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Originally Posted by Skylark24:

i had a lovely day, wedding wonderful, i have had a bit too much to drink , so will go off me thinks , just wanted to report in and have a chat, but cant ! Sorry, oh well at least i am honest, xx Now i know i shouldnt do this,. but hey ho

Skylark, as long as you enjoyed the day, that's the main thing.

Originally Posted by Rosgirl:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:

Hi Ros. It was a lovely wedding and they both looked so happy.

yes - it was much less statesmanlike than charles and diana - some very simplistic touches

thought Eugene and her sister looked awful but kate's mum, looked nice

Kate's mum did look lovely but I agree that Beatrice and Eugenie were complete disasters. What on earth was Beatrice wearing on her head? Someone described it as antlers.

Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by Rosgirl:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:

Hi Ros. It was a lovely wedding and they both looked so happy.

yes - it was much less statesmanlike than charles and diana - some very simplistic touches

thought Eugene and her sister looked awful but kate's mum, looked nice

Kate's mum did look lovely but I agree that Beatrice and Eugenie were complete disasters. What on earth was Beatrice wearing on her head? Someone described it as antlers.

don't know - it was Vivienne westwood apparently but - sorry they both looked grotesque


Was Andrew there???? can't remember seeing him

Rocking Ros Rose
Originally Posted by Rosgirl:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by Rosgirl:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:

Hi Ros. It was a lovely wedding and they both looked so happy.

yes - it was much less statesmanlike than charles and diana - some very simplistic touches

thought Eugene and her sister looked awful but kate's mum, looked nice

Kate's mum did look lovely but I agree that Beatrice and Eugenie were complete disasters. What on earth was Beatrice wearing on her head? Someone described it as antlers.

don't know - it was Vivienne westwood apparently but - sorry they both looked grotesque


Was Andrew there???? can't remember seeing him

Yes he was, he was sitting next to the girls in the abbey. He was in naval uniform (I think it was naval).

Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by Rosgirl:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by Rosgirl:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:

Hi Ros. It was a lovely wedding and they both looked so happy.

yes - it was much less statesmanlike than charles and diana - some very simplistic touches

thought Eugene and her sister looked awful but kate's mum, looked nice

Kate's mum did look lovely but I agree that Beatrice and Eugenie were complete disasters. What on earth was Beatrice wearing on her head? Someone described it as antlers.

don't know - it was Vivienne westwood apparently but - sorry they both looked grotesque


Was Andrew there???? can't remember seeing him

Yes he was, he was sitting next to the girls in the abbey. He was in naval uniform (I think it was naval).

oooo thanks yogi - watching it again on the news - it's nice to see bits you have missed

Rocking Ros Rose
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by Rosgirl:

i like period drama stuff

Me too. I love the way they spoke then, it was so eloquent and poetic.

I know - so polite and i never thought I would say this but everybody knowing their places was so simple but in a way they were happier.

going now - up early tomorrow

lovely chatting to you as always

see you in BGT thread

Rocking Ros Rose

Good morning everyone


There was a bit of a thunderstorm here yesterday evening, the first of the year. At least the ground would have got a bit of a soaking. At present it's a mix of cloud and blue sky, so there may be more heavy showers or it could be sunny all day - I know to the south of where I am that there is a real risk of hefty showers, so squiggle's mole may get a bit wet today.


Although I have firewall and antivirus s/w so I shouldn't get any viruses, I found yesterday that somehow a virus had crept in. I have got rid of it, but it goes to show that no matter how careful you are, they can still get in.

El Loro
Originally Posted by Yogi19:

Don't tell Mr Yogi, but I recorded most of it and will watch it again at a later date.

I think I had better wait till I'm on my own.

There is a follow-up programme tonight with highlights from the day and I will record that.  I have never wanted to watch this sort of thing again before so it must have been special.


Poor Eugenie and Beatrice (I have seen comparisons with Cinderella and the two ugly sisters )  They have such poor fashion sense and yesterday they both looked frightful.


Hope everyone is well this morning, its quite a nice morning but I want rain.  They promised some rain in the forecast and I have put grass seed down (to repair some of the damage caused by the badger on the lawn that is not so easy for me to access - it slopes).  I have the sprinkler on the lawn under the big conifers which gets no rain at all as the trees soak it all up before it can get to the lawn.


Anyway hope everyone has a lovely day, its great to have another long weekend.


Hi Squiggle. A couple of weeks ago, youngest son did some grass seeding in our back garden. There were some bare and faded patches which needed seeding (caused by the dog).

Apart from one patch in a really shaded area, there is already a definite sign of improvement.

Good luck with repairing Moley's damage.


Skylark, glad you have recovered from your celebrations - hope to catch up with you later.

Originally Posted by squiggle:

That is interesting about the grass seeding Yogi, did you water or get any rain?  I would have left the sloping lawn until later and moved the sprinkler but I thought the forecast was for quite a bit of rain.

We haven't had a lot of rain recently Squiggle, so son has been watering the seeded parts.


I think we might get a heavy shower first thing in the morning.  It was my gardener who put the seed down and he said as long as we get a couple of heavy showers it will be fine.  I will see how it goes and then if necessary move the sprinkler down.  I just can't keep going up and down to that part of the garden because it slopes quite a bit as it goes down towards the valley.  With the sprinkler in place all I have to do is turn the water on and off at the outdoor tap.  Its quick germinating seed so hopefully all will be well if we just get a shower or two.

Originally Posted by squiggle:

I think we might get a heavy shower first thing in the morning.  It was my gardener who put the seed down and he said as long as we get a couple of heavy showers it will be fine.  I will see how it goes and then if necessary move the sprinkler down.  I just can't keep going up and down to that part of the garden because it slopes quite a bit as it goes down towards the valley.  With the sprinkler in place all I have to do is turn the water on and off at the outdoor tap.  Its quick germinating seed so hopefully all will be well if we just get a shower or two.

Does your gardener have any tips for getting rid of moles?


None whatever Yogi, and a lot of the gardens he does are plagued with them.  He is watching with interest my windmills and beating the ground with a spade   He was telling one of his other customers about me sitting there and seeing this mound of earth coming up


This huge boat has just gone by, lovely sight.





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