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Good mornng everyone


Mainly cloudy here today.


Summer, my brother got home without too much difficulty though the train got to Paddington 50 minutes late. He told me that subsequent trains were more delayed and if he had got the usual one he would have arrived at Paddington at least 2 hours late.


Ros, thanks, we had a lovely weekend


I hope everyone has a good day

El Loro

Good afternoon everyone.  No internet access whatsoever this morning, not even 3G on my phone.  We've had that extremely cold wind here too Summer.  I opened the window to let the steam out after my shower and it was incredibly icy.  Also the dawn this morning was very dramatic, a deep red sky.


I had the 3 hen pheasants back again this morning.  I had filled the bird feeder yesterday evening and put some food down on a rock for them, so at least their tummies are nice and full.


Wow EL your brother timed his trip home just perfectly and I'm glad he arrived home safely.


Enjoy your day everyone

Last edited by squiggle

Good morning everyone


Some cloud here but fair weather today and lightish winds. GJ, you would be able to get out your bikes in my area today


Tomorrow is the day where there could be snow but that's more likely on the hills in my area.


I hope everyone has a good day and that you don't have weather problems today and tomorrow

El Loro

Good morning it's been very very windy here during the night, and it's still howling now. I woke around 5am to the sound of smashing glass! The wind was so strong that it blew through a tiny gap in the window (that I keep for washing drying/ventilation), and the blinds knocked a glass candle holder off the window sill it was a sturdy one too so I was really surprised. 

The door knocker keeps knocking too! 


I hope youre all warm, cosy and safe  


~Sparkling Summer~

Good morning everyone, windy here but not as windy as where you are Summer.  Goodness that must have been so disturbing, I hope it will settle down soon.


The forecast for tomorrow is heavy rain all day, which is better than snow but I think I will have to put the rubbish out later today as it's very difficult to put out when it's raining heavily without getting soaked to the skin.


Enjoy your day everyone


Summer, that must have been some gust of wind to do that The flap on my front door mail slot used to knock whenever there was an easterly wind and that was a bit irritating.


Squiggle, it's expected to be wet much of tomorrow here as well though at present it's forecast to turn sleety rather than snow. Unless something changes I won't need to go out either tomorrow or Friday. I've just done a bit of local shopping.

El Loro

Summer, if you are able to get the Talking Pictures channel Dead End starts at 2pm. It was made in 1937 and is set in the Depression era in a slum area. It's set over one day and is the interaction between a mother whose son gets caught up in a gang (the Dead End Kids), the son of a wealthly family, an unemployed architect and a gangster. Humphrey Bogart is the gangster in a role before he became a major star. It's a serious film and is based on a play.


On Film 4 at 3.20pm is River of No Return. That's a 1954 film which is part adventure part romance part western. Robert Mitchum, Rory Calhoun and Marilyn Monroe (it's not a musical though she does sing a few songs). It's a decent enough film to watch but isn't one of her best films.

El Loro

Evening gang

i love that El is so knowledgeable about films, thanks for the recommendations I have a nice collection of old movies recorded now.  So if the weather gets bad this weekend, I'll be able to have a nice movie fest

theres a few trees down here, but no other problems. The wind calmed down this afternoon but is picking up again now.


yogi I hope you've had a good time with the tiddlers  

~Sparkling Summer~

Good morning everyone, heavy rain here.  I'm out and back already, had to run my eldest grandson and his girlfriend to the funeral of a very dear friend of my grandson.  The little streams have burst their banks, there's standing water at the sides of all the roads and heaven knows where the rain that's supposed to fall all day long is going to go.


Stay safe and warm everyone, as far as you possibly can

squiggle posted:

Good morning everyone, heavy rain here.  I'm out and back already, had to run my eldest grandson and his girlfriend to the funeral of a very dear friend of my grandson.  The little streams have burst their banks, there's standing water at the sides of all the roads and heaven knows where the rain that's supposed to fall all day long is going to go.


Stay safe and warm everyone, as far as you possibly can

Oh that's a sad start to the new year I hope the service goes well and the family have lots of support 

~Sparkling Summer~
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