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~Sweet Winter Wonderland~ posted:

Glad she's doing well velvet, I bet she feels safe with you around


enjoy cbb yogi  

the evacuation is due to a storm impending, he lives on the coast.

ive just seen on FB that Newcastle have put flood barriers in place along the river too! 

Have they opened centres where people can go till the storm is over?

Yogi19 posted:
~Sweet Winter Wonderland~ posted:

Glad she's doing well velvet, I bet she feels safe with you around


enjoy cbb yogi  

the evacuation is due to a storm impending, he lives on the coast.

ive just seen on FB that Newcastle have put flood barriers in place along the river too! 

Have they opened centres where people can go till the storm is over?

Yes, it looks like they're sending everyone to a sports centre

~Sparkling Summer~

Good morning everyone, the rain has stopped - it was dreadfully noisy most of the night - but it's still very windy.  Not sure about any flooding yet until I go out.  There's one place where it always floods, right by the coast, so really low down.  They put a culvert in a while ago, it's about as much use as a chocolate fireguard, they must have got their calculations wrong.


I hope everyone is safe and I hope your brother has been able to return home now Summer.


Enjoy your day everyone


Summer, I've seen 11A used instead of 13 in some streets. Mine does have a 13 but an adjoining road has 11A.


Velvet, I hope you have a good weekend as well I've seen From Here to Eternity as well. A very good film. I think it was the first film that Frank Sinatra was in where he showed that he was a good actor in a serious film. The director Fred Zinneman was one of the best directors - films such as High Noon, Oklahoma, The Nun's Story, A Man for All Seasons, The Day of the Jackal (original version) and Julia - that's quite a CV.

El Loro

Good morning everyone


A bit of sunshine here and cold. Forecast to be a bit warmer and cloudy for a few days from tomorrow.


Summer, according to the news, the storm surge on the east coast happened earlier than the high tides so that the threatened flooding didn't happen so your brother's home is probably unscathed


I hope everyone has a good day

El Loro

@Former Member, BBC2 has another outstanding film tonight following yesterday's From Here to Eternity. On the Waterfront made the following year starts at 10:40 tonight. If you haven't seen it before, it's worth watching. Marlon Brando's performance as Terry Malloy is one of the genuinely great performances in the history of film, There's no connection with From Here to Eternity which although a very good film is dwarfed by On the Waterfront. It's one of those rare films where the rave reviews and awards given are justified.

El Loro

Good morning everyone, thankfully much more peaceful weather this morning with some blue sky as well.  I hope everyone has been able to return to their homes and breathe a sigh of relief now.  It was certainly a violent period of rain and high winds.  Was it a named storm EL?  If so I missed that bit.


Enjoy your day everyone


GJ, I think you will find that unless it's a good quality shredder you'll find that you'll need to do the shredding over a period of time rather than at one sitting. The one I use is a Fellowes which is sturdier than cheap ones which are intended more for shredding a few sheets rather then hundreds at one sitting.

El Loro
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