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Originally Posted by Skylark24:

Watched Patsy Palmer on Piers Morgan, initially i thought, oh groan.....but what a delightful person she is. Glad i watched she certainly is an inspiration. She got caught up in drugs and alcohol at such an early age, but has been clean for 7 years. I can only say well done to her.

ooooooooo i actually switched that over - wish I had listened now

Wilma Waltzwurk

Good morning everyone


squiggle, you really seem to be having mole problems - let's hope he moves away soon.


On the spider front, I've never been worried by them, but my mother really didn't like them, so I was chief spider catcher


It's more overcast this morning, but is supposed to brighten up later this morning. The threatened thunderstorms yesterday never materialised here.


I'll be off to church soon, dragging my brother kicking and screaming along


Have a happy Easter and don't eat too much chocolate

El Loro

Good Morning everyone, a very Happy Easter Morn to you all   Much colder here at the moment but then it was yesterday and it was blisteringly hot in the afternoon so I will wait and see.  Hope your brother enjoys the service EL, you never know he might get a taste for it


Hope you all have a good day, I am looking forward to tucking into my Easter Egg




















Good morning everyone.    Just popped in to wish you all a very happy Easter Sunday.  Hope your brother enjoys the service El Loro.  I'm watching on the tv this year I'm afraid.  Loved the piccis Squiggle.


Pleased to report that my recovery is going from strength to strength.  I managed to get up and down the stairs without assistance and got in the shower without any help too.  Obviously won't be able to do any cooking etc until I get rid of the crutches for good.  Hopefully that won't be too many weeks away.


Be back when I get the chance.  Until then, love you all. 


Happy Easter to you all
I laughed at your post EL! I am sure he will enjoy it when he is there !
My daughter phoned to say they are off to church, the wee one wont put on her Easter bonnet, she is having none of it. When she gets there and sees the other children with them on, she may put her,s on!
Nice pics squiggle x
Have a lovely day, everyone


Good morning everyone


Joyron, I'm pleased to hear your progress to recovery . Skylark, I hope you have recovered from eating too much


Liked the Easter pics.


It's a bit cloudy at present, but supposed to be sunny later - rather like yesterday here.


I'll be taking my brother to the railway station later today, so may catch up with you more later.

El Loro

Good morning everyone   It seems to have been a record-breaking Easter weatherwise. Richard Madely was saying on Radio 2 that it was 82 degrees yesterday where he was


Joyron I am delighted your recovery is going so well.  Skylark hope you are feeling better today   EL it sounds like the weather forecasters got it wrong?  I am glad you and your brother had a good time together.  Special hug for you Yogi I hope you are far enough away from the drizzle forecast for the Borders region.  Ros sorry we missed you. Catch you all later

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