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El Loro posted:

Yogi, that's what I meant about cheaper shredders - you can only do a fairly small amount of shredding before they cut off as they are getting too hot (at least I hope they do). I should mention about Fellowes ones as they are standalone ones rather than desktop.

Yes El, mine cuts out and I have to wait until it has cooled down before I can start shredding again. I definitely need a better one.


Good morning everyone


Cloudy and damp here and not as cold as lately.


Summer, I'm glad my assumption about your brother's home was right On the Waterfront is a powerful film and for an early 50s films quite brutal in places - it's a very good film but it's far from being light entertainment. Brando is considered to be the greatest film actor ever and it's this film which started that reputation along with A Streetcar named Desire.


I hope everyone has a good day

El Loro
Last edited by El Loro
squiggle posted:

Good morning everyone, grey and overcast this morning, still a bit breezy.


I've never watched On the Waterfront, I don't like violence and I think Marlon Brando as the best film actor is a very subjective view.  It's a crowded field and many with a valid claim to the title I think.


Enjoy your day everyone

Morning Squiggle.

I'm not a fan of Brando and thought he delivered his lines as if he had a mouthful of marshmallows.


I don't disagree with your comments about Brando above, seen very few of his films and can't say I liked any of them. I brought On the Waterfront to Velvet's notice as he had thought From Here to Eternity good and there are some similarities between the two films with both having characters with internal conflict and also brutality in places. It wasn't intended to be a general recommendation to everyone.


I'd be more inclined to watch a film with James Stewart, Cary Grant, Henry Fonda, Spencer Tracy, Gregory Peck for instance rather than one with Marlon Brando or Robert de Niro.

El Loro

I agree with you there EL.  Those film stars (a much over-used word nowadays) bring a much more nuanced performance to their roles rather than method actors like Marlon Brando.  I'm not really qualified to comment on his acting ability as I don't think I ever watched one of his films, just seen clips, but I agree with Yogi - a mouthful of marshmallows - and seems to me to be a one trick pony.

El Loro posted:

I don't disagree with your comments about Brando above, seen very few of his films and can't say I liked any of them. I brought On the Waterfront to Velvet's notice as he had thought From Here to Eternity good and there are some similarities between the two films with both having characters with internal conflict and also brutality in places. It wasn't intended to be a general recommendation to everyone.


I'd be more inclined to watch a film with James Stewart, Cary Grant, Henry Fonda, Spencer Tracy, Gregory Peck for instance rather than one with Marlon Brando or Robert de Niro.

Me too, El.


Summer, I agree with you about those excuses. As you say people had plenty of time which is why HMRC won't accept such excuses. The only one which was marginal was the one about the internet failing. I think if you could prove that your connection had failed throughout the last day and that you had tried to contact HMRC about that on the day you would have a better chance.


HMRC says:

A reasonable excuse is normally something unexpected or outside your control that stopped you meeting a tax obligation, for example:

  • your partner or another close relative died shortly before the tax return or payment deadline
  • you had an unexpected stay in hospital that prevented you from dealing with your tax affairs
  • you had a serious or life-threatening illness
  • your computer or software failed just before or while you were preparing your online return
  • service issues with HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) online services
  • a fire, flood or theft prevented you from completing your tax return
  • postal delays that you couldn’t have predicted
El Loro

Good morning everyone, there's been a power cut all morning.  First time this has happened since I've been living here.  They tell me it was a fault in the high voltage line and that a few people are still cut off.   It really mucks your morning about, I managed to make a cup of tea using a saucepan on the gas stove but for some reason it tasted foul


Anyway I hope your day is going well, Yogi I hope all the running around goes well.  Enjoy your day everyone


Good morning Squiggle, it's very difficult for people where there's a power cut lasting a long time. I'm glad yours seems to have been dealt with  The last time I had a long one was a few days after the major floods when the flood water on the river had reached here affecting the power. Mine came back after about 4 hours. My mother was still alive at her house then and hers went on a lot longer. I boiled a kettle of water and took it round to her house so that she was able to make some tea for the first time that day. Her house was electric only. She said that was the best cup of tea she had ever had.

El Loro

New recycling system started today in my area, The collecting vehicles have ssparate sections for card, paper, old clothes & fabric, plastic containers & tins, glass bottles, food, and I assume batteries.


My revcycling things have just been collected. Looking at what they were doing, the chances of everything going in the correct sections in the vehicles is zero They aren't being very careful.

El Loro

The new owners in Stroud of an upright piano which had been given to them as a gift decided to get it tuned. It was made in London and used to belong to a family in Saffron Walden in Essex.


What the new owners weren't expecting was what was found inside the piano. The details are being kept secret for the time being but it's "a vast hoard of gold described as 'potential treasure' "

El Loro

Evening all 

Squiggle, I hope the electrical problem is sorted and there are no more power cuts.

El, I can understand why your mum was grateful for that cup of tea.

What will happen to the treasure that was found in the piano? Will the people who found it be allowed to keep it, or get a finder's fee,

Hi Velvet, my day has been busy. How's your day been?

~Sweet Winter Wonderland~ posted:

Did someone say glitter glue?

good evening gang I hope you've all had a good day


squiggle i hope your power has been restored and you're warm & cosy tonight 




Evening Summer, how's your day been?

lol Yes, I'm going to blame you when I'm covered in glitter tomorrow.

~Sweet Winter Wonderland~ posted:
Yogi19 posted:
velvet donkey posted:
Yogi19 posted:
velvet donkey posted:

Yeah....but they grow up loving you. And that's worth the investment.

That's a lovely thing to say 

You're a lovely person  x

You'll make me blub, but thank you and right back at you.

You're both lovely

 As are you.

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