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Good morning everyone, very overcast here too, in fact you can't even see where the horizon is, the sky is pale grey and so is the sea and no trace of Wales at all.


Have a great glitter day with the littlies Yogi, I'm sure PB will be very inventive and I'm equally sure BB will get very sticky and probably glittery as well   Thanks Summer we still have power.  My grandson did well out of it, he went in to work, couldn't clock in - no electricity.  Nothing was working in the kitchen and he ended up being sent home early while being paid for a full day.  Brilliant result as he works such long hours.


Enjoy your day everyone


The Treasury Committee has published its views on the Making Tax Digital proposals.


The committee has many major reservations about the proposals but are in line with what I and other accountants have been saying for a long time. ÂĢ10,000 is way too low a threshold, that errors which have been being made when done on the present system are just as likely to result in tax underpaid as tax overpaid, etc etc etc.


If implemented as proposed the tax yield and the economy could be undermined (their words, not mine).


I wonder how HMRC and the Government will respond though - they are not bound by the Committee's findings.

El Loro
velvet donkey posted:

I hope you're no typing with your left index finger superglued in your left ear   

Thankfully not. PB decided she wanted to bake and then play board games today. BB was happy to play peek-a-boo and row your boat.

~Sweet Winter Wonderland~ posted:

Evening I too hope you've all had a good day


Evening Summer, I hope your day has been a good one.


Good morning everyone.

A cloudy start to the day.

I hardly ever buy newspapers but Joe's post has me intrigued.

El, not a spot of glue was involved yesterday.

Summer, Enjoy your day off. I hope you have a relaxing day.

Squiggle, I hope your grandson enjoyed his unexpected day off, I know he works long hours.

Hubby and I are off to get our eyes tested again. I'm looking forward to choosing new frames, even though I always pick similar styles.

Have a good day everyone.




Moin! It's dull again!

We'll have an early ride out and then clean the house from top to bottom.

I remember someone saying that my illness would last three weeks! It has been six and I am only just rediscovering enthusiasm for doing things. It was never serious but it was quite annoying! Spring cleaning (throwing stuff out) continues! 

My Mum (worried about a lump) received good news yesterday but elsewhere I fear that Toots may be ill again.

Garage Joe

Good morning everyone


A bit foggy here at present.


The traffic lights at the main roundabout at the north of Gloucester have been down since last Thursday and won't get sorted out until next week. Extremely busy there and massive congestion at rush hour. So far only one accident as far as I know. It's the roundabout I've mentioned recently anout roadworks and the creation of a road through the middle of the roundabout for traffic for the golden valley bypass and the northerm bypass to use. New traffic light system to be installed for that. If those lights ever fail the result will be catastrophic.


I hope evryone will have a good day

El Loro

Good morning everyone, it's nice to have a nice bright morning after all that grey.  Good news about your Mum GJ, it must have been an anxious time.  I'm pretty sure that traffic flows much better and faster when traffic control systems are not working.  When we drove in Jersey there was a 'give way in turn' policy which worked like a dream.


I've just finished reading a book by one of my most favourite authors which I must have missed and convinced myself I had read already.  A good read and a nice surprise to find out that it wasn't one I had already read.


Enjoy your day everyone

Last edited by squiggle
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