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Good evening all. It has been another lovely, sunny day.

Joyron, good to hear you sounding so positive.

Squiggle, your second post of the bluebells seems sharper and the sunlight is brighter - beautiful.

El, glad things went well at the solicitors. Sadly, it appears that your client's son isn't the type to listen to good advice, despite the best efforts of yourself and the solicitor.


Hi all xx  I am home early as the rota at work had me down as finishing at 6 pm, as i had asked for this
Lovely pic squiggle, i may print it out if you dont mind, it would be nice in a frame, dont you think? You asked too if i was off for The Wedding....yes i am , i asked a while back, before i knew the wedding was  at 11 am. My sister and i had planned our day, most inconsiderate of them  I am missing out on holiday pay , but not bothered really.
Daughter, boyfriend and little one were at the playground and he went on "The Flying Fox", the wee one ran towards him, he put his foot down to stop it, got in a tangle and landed heavily on his ankle. It is broken in two places, its too badly swollen to operate so he has to rest it for at least 5 days. He may be allowed to go home tomorrow and wait until swelling goes down.
Love to Joyron, you are doing well xxx


I agree Skylark that the picture would look lovely in a frame, I hope it prints out successfully.


That does sound like a nasty accident, I hope once the swelling goes down that they can get it sorted.


I am glad you are off on Friday.  It was lovely to see on the news some American tourists who had flown over especially, and they said people back home had been getting ready for months.  I love these occasions, to see those who go up and bag a place on the pavements just to be there and enjoy the atmosphere.  I am sure we will all have much to talk about on Friday.


Hi squiggle xx
Edinburgh is nearly full already with tourists, and its only 45 minutes on the plane to London. Its going to bring a lot of money into the country, which cant be bad x
I  will print that pic out, but will have to get some photo paper, i have only A4 paper at the mo x
He shouldnt have been showing off anyway, he is nearly 30 !!

Originally Posted by ~Sweet Summer~:
Hi again Hope you all had a nice afternoon, it sure is chillier! Yogi, work is flogging me! I can't wait for some time off next week; I'm heading to Suffolk where I grew up! Lovely to hear you are doing a little better each day skyron, keep at it

Hi xx skyron is a fab word ! Just getting off to make supper. Chat soon  Only teasing x

Originally Posted by ~Sweet Summer~:
Hi again Hope you all had a nice afternoon, it sure is chillier! Yogi, work is flogging me! I can't wait for some time off next week; I'm heading to Suffolk where I grew up! Lovely to hear you are doing a little better each day skyron, keep at it

Enjoy your time off Summer, you deserve it.

Which part of Suffolk are you going to? When I lived in Colchester, I used to work in Ipswich.

Originally Posted by ~Sweet Summer~:
G'night skylark Yogi I was born in Colchester! I lived in bures on the Suffolk/Essex border, moved to Sudbury, then to lavenham, before moving to county Durham! I went to college in Colchester too, and worked in Sudbury.

Ooooh, we have a Colchester link. Squiggle used to live there and Joyron lives nearby.

Hubby was in the forces when we got married, so I lived in quarters in Colchester.

Originally Posted by ~Sweet Summer~:
Aw wow! I loved Colchester!!!! It has a special little place in my heart Where does joyron live? I wonder if I've ever driven through it!

I can't remember exactly where she lives but I do know it is near Colchester.

I have happy memories of my time there - one day were are going to go back for a visit.

Originally Posted by ~Sweet Summer~:
Did you move many times yogi?

Do you mean when Mr Yogi was in the forces? If so, then no. He left the army after our first son was born. He didn't want to miss out on him growing up, by going on long, unaccompanied tours of duty. Some postings, The Falklands for example, could mean 6 months or more away from your family.


Mr Yogi was posted to loads of different places, before we got married.

Originally Posted by Rosgirl:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by Rosgirl:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:

Hi Ros, were you back at work today?

no - next tuesday - we finished late

Oooh another week off, brilliant!

i know - then 3and a half weeks and we finish again but i actually miss work after a bit - silly i know

Hubby gets like that after 10 days, and starts to say "I'm bored".

Originally Posted by Rosgirl:

I am a bit the same - but then i get back and we all count down the days until the holiday

do you not watch master chef yogi

No Ros, hubby can't stand Greg and always switches it over. He says, what is a greengrocer doing as a judge on a cooking programme!

I suppose I could have watched it on one of the other TV's in the house.

Originally Posted by Yogi19:

Getting sleepy now, so I'm toddling off to bed (actually, I am on my lappy and sitting on top of the bed, so not far to go).

Goodnight for now Ros, it's been lovely chatting with you.

awww night yogi  - i can see what your hubby means TBH - they are both quite annoying - first time i have watched .

same here - lovely having a chat

Rocking Ros Rose

Good morning everyone


Mackerel clouds this morning rather like this:


Another funeral to go to today - this time it's someone I've know for years at church. Not a close friend, but she and two others at church have the same birthday as myself. I don't know what form the service will take as it starts at 1.15 and the crem part is at 2.30. That means that the church part of the service will be about 50 minutes long which is twice the normal length.

El Loro

Good morning everyone, quite chilly this morning and I think we had rain overnight.  Nice picture of mackerel clouds EL, I love to see all the different sorts of clouds.


I agree with others on here about Master Chef, I have never been able to stand John Torode so I never watch because of him.


Hope everyone has a good day but we might have to wrap up a bit, still it was a fabulous Easter weekend, one to live in the memory.

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