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Yogi19 posted:

Good morning everyone 

ATM, the sun is shining so I might get the herb garden weeded.

El, I always liked Boris as a tennis player. His 1985 Wimbledon win was my No1 choice in that favourite Wimbledon moment poll yesterday.  Andy and Goran's wins were my other choices.

Have a good day, Buddies.

Happy weeding Yogi  

Moonie posted:
El Loro posted:

Moonie, I'm glad all's well with you and I hope things are progressing with your house

Thanks El 

We are still waiting for notification from the council as to when they are coming to remove the floor tiles in the front room so that more can be found out about the state of the floor under those tiles 

If they were wall tiles rather than floor tiles I could guess why they had become cracked - you banging your head against the wall in annoyance at the council's slowness

El Loro

Afternoon all.

It stayed dry so I got some weeding done

Moonie, I hope you don't have to wait too long to get the tiles sorted out.

El, I might rescue a bird but, I wouldn't let it stick its beak in my mouth like that lady did.

Summer, I hope you've cheered up as the day has gone on, and your feet aren't too sore.

Squiggle, are you due any visits from the little ones?



Good afternoon everyone  

Dull and overcast here. Only a brief shower earlier this morning 


Had a scare here yesterday morning. One of our cygnets had a fishing line around it neck with a little float attached to it 

I rang the local parks department and the RSPCA and explained what was going on. They both said they would help.


I went up yesterday evening. I could see them by the big island. None seemed to be in distress. In fact I saw them follow their mum onto the island one by one. So I assumed all was well 


I went up early this morning. Could only see dad on the pool upto his usual "no goose is allowed on my pool" shenanigans 

I could see mum and the babies on the island. They seemed okay 


I was up this afternoon and feeding them all. They was at my feet. I carefully looked at all the babies and no sign of injury on any of them 


So either someone came and freed the line from the cygnet or it managed to free itself  


I have to say I was very upset at seeing it in distress and not being able to do anything


Still, glad to say that is over now 


I hope everyone's day has been as joyous and full of happiness as mine has


Have a super evening friends. I will


Evening all.

My day didn't go quite as planned.

Summer, I did visit a garden centre and bought a nemesia plant for PB. Her Cosmos seeds are growing well but her nemesia seeds were not successful. As you know, she loves saying "nemesia" so I thought she'd appreciate a plant in bloom.

As I was leaving the garden centre, eldest son (who was minding the kids today) phoned to ask if I'd like to go the the Transport Museum with him and the tiddlers.

They came home with me and ended up staying for tea.

Youngest son also popped in to drop off a parcel for MrY.

So much for a day on my own.


Moonie, I'm so glad the cygnet story had a happy ending and well done to you for contacting the parks department and RSPCA

I hope you've all had a good day.

Last edited by Yogi19
~Sweet Summer~ posted:

Good evening  

lol yogi, I know it wasn't quite the day you had planned but that sounds brilliant how was the museum? 

And what colour nemesia did you choose? 



The museum was good, PB liked sitting in the old buses, trams etc, and she loved all the interactive screens they have.


I chose a light purple nemesia - I'll take a pic tomorrow for you.


I have to get off and get some sleep. Goodnight and sweet dreams, Summer, Velvet and Ros.


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