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Wow El I had no idea that chiclephobia existed! crumbs, I regularly chew gum too. Have you ever had to ask anyone to stop it?! Yogi it's real nice that your sons live local and keep in touch so well, I like it my family is fragmented and parts don't speak to each other etc I let them just get on with it Aw squiggle, what a huge chore you've got there, I wish you lots of luck! What o.s. are you using?
~Sparkling Summer~

Good afternoon everyone.    Sorry I've not been about but I've been feeling a little bit down so decided to stay away.


HOWEVER, having just returned from my second visit with the physiotherapist, I am feeling on top of the world.    All my hard work with the exercises seems to have paid off.  I've been told I don't need to use the crutches anymore.  In fact I'm walking better without them!!!  I don't even need a stick, although I should still take one crutch out with me when I'm out for any length of time or doing a lot of walking.  The next appointment with the physio has been cancelled as it's not needed, although I can still ring and ask for an appointment should something some up which worries me.


From all the stories I've heard since the question of surgery came up I don't think I've ever heard of someone going from two crutches to no crutches in just four weeks.  Bearing in mind the bad start I had I'm really pleased with the outcome.  I'm still in considerable pain, but then I've been like that for the last couple of years so I suppose I must have a high pain tolerance!!


Hopefully I won't need to go on about this subject anymore.  Will try not to bore you all any further. 


I have No.1 son and the grandchildren coming for the weekend so probably won't be about much.  Have a great weekend whatever you are doing.  I will try and pop in when I can.  Love you all. 


That is such wonderful news Joyron, may you go from strength to strength and in no time find yourself pain-free.


Yogi and Joyron I hope you enjoy your weekends with your families.  Yogi its lovely that your boys live so close. 


Summer that lamb curry sounds delicious, I hope you and Mr Summer really enjoy it


EL gum-chewing is something I find annoying too, people doing it always remind me of cows chewing the cud


summer, I've never needed to ask someone to stop chewing gum as no-one close to me does. It doesn't affect me if I see someone chewing outside, it's more likely to be in a room such as a waiting room at the doctors - there I can generally just look in a different direction.


It's where a character in a film or on television is chewing gum that it's hard to avoid (I hope you are looking at this Alex Ferguson, because you are one of the worst offenders). What brought it to mind was The Shadow Line which started last night. Apart from the fact that I found it far too slow, I was put off by the very first scene. Two cops find a man shot dead in a car. One of them chews gum throughout the scene which drags on for an absurd length of time - 6 minutes 20 seconds.

El Loro
Originally Posted by squiggle:

That is such wonderful news Joyron, may you go from strength to strength and in no time find yourself pain-free.


Yogi and Joyron I hope you enjoy your weekends with your families.  Yogi its lovely that your boys live so close. 


Summer that lamb curry sounds delicious, I hope you and Mr Summer really enjoy it


EL gum-chewing is something I find annoying too, people doing it always remind me of cows chewing the cud

Ditto to everything - great new Joyron


Talking of relatives living close made me think of mine. My aunt lives just over 120 miles away, and my brother just over 130 miles away (far side of London).


squiggle, so you too are a chiclephobic


Two chiclephobics chucking chocks at chiclemaniacs

El Loro
Originally Posted by ~Sweet Summer~:
If I chew gum a lot at work (to prevent snacking) but not at all at home, am I a chiclemaniac?!

A deeply profound question. It is rather like the question "if a tree falls to the ground deep in a forest where there is no-one nearby to hear it, does the tree make a sound?" There is no definitive answer to that question - have a look at this rather long article on this question.


Someone who has no control over their need to chew gum would be regarded as a chiclemaniac. However you do have control as you don't chew gum at home which would mean that you weren't one. But if you were chewing gum in the vicinity of a chiclephobic and you knew they were chiclephobic, then they would probably regard as a chiclemaniac.


And a very important announcement. I have done a Google search on the word "Chiclemaniac", and we in this thread are the very first people in the world to have used this word. A truly historic moment in time.

El Loro

Good morning everyone


A good dose of rain last evening and night here, complete with a thunderstorm around 9 yesterday evening. Storm clouds overhead, and 99% certain to get a lot of rain over the next 24 hours. I know people don't like thunderstorms, but the ground needs the rain and this will put out those gorse fires around the country (but not locally).


Rosgirl, you are in fact a chiclephobe as you hate gum and stop the kids at school chewing it.

El Loro

Good morning everyone, we too had a big thunderstorm last night, started right overhead and moved away thankfully.  I found it had affected all the clocks on the appliances though so I had to re-set those this morning.  EL whatever weather you get we seem to get about an hour later down here.


Already the grass is looking much better and I can see that the lawn feed and weed I put down is beginning to take effect on the weeds.  The pond looks better for some good rainwater too so I hope we get some more.  But I know a local farmer who doesn't want any because he is cutting his silage, still I hope he managed to get it done this week before the rain.


Have a good day everyone, sounds like a busy one for you Yogi.


squiggle, at present there's a bit of blue sky, so maybe you'll get some later, but I think the weather today is coming from the south, so I should be getting your weather an hour later than you.


I should think your local farmer would have cut his silage by yesterday as the rain had been forecast for several days - for once the forecasters have been right.


Just returned from my shopping and going to the church hall coffee morning which is held once a month. I generally go to the coffee morning to help put tables and chairs away at the end. I'm 59, but apart from the curate, it's safe to say that I'm the youngest person there

El Loro
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by squiggle:

I've got a weird mental picture of a chicken spitting out chewing gum now EL

This thread gets more every day.

We'll be OK Yogi as long as no normal FM's have a nose around


By the way to give you all a laugh you know I had to reinstall everything which meant I had to google Gagajoy?  Well one of the posts (from this is BB forum I think) said had anybody seen Gagajoy and someone said I just had a look and its full of those sad C4 gits still harping on about cliques   The nerve!

Originally Posted by squiggle:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by squiggle:

I've got a weird mental picture of a chicken spitting out chewing gum now EL

This thread gets more every day.

We'll be OK Yogi as long as no normal FM's have a nose around


By the way to give you all a laugh you know I had to reinstall everything which meant I had to google Gagajoy?  Well one of the posts (from this is BB forum I think) said had anybody seen Gagajoy and someone said I just had a look and its full of those sad C4 gits still harping on about cliques   The nerve!

How dare they!

Originally Posted by squiggle:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:

I'm good, Skylark. I hope you are well - apart from your computer problems.

I'm getting ready to watch BGT. Maybe there will be some actual talent this week.

I tape BGT so I can whiz through all the dross, doesn't take long to watch the show

You aren't kidding, Squiggle. The standard is dire this year.

Originally Posted by Skylark24:

Hi x Just managed to shut everything down !  I am watching BGT too, but wont post in the thread, for obvious reasons !

As long as you are with us in spirit.

Link copied to your clipboard.