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Popping in very late, I haven't seen an affair to remember, I love old films so I should hire it! I do love sleepless in Seattle but I think for the memory of watching it rather than the actual film.. My dad died when I was young, Xmas wasn't good for years after, then one day I suddenly ok again and that year I bought myself a new, White Xmas tree and sleepless in Seattle was on while I decorated it. It was a huge, positive, turning point getting that tree and i've loved every Xmas since I also really liked meg ryan's hair lol Skylark, I'm keeping my fingers crossed for your computer! Joyron, I know we've yet to speak properly but I'm willing you better! Those bad days will decline and you'll be feeling good again soon Hope you all have lovely sleeps, sweet dreams Oh p.s. It did indeed rain, heavy, as I finished work!
~Sparkling Summer~
Originally Posted by Skylark24:
Originally Posted by squiggle:
Originally Posted by Skylark24:

Watching The Dales, dont know if any of you have seen this. Its good, there is a 16 year old lad who has taken over his father,s farm, since his death. What a wonderful boy he is, such a hard worker and seems to have a good business head on him.

Its one of my favourite shows.  That little lad is wonderful, the way he has taken on his father's role.  His dad died last year and he has been a tower of strength.  Its good to know that youngsters like him are still around in this country.

Isnt he wonderful squiggle? Too much press on the wrong ones and not enough on lads like this x

saw this - what a lovely boy then watched the wootton Bassett documentary - felt very humbled - there are some fantastic young people about - makes you feel more optimistic night

Rocking Ros Rose

Good morning everyone, a bright morning here.


Summer that was very moving and I am glad that Christmasses now are once again filled with joy for you   I love Sleepless in Seattle but then I am an old softy, and yes definitely hire An Affair To Remember, you will be in for a treat.


Typical the rain bucketing down just as you leave work


Sorry we missed you Ros, I missed the programme about Wootton Bassett but I agree with your sentiments, we have to focus on the good youth of this country not the ones who are always in the press for the wrong reasons.


For those who have not yet seen The Dales, do try and catch it its a lovely show, and you have to see that young farmer.  There's a Yorkshire word I have heard, its gradely, and every time I see that lad I think he's gradely.



PS  I got a spam email today supposedly from the FBI, I didn't open it, but do you think they are after me?


Good morning everyone.

Ros, I didn't see the programme on Wootton Bassett. I imagine it was incredibly sad and moving.

Summer, I read your post about Christmas with a big lump in my throat. I'm glad that Christmas is a happy time for you again.

Squiggle!! E-mails from the FBI, what have you been up to?!


 Edit: Hubby is off work for a couple of days, so I'll pop back when he's napping busy.


Joyron, I hope today is a good one for you.

Last edited by Yogi19
Originally Posted by ~Sweet Summer~:
And thanks everyone for the lovely response to my Xmas story, I credit my positivity to coming through such a negative time I live my life hoping that my dad can look in and be proud of me (I think he'd appreciate my bus stats )

Summer, I think your dad will be looking down on you and will be incredibly proud of you.

Originally Posted by ~Sweet Summer~:
El, yes I know it's the 3rd part, I've read the books and seen the first 2 films have you read them too?

Not yet, I'll probably wait for the films to be shown on television to see if I like them. When I'm in HMV I tend to look at the foreign films section which is why I was aware of the titles

El Loro
Originally Posted by ~Sweet Summer~:
The books are very very good, my mum & her friend enjoyed them after I read them. They're making a Hollywood version of the trilogy- will you wait for them or watch the foreign films that are out already? The girl who played with fire is one the most addictive books I've ever read!

My experience of Hollywood remakes of foreign films is that the remakes are generally inferior shadows of the originals. Hollywood films tend to be more interested in special effects and hyper-action rather than European films which tend to be more subtle and rely on something which often is missing from Hollywood films - good story telling.


From what I've just seen on IMDB about the content of the first film, The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, it seems far too unplesant for me to want to watch though. On the warnings scales, IMDB gives it a 9/10 for sex, for violence and for bad language.

El Loro

For those on Facebook have you ever received a friend request from someone you never heard of.  I just received one from a guy in America and I confirmed the request and then posted a message as to whether there is a link between us or whether there is a mistake but should I have confirmed or not do you think?  Life is full of puzzling dilemmas isn't it?

Ah yes el, there is some rather shocking happenings however it is very relevant to the story and main character, one of the few stories that I've ever read to accomplish that. I agree with the Hollywood opinion, the books are set in Sweden, so it seems right that the films are foreign! I saw them dubbed and was very happy with them
~Sparkling Summer~

Yogi I think I can unfriend him although I have never done this.  I hate it when they fiddle with things, like when they change all the shelves in supermarkets, why can't they just leave things alone?


Just watched a documentary I had taped from Channel 5 about Lionel Logue the man depicted in The King's Speech helping The King.  Very interesting, I am looking forward to seeing the film when it eventually makes it onto Sky.


Hi everyone x
A cuddle for Summer  
squiggle, when was i on Facebook i had a lot of that, i think it was harmless, some people are looking for friends etc and may just have got the wrong person. I had a few, because i have a very Scottish name, i had some from the US, presumably, trying to trace Scottish family etc . Dont worry its not the FBI     Its easy to remove them from your account x

Originally Posted by Skylark24:

Hi everyone x
A cuddle for Summer  
squiggle, when was i on Facebook i had a lot of that, i think it was harmless, some people are looking for friends etc and may just have got the wrong person. I had a few, because i have a very Scottish name, i had some from the US, presumably, trying to trace Scottish family etc . Dont worry its not the FBI     Its easy to remove them from your account x

Thanks Skylark, at first I thought it might be someone from church, you know you have so many friends in common and they suggest you might befriend someone, but this guy is in America.  I think it is probably a mistake, its not as if we have the same surname or anything but I was intrigued enough to click OK to the friends request.  I tried to click on his name to see if I knew him but his profile was restricted.

Originally Posted by squiggle:
Originally Posted by Skylark24:

Hi everyone x
A cuddle for Summer  
squiggle, when was i on Facebook i had a lot of that, i think it was harmless, some people are looking for friends etc and may just have got the wrong person. I had a few, because i have a very Scottish name, i had some from the US, presumably, trying to trace Scottish family etc . Dont worry its not the FBI     Its easy to remove them from your account x

Thanks Skylark, at first I thought it might be someone from church, you know you have so many friends in common and they suggest you might befriend someone, but this guy is in America.  I think it is probably a mistake, its not as if we have the same surname or anything but I was intrigued enough to click OK to the friends request.  I tried to click on his name to see if I knew him but his profile was restricted.

Its hard tho, just to remove them, just incase it is someone you know, and they feel like they have been snubbed. If it is someone who really wants to get in touch, they are more than likely to try again x

Originally Posted by Skylark24:
Originally Posted by squiggle:
Originally Posted by Skylark24:

Hi everyone x
A cuddle for Summer  
squiggle, when was i on Facebook i had a lot of that, i think it was harmless, some people are looking for friends etc and may just have got the wrong person. I had a few, because i have a very Scottish name, i had some from the US, presumably, trying to trace Scottish family etc . Dont worry its not the FBI     Its easy to remove them from your account x

Thanks Skylark, at first I thought it might be someone from church, you know you have so many friends in common and they suggest you might befriend someone, but this guy is in America.  I think it is probably a mistake, its not as if we have the same surname or anything but I was intrigued enough to click OK to the friends request.  I tried to click on his name to see if I knew him but his profile was restricted.

Its hard tho, just to remove them, just incase it is someone you know, and they feel like they have been snubbed. If it is someone who really wants to get in touch, they are more than likely to try again x

Sounds complicated, I'm glad I've avoided FB so far.


Hi Skylark.

Originally Posted by Skylark24:

Hi Yogi x  I am not on FB now, a picture of my granddaughter was used in an advert for a photography company. Its a long story, and awful at the time. 
How are you this evening?  

I remember you mentioning that - shocking!

I'm not bad, thanks. Got the hospital in the morning, so I'm getting a bit wound up (for no reason at all). I'm always worried that they're going to tell me I need to go back in.

I'm watching the Eurovision programme and then The Apprentice to distract me.

How are you doing?

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