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Originally Posted by ~Sweet Summer~:
I just saw a mama blackbird feed her youngling on our lawn

That will be a never-ending job for her then blackbirds follow their poor parents around for evermore, even when they are just as big as their parents, the poor parents have to keep flying away hotly pursued by aggrieved youngster

Originally Posted by El Loro:
Originally Posted by ~Sweet Summer~:
I just saw a mama blackbird feed her youngling on our lawn

No doubt on a diet of worms (but not this sort)

So that's what the Diet of Worms was all about, I never understood it at school


I'm back from the funeral. The reason why there was a 75 minute gap between the start of the church service and the start of the bit at the crem was because they had a horse drawn hearse. So the church service was the normal length, and the extra time was because it would take longer for horses to trot at a dignified pace to the crem compared to a motor vehicle.


The service was what I would have expected and I reckon there must have been around 150 people there.

El Loro
Originally Posted by ~Sweet Summer~:
Aw wow! I loved Colchester!!!! It has a special little place in my heart Where does joyron live? I wonder if I've ever driven through it!

I live in a small village just off the main Maldon to Colchester road, just outside Tiptree.  Have you ever driven this road Sweet?  It's a lovely area to live in and we have been in our current house, which we built ourselves, for 20 years at the end of July this year.


Good evening all.    Hope you all had a good Easter weekend.  Sorry to hear you had to attend yet another funeral today El Loro!!  I am looking forward to watching the events unfold on Friday.  It will be a great day.  I spent the whole day watching Charles and Diana's wedding 30 years ago too.


Been a little tired today so I've not been near the computer.  Hubby took me out for a meal this evening.  First time I've been out since I got home from hospital.  Made a nice change.  Will be off to bed shortly.  Love you all.   

Originally Posted by squiggle:

I'm listening to the birds too Summer they are busy gathering food at the moment, baby birds soon.


Hope all goes well at the funeral EL, I wonder why the service is going to be twice as long as normal.

Squiggle - i am on holiday at the mo and the birds keep coming into the garden and getting food for their young and any bits hanging around that they can make into a nest - i.e some bits of dead grass etc - A robin was hopping around the garden as well today - blackbirds have  a lovely song as well

Rocking Ros Rose
Originally Posted by Rosgirl:

the bit i remeber most about the diana wedding is her getting out of the coach showing a dress that looked very creased


Me too it was such a disappointment


Morning everyone, looks like another lovely day here today There's a bit of a breeze but the sea is looking very blue which usually means its going to be sunny.  Catch you later.

Originally Posted by Yogi19:

Squiggle, can you see the sea from your house? That would be Mr Yogi's idea of Heaven.

Although I'm not keen on swimming (probably because I'm not a strong swimmer) I love to be near the sea, lakes, lochs or rivers. There's something calming about water, I think.

Yes Yogi I am so lucky.  It was always our dream to live somewhere with a sea view but we never thought we would be that lucky.  The lady who lived here before us had allowed two huge sycamore trees to self-seed and block the view, can you believe that so when we moved in it was a bit peek-a-boo but as soon as we could afford a tree surgeon we had him cut them down (those tree surgeons charge a fortune) and hey presto our lovely view.  I agree I love to live near the sea and would miss it terribly if I lived away from it now.


You can see the Gower Peninsula in Wales when it is clearer and for some reason this picture makes the sea look a bit further away than it actually is.







Last edited by squiggle

I see you were talking about birds. I live beside a huge park, and there are a family of birds living in one tree that i noticed. They are very small, blue with yellow and a slight red tinge breast, do you know what they are? Its hard to see them really as if you go closer they fly off. They are very pretty, and havent seen them before, they werent there last year .

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