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Hope we can get together for a chat Joyron, let me know what's happening in your life. I do try to pop into El Loro's thread in The Lounge from time to time
I did try posting in there Squiggle but it got a bit "booky" and I felt out of my depth.  I will try and post a message in there tomorrow morning sometime to tell you what I've been up to.

As regards Ben there is NO WAY he will be sent packing from the house because of this "stunt". 
Ben was talking earlier on LF and said that he had contemplated just walking out on the first night as he felt out of his comfort zone.  I would not be overly surprised if the cumulative effect of sitting there all day wearing a sandwich board reading "I AM A JOKE" and this ordeal tomorrow night caused him just to quit   Bad form for BB I think, they seem hell bent on humiliating him
I would not be overly surprised if the cumulative effect of sitting there all day wearing a sandwich board reading "I AM A JOKE" and this ordeal tomorrow night caused him just to quit Bad form for BB I think, they seem hell bent on humiliating him
We MUST have more faith in him.  Personally I think the crowd will be good and he will get a lift from the experience.  At least that's what I'm hoping!!!
This has to be told in a scouse accent (don't ask why)

A little lad was helping his dad with the decorating and his dad runs out of fags.  He says to his son "pop to the corner shop for me and get me 20 Embassy". The lad says "what if they don't have any?" and his dad says "well get me anything".  10 mins later the lad returns and says to his dad "they didn't have any, so I got you an apple"

I think I have posted this joke on here before.

A man goes home and starts packing his suitcase. His wife asks him, what are you doing? he replied packing, she said yes but where are you going? He replied "to Tahiti", she asked why there?
He replied, because I have heard that every time you make love to a woman you get ÂĢ5. He carries on packing then turns around and sees her packing, he asks her where are you going? She replies Tahiti, he asks Why? She replies I want to see how you can live on ÂĢ5 a year.

Blue Diamond (Ben's Buddy 11)
Morning all.  I am so disappointed to have no rib ticklers awaiting me this morning.  Hey ho, hope its a good day for all of us especially Ben.

Liverpool Lass re the Freddie thread, its not still going . If you read back through it we 'put it to bed' in a very dignified way with a toast to Figtree who we haven't heard from for ages, but darlo doesn't seem to have spotted it .  Catch up later

PS  Be sure to catch DiD's thread on Freddie quotes stolen from DS, its hilarious, our cheeky chappy certainly the best value for money in that house, bless him
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