in    He starts on Monday   It will be a sort of placement until he is taken on as an apprentice, which should be around 4 to 5 weeks. He has his health and safety certificate, all he needs to do now is an afternoon on first aid, not sure what he is going to learn in one afternoon, but it needs to be done. He is away to see his friend who didnt get accepted . 

El, you are a very interesting person !!  


Hi Summer thanks x Its a start for him, i worry for the future for the young lads that want to work, and not many chances. He isnt an academic type, he prefers outdoors and getting a trade.
The boys are having pizza, sister and i are having sirloin steak with gravy and veg. Cant wait !
Have a good soak in the bath for your aches 


Good morning everyone


I saw an item on the news yesterday. Blandford flies have been causing problems in a small village. These are tiny little flies which feed on blood, rather like mosquitoes. They can produces little blisters which are very itchy and take a couple of weeks to heal. It can be so bad for some that they need hospital treatment.


This is not the news I wanted to hear as the client who I'm visiting this morning (the one who lives in the middle of nowhere) lives just outside this village. Hopefully, I won't get bitten.


El Loro
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