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~Sweet Pancakes~ posted:

Good morning all Bramble is snoring beautifully and I'm enjoying a lay in  

joe I hope you're ok  


Moonie I hope you've caught up on all your laundry now and can relax today, especially if it rains




Hi Sweet  

 @ Bramble. She definitely has the right idea 


More washing in the washer but yesterday's is all done and dry 

I hope you and Bramble have a lovely rest day  


Announcement from HMRC re quarterly digital reporting made today: mandatory for all self employed people, partnerships and landlords from April next year  where turnover exceeds VAT registration level and mandatory from April 2019 if turnover exceeds ÂĢ10k so as I expected they have ignored all warnings from the accountancy bodies.


Class 4 NI for self employed goes up from 9% to 10% for 2018/19 and from the following year to 11%.

El Loro

Thank you El, I'm not surprised. I'm grateful to be forewarned by you, as most people I tell have absolutely no idea! I'm not VAT registered so at least I'll have an extra year to prepare for the changes. Our staging date for pensions is coming up, and I'm still waiting to find out where we stand with the new business rates. 


On a lighter note, I've just saved myself ÂĢ75 for the year on a new deal on gas & electric, and that's after the prices go up! I was estimated to be ÂĢ75 per year worse off, so I'm technically ÂĢ150 better off- phew! 


Pink water must have been some sight ti see!

~Sparkling Summer~
Yogi19 posted:

Flying visit

Squiggle, we've had sunshine and then heavy showers and it's very cold.

El, PB would like that water, she loves all things pink.

Summer, well done on your gas/electricity savings 

 Cakes for Moonie

Will be back later tonight

Hi Yogi 

Fankoo *takes a cake and leaves one for Sweet* 


~Sweet Pancakes~ posted:



Hi Sweet

Just love that smiley

squiggle posted:

Good morning everyone, such a relief it's dry here this morning.  Not exactly sunny at the moment but promising.


So nice to visit a garden centre at the start of spring, so tempting, what are you looking for in particular Yogi?


Enjoy your day everyone

Hi squiggle 

Glad you have dry weather. Let's hope the sun shines on you too 

Have a lovely day 

Moonie posted:

Good morning Buddies  

Nice start to the day here too. Sunshine at the moment and more promised today. Washer already up and running 

El and Yogi, Glad the weather is being good to you too 


Yogi, fankoo for the cake yesterday. It was delish  

Happy garden centre visit 


Have a great day peeps  

No calories in virtual cakes either, Moonie.

squiggle posted:

Good morning everyone, such a relief it's dry here this morning.  Not exactly sunny at the moment but promising.


So nice to visit a garden centre at the start of spring, so tempting, what are you looking for in particular Yogi?


Enjoy your day everyone

This Year, I'll put in veg in the raised bed, and hopefully get a cherry tree to replace one that died last year - although MrY would prefer a bay tree for cooking.

Only browsing today though 

velvet donkey posted:

Afternoon troops   


Hope all are fine. Spring has finally sprung here and it's glorious for the northern hemisphere. Thinking of Yogi giving it laldy down the garden centre - debating whether she will or won't go back for that acer over a coffee and jam donut.


Hope all your days are bright Buddies - in more ways than one        

I was a non spending angel, I'll have you know! (Apart from the tiddlers' books)


Yogi19 posted:
Moonie posted:

Good morning Buddies  

Nice start to the day here too. Sunshine at the moment and more promised today. Washer already up and running 

El and Yogi, Glad the weather is being good to you too 


Yogi, fankoo for the cake yesterday. It was delish  

Happy garden centre visit 


Have a great day peeps  

No calories in virtual cakes either, Moonie.

squiggle posted:

Good morning everyone, such a relief it's dry here this morning.  Not exactly sunny at the moment but promising.


So nice to visit a garden centre at the start of spring, so tempting, what are you looking for in particular Yogi?


Enjoy your day everyone

This Year, I'll put in veg in the raised bed, and hopefully get a cherry tree to replace one that died last year - although MrY would prefer a bay tree for cooking.

Only browsing today though 

That's very true

Yogi19 posted:
Moonie posted:
Yogi19 posted:
El Loro posted:

Garden centres watch out, there's a Yogi on the prowl

 I was only browsing today.

I did buy a couple of books for the tiddlers.

Hi Yogi  

I'm sure they will love them 

Hi Moonie. They both like books so I think they'll like them.

How's your day been?


My day is going well fankoo. Third lot of washing on the line 

Moonie posted:
Yogi19 posted:
Moonie posted:
Yogi19 posted:
El Loro posted:

Garden centres watch out, there's a Yogi on the prowl

 I was only browsing today.

I did buy a couple of books for the tiddlers.

Hi Yogi  

I'm sure they will love them 

Hi Moonie. They both like books so I think they'll like them.

How's your day been?


My day is going well fankoo. Third lot of washing on the line 

It's great when the good weather arrives and we can get the washing outdoors.

Yogi19 posted:
Moonie posted:
Yogi19 posted:
Moonie posted:
Yogi19 posted:
El Loro posted:

Garden centres watch out, there's a Yogi on the prowl

 I was only browsing today.

I did buy a couple of books for the tiddlers.

Hi Yogi  

I'm sure they will love them 

Hi Moonie. They both like books so I think they'll like them.

How's your day been?


My day is going well fankoo. Third lot of washing on the line 

It's great when the good weather arrives and we can get the washing outdoors.

It certainly is 

I am washing everything that isn't nailed down 

Yogi19 posted:
Moonie posted:
Yogi19 posted:

 Mr Y says I'm like that all the time. If it isn't in the wardrobe or drawers, it's washing!

 It's better to be like that Yogi than to have unwashed clutter around 

I think so too 


velvet donkey posted:

Can you get the carpets in the machine Moons?

Nope, not yet  

Yogi19 posted:

I'm off for a bit, will be back later 

See you later Yogi and Velvet  

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