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Good morning everyone


Cloudy with rain in the air here. Forecast is for a showery day.


Yogi, I'm glad you had a good day and a surprise visit from PB


Crazie (from the old Tuscany currency) Pavingi was a famous artist in Italy in the 18th century. He was a precursor to what would become abstract art. He would take pieces of stone, smash them up and throw them on the ground. He would then set them in cement and put them on display. After a while he would take them back, smash them up again and re-use the material. As a result there is very little left, if any, of his work. However his name was immortalised into what we call crazy paving.


I hope eveyone has a good day

El Loro

Good morning everyone, what a beautiful morning it is too.


Where we used to live we had our front garden and back patio done in crazy paving by a man who was an absolute artist.  I had designed the look of it and he completed it so perfectly, with a curving path to the front door edged in pink brick and he even mixed the mortar with pink to match.  At the back he did the same and edged it with a low double wall that we could plant in. We were so pleased with it and it was much admired.


Enjoy your day everyone


I was going to post a story on today's local news website about grizzly bears being introduced into the Forest of Dean to help reduce the wild boar population. A sort of follow up to the items about pine martens and beavers I posted recently.


It's a good story with some good photos. unfortunately I think that the site has been hijacked so it's not safe to post anything about it. It's an amusing April Fools Day article of course,




El Loro

I see that the Talking Pictures channel is showing Baxter! on Wednesday at 2 in the morning. I've never seen it but it might be worth watching. It's Lionel Jeffries' third film as director. It's not a children's film like The Railway Children and his other films. Scott Jacoby (16 at the time) is an American who has speech problems, not helped with his parents bickering. They divorce, he goes to live with his mother and is sent to school and is on the edge of a breakdown. It appears to be a very good film and well acted. 

El Loro
El Loro posted:

By the way, now that noon has passed, I can confirm that my post about Crazie Pavingi was an April Fool joke not that any of you were taken in by it The bit about crazie, Tuscany and that stamp is genuine.


Evening all.

We've had sunshine and showers today. Weather will hopefully be better tomorrow so hubby and I can get the garden sorted out.

Squiggle, your crazy paving path sounds like it was very pretty.

Summer, I was also happy to hear about series2 of The Durrells.

I hope you've all had a good day.


Good morning everyone, another lovely morning   I hope it's lovely weather there too Yogi so that sorting out the garden will be very enjoyable. 


Do you remember when we had to re-plant the part of our garden where the shrubs had come to the end of their life and were starting to look very leggy?  Well very satisfyingly for the first time the new ones are really coming into their own and looking very pretty.  In fact I prefer the new look, before it was all very tall shrubs but now there is a lovely mixture all different shapes, heights and colours and because it overlooks the drop down to the valley it makes for a very pretty scene.


Enjoy your day everyone


Yogi, I don't know when the third series will be shown by ITV other than this year. The first series was shown in October time and the second March/April time. If it is shown on a Wednesday as last time it could be once Benidorm is finished but it could well be shown on a different day as Broadchurch and Prime Suspect are coming to the end of their series. There is a rumour that it's some time this month.

El Loro
El Loro posted:

This was shown on BBC4 on Thursday as a replacement for the advertised programme. It had previously been shown just after Christmas last year.

For all fans of steam trains , perfect slow television.

 I'll check that out later.

Thanks you for trying to find out about Grantchester for me.

Summer, I hope you had a nice day at the beach.

Squiggle, the weather up here was sunny, if a little chilly, but fine for gardening.

My back garden is now weeded, tidied and power washed.

I'm glad your replanting is now taking shape and giving you a lovely view of the valley.

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