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El Loro posted:

Good morning everyone


Leaden skies here.


Panasonic are introducing a new washing machine in India - with a curry button:


I hope everyone has a good day

Hi El 

 @ that washer 


Yogi19 posted:

Good morning everyone.

A grey day.

lol El, I'd like a washing machine with a programme to remove stains like curry.

Off to the nurse for routine bloods and B12 injection.

Have a good day everyone.

Hi Yogi   

Hope the visit to the nurse goes okay

Hate needles at any time 

squiggle posted:

Good morning everyone, dry with lots of grey clouds.  What a complex front panel on that washing machine EL.  I wonder what it would read if they made one for our market - grubby undercrackers, sweaty vest tops, greasy oven gloves - the mind boggles


Hope all goes well at the nurse Yogi.


Enjoy your day everyone

You made me RL lol 


Thanks everyone, the visit to the nurse went well.

~Sweet Pancakes~ posted:

And here I was hoping that the curry button would produce a jalfrezi  


good morning everyone overcast here, it feels more like winter again. I did see some beautiful blossom on a tree outside this morning though 


What are you all doing today? 

Yogi I hope all goes smoothly at your appointment  

 If it did that, Mr Yogi would be putting in an order immediately.


Yogi, I'm glad your appointment with nurse went well

I think a lot of people would go for a machine which produced a curry by itself. Thanks to Summer I succumbed to a chicken jalfrezi for my lunch


There were 3 dogs with one person. They were sitting down and one of the dogs was making that noise. After a few minutes they went on their way. They weren't that far away from a couple of houses where I know the owners have a number of dogs which always bark whenerver anyone walks past. It wasn't those which were being walked but it could be that the dog making the strange sound might have been spooked by them.

El Loro

Good morning everyone


Cloudy here but not as gloomy as yesterday.


Summer, I think those dogs are OK. My guess is that the person with the dogs was a dog walker rather than their owner so that the three dogs didn't live together. There are playing fields close by which many people go to when walking their dogs.


I hope everyone has a good day

El Loro


An article by a Cheltenham news reporter today. He's wondering why, when in London, people generally stand on the right side of escalators in tube stations and allow people who are walking to move past to their left when we drive on the left side of the road.


He also says that apparently the reason why we drive on the left in this country is because the right hand is better for swordfighting

El Loro

lol Summer, I definitely need a lucky charm.

They say bad luck comes in threes, so - big egg and black eye, cracked tooth, and now boiler issues - hopefully that's my quota of bad luck for a while.

Thanks everyone, middle son has reset the boiler and it's working but he is going to get one of his engineers to come out next week and give it a service and check it over to ensure there isn't an intermittent fault.

~Sweet Pancakes~ posted:

That's so true, so that's your 3rd and now that's the end of it ïŋ―ïŋ― I'm glad you're boiler is working again, I hope a service will sort it out 

I posted about the inability to post iphone emojis here the other day. No update on that but I think the ïŋ―ïŋ― above is what is displayed when you try.

That mentions black circles with ? inside but they might mean black diamonds.

El Loro
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