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~Sweet Pancakes~ posted:

Aw bless her I bet she made your parents day. Did she help fix the machine..?  


i love beans with sausages in on toast. I'm hungry now 

No, she had some of Nana's homemade soup and a sandwich while her dad fixed the machine. My mum loves to natter with her, she says PB reminds her of me.


lol Have I made you hungry?


Change of plan next week, the children aren't coming till Wednesday but we are still going to make pancakes.

~Sweet Pancakes~ posted:

Is she a mini version of you?! I enjoy chatting to little ones, they are so much fun 


yes lol but I've eaten far too much today so I'm not going to get a snack  


it'll be like Boxing Day but with pancakes! I've been invited out on Wednesday for more pancakes, so we'll both be celebrating twice

According to my mum, she is - but I think it's just because she's a chatterbox.

She is very funny and great company.


You can't have too many pancakes!

I asked my son what he thought BB might like on his pancakes. He replied, "More pancakes"


Moin! My mum is now back home but I think in need of care. In my day she wouldn't have been sent home but as the staff said she is safer from infection there. She is still confused but hopefully the antibiotics will sort it out. She also had the Queen's cough. I've no idea how things will turn out. Mrs Jer has taken charge whilst I take the eldest on a long promised trip for the Palace away game.


Garage Joe

Good morning all 

T'is raining.


Joe, I hope the antibiotics sort out your mum's infection. If her confusion remains once she has completed the course of tablets, make sure you contact her GP in case she needs a second round of antibiotics

I hope you enjoy the football match with your grandson.


El, BB loves pancakes, in fact he loves to eat!

What plans do you and your brother have for the weekend?


Have a good weekend everyone.



Good morning Buddies  

Another brief visit 


Yogi, glad Mr Y and Keira are okay.

We should rename PB, PBP(pancakes) 

Just until pancake day passes of course 


El, I hope you and your brother have a good weekend together 


Sweet, I hope you and Bramble have a lovely Sunday together, tomorrow 


Joe, I hope your mum is completely well, very soon 


squiggle, I hope all is well with you too and your little one had a lovely day 


Velvet  hope all is well with you 


I have just been down to the local shops. It's blowing a gale, feeezing cold but thankfully dry, for now 


Have a lovely weekend  


Good evening a windy start here, a rainy middle and a pleasant finish. Work was busy but jolly good fun and I've completed all my post work chores I'm going to have a bath and then a friend is coming over for movie night, I'm not sure what we'll be watching as I'm letting her choose, but I know we'Il be eating ice cream! 


I hope mama joe rests & recovers well

at home  


good to see you moonie! hope you're enjoying the sport 


*takes a slice of velvet cake* thanks El 

~Sparkling Summer~
El Loro posted:

Yogi, so BB stands for Big Bang


Thanks everyone, the weekend is going well


Nice to see you Moonie and I hope all is well


Here's some of the cake my brother brought for the weekend - Sainsbury's red velvet cake for anyone who wants some:

Apologies that some of it is missing - we couldn't resist it

Takes a slice...fankoo El 


~Sweet Pancakes~ posted:

Good evening a windy start here, a rainy middle and a pleasant finish. Work was busy but jolly good fun and I've completed all my post work chores I'm going to have a bath and then a friend is coming over for movie night, I'm not sure what we'll be watching as I'm letting her choose, but I know we'Il be eating ice cream! 


I hope mama joe rests & recovers well

at home  


good to see you moonie! hope you're enjoying the sport 


*takes a slice of velvet cake* thanks El 


Fankoo Sweet. The sport is good today  

Enjoy your film with your friend 

Last edited by Moonie

Good morning a breezy but sunny day here, it'll be nice for walking once I get my butt out of bed


what are you all doing today? 

el I hope you're enjoying your time with your brother, are you gaming this time?


moonie I hope the good sport continues through today too  


yogi, how's Kiera now? I hope you have a lovely day, are some of the family popping over? 


Squiggle i hope you have a lovely day today too  

same for joe & velvet  

~Sparkling Summer~

Good morning everyone 

It's another rainy day.

Summer, Keira's ear is a lot better, thanks. She has to take tablets for another few days and has ear drops for the next week, to ensure the infection is well zapped.

Middle son might be popping in to drop off something for Mr Y but no other visitors expected. 

Have a good day everyone 



I've dropped my brother off at the railway station - we had a pleasant weekend. Summer, yes, we did continue to play the adventure game "Anna's Quest". There are not many adventure games being developed now but this one is a gem. We've done 5 out of 6 chapters and we'll be sad when it's over as it's one of those rare games where at times there's real compassion.


Squiggle, yes, that cake is delicious but doctors wouldn't recommend it.


Yogi, I'm glad Keira's ear is a lot better.

El Loro

Moin! As it were. Toots I think has made a full recovery and back shouting abuse at his favourite Sheffield Wednesday team.

i am at my Mums. Mrs Jer did two nights and I'm doing a couple. We managed to get the rapid response team this morning, they do two daily visits for three days. I have a red button in place and social services will do an assessment on Tuesday morning.

I've managed doing food, cleaning and tidying bug need expertise help for showers etc. 

Obviously we can't do it all long term.

Garage Joe

Good morning everyone


Thanks everyone and Ros, yes my brother and I are close


GJ, I hope your mum and your family get the support needed


Summer, there have been similar errors at other award ceremonies such as these:
Although the film which was first announced was the popular vote,  the actual winner had been getting quite a lot of notice over the last few weeks. Although it got a nomination at the BAFTAs it hadn't gone on general release until after then.


Thanks Yogi


I hope everyone has a good day

El Loro
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