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When the government published legislation they normally have explanatory notes as well. I was trying to find some background information on a clause in a 2003 finance act. It's fairly easy to find the legislation but not the explanatory notes.


So I thought of looking up the act on the Wiki pages. Although Wiki wouldn't have the details of the act (I wouldn't expect it to), they did have a link direct to the explanatory notes. So I've been able to find what I was looking for

El Loro

The modern "Hawaii Five-0" series doesn't get much of a mention. It'a a watchable series. Some of the episodes are good, but some aren't. I watch them on the Pick channel as I'm on Freeview. They are currently on the 4th series. Last night was episode 10 called "Ho-onani Makuakane" (Honour Thy Father).


It's a very different type of episode from the normal one and is easily the best one made. More reflective and patriotic without being jingoistic, and devoid of the violence of some of the episodes and also devoid of the silly bickering between the two leads which can be a bit irritating at times.


That one episode is worth watching if you get a chance.

El Loro
El Loro posted:

The modern "Hawaii Five-0" series doesn't get much of a mention. It'a a watchable series. Some of the episodes are good, but some aren't. I watch them on the Pick channel as I'm on Freeview. They are currently on the 4th series. Last night was episode 10 called "Ho-onani Makuakane" (Honour Thy Father).


It's a very different type of episode from the normal one and is easily the best one made. More reflective and patriotic without being jingoistic, and devoid of the violence of some of the episodes and also devoid of the silly bickering between the two leads which can be a bit irritating at times.


That one episode is worth watching if you get a chance.

Thank you for the recommendation, I bet the scenery is gorgeous too 

~Sparkling Summer~

Good morning everyone, a bright clear morning but extremely cold. I seem to be running a wildlife haven, it's almost impossible to set foot in the garden without seeing pheasants now.


I hope your delivery comes soon Yogi and your grocery shopping goes well.  I seem to remember seeing that film a while ago, it was good and it was interesting seeing Robert Mitchum being less wooden than he was in later years.


Enjoy your day everyone


I'm happy that they are just calming down seeing me bustling about the house Summer.  They have every reason to panic because most people round here would shoot them and have them for dinner.  I love to feel that the birds feel safe here.  Driving home this morning the sun felt very warm almost hot through the car window and quite blinding, I kept having to pull the sun visor down, lovely for January.


I've just returned from a memorial service at church for someone who for many years was a family friend of the vicar (here from 1979 to 2002) and his family and was a major person in the life of the church.


This was read out at the service as a tribute to her. Today is her birthday. She was also a descendant of the poet and of course it's also Burns Night.

A Red, Red Rose

by Robert Burns


My love is like a red, red rose
   That’s newly sprung in June :
My love is like the melody
   That’s sweetly played in tune.
As fair art thou, my bonnie lass,
   So deep in love am I :
And I will love thee still, my dear,
   Till a’ the seas gang dry.
Till a’ the seas gang dry, my dear,
   And the rocks melt wi’ the sun :
And I will love thee still, my dear,
   While the sands o’ life shall run.
And fare thee weel, my only love,
   And fare thee weel a while !
And I will come again, my love,
   Thou’ it were ten thousand mile.
El Loro

That's beautiful El, thanks for sharing I think those who find that kind of love are very lucky indeed 


the sun came out here too Squiggle, and a very welcome sight it is too in January. 


I hope youve all had a good day, Happy burns night! 

I've been feeling unwell with sinus trouble & a mild cold these last couple of days, but am feeling so much better tonight  

~Sparkling Summer~

Evening all. Happy Burns Night everyone.

Squiggle, you are so lucky to be surrounded by such great wildlife.

El, thank you for posting a Red, Red Rose, and it was a lovely tribute to your friend.

Summer, I once did a meditation exercise where you had to imagine a truly happy place, and mine resembled a scene from Snow White, with fawns and birds and other wildlife.

I'm glad you are feeling better tonight.

Joe, I'm glad you had a good day.

~Sweet Winter Wonderland~ posted:

That sounds blissful yogi mines always been a beach, but really it should be a very green & colourful garden. 


That reminds me- I keep forgetting to tell you all that I think there's a mutant mole invasion going on in a local park! I've never seen such big mole hills, I'm convinced they have superpowers! 

 Giant moles! 

They don't half do some damage.

~Sweet Winter Wonderland~ posted:

They'be only been in town since new year and they've already trashed a surprising amount of grass. They must be having quite the moving in party  


hows cbb going?

CBB is pants but I'm still watching.


We went to Asda today to do the grocery shopping. Tonight I get a text from Asda to say my new glasses are ready for collection. Why couldn't they have text me this afternoon when I was in the store?

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