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El Loro posted:

Good morning everyone


Cloudy and breezy here.


Yogi, I don't know why the recorded message mentioned "unforeseen circumstance" as no business would deliberately cut off their phone service with "foreseen circumnstance" .


Summer, I'm glad you had a wonderful week


I hope everyone has a good day


El Loro posted:

I thought I'd compare men's and women's England teams for their current world rankings:
Cricket - Men 5th Women 2nd
(for the Men I've taken the average of their Test, One Day Internationals and T20 as the Women's rankings combine these into one table)
Rugby Union - Men 3rd Women 2nd
Football - Men 16th Women 3rd - now 2nd
Hockey - Men 7th Women 2nd


The number of countries in the tables is much the same for men and for women by sport so the comparisons are fair.

Since I posted the above yesterday, FIFA has released updated rankings for the women's football. You'll see that they are the second best country in each of the 4 main team sports.

El Loro
El Loro posted:

The Information Commissioners Office has been searching the premises of a business in Clydebank suspected of making 200 million illegal calls to people. They are recorded calls about either boilers or replacement windows often referring to non-existent grants.

I've had those calls and others here are likely to have as well.

I’ve had those calls too


Sorry to have just missed you yogi, sweet dreams I hope you had a good day 


My feet have hardly touched the ground since I got home and I’ve been invited to an engagement party tomorrow night, so I won’t be having a quiet night in as planned. A lay in on Sunday is definitely happening though I hope  


squiggle, I had forgotten a new milly was out this month!!!! are you enjoying it? I must get a copy  

~Sparkling Summer~

A question for you. Traffic lights ahead just turning amber. I could see and hear fire engine coming up behind me so I stopped to let it have space in front of me. Car ahead of me went through the lights which had turned red to let the fire engine go through. The traffic lights have cameras to snap vehicles going through red lights.


Would the authorities fine the driver of that car by default, if so presumably the driver would need to go to court to explain why and would that be acceptable?

El Loro

Good afternoon all

It’s a beautiful, sunny Spring day.

Squiggle, I also hadn’t realised Milly had a new book out, I’ll go find it on Amazon. Milly’s Books make a nice change from my usual crime thrillers.

El, if the fire engine was visible in the photos, I doubt that driver would receive a fine. If not, I would think he might have to explain and hope the authorities would be reasonable.

Hope you enjoy the engagement part tonight, Summer

Hugs for our absentees, Moonie and Velvet


El Loro posted:

Thanks Yogi, it's something I've wondered over the years and seeing it happen this morning made it worth seeing what others thought.
Here's what seeme to be an official view:
The driver did carry down the road so may be be in trouble.

I would think that the emergency vehicle would also set off the camera so it would be quite easy to prove that the driver had moved to let them through.

However, the fact that the driver carried on down the road, instead of pulling to the side might change things.


Good morning everyone


Cloudy here. May brighten up in time for our Palm Sunday procession from the village hall to the church.Still called a village hall though many years since this was a village as such.


Lys Assia has died, she was 94 - she was the first winner of the Eurovision contest back in 1956:


I hope everyone has a good day

El Loro
Yogi19 posted:

Thanks El and Squiggle. I’m still coughing and spluttering but at least the streaming nose isn’t so bad - I’m currently sporting the Rudolph look and it is not attractive 


Good to have you back with us Moonie, hope you are feeling much better.

Awwwww poor Yogi 

I hope you feel better soon 😷 but ðŸĪ—😉


I am feeling much better fankoo  

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