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Good morning everyone and a Happy New Year to you


Cloudy here and forecast to be a wet day and turning colder.

According to the forecast on the Metcheck site the wind speed this morning is 221 mph with gusts around 20 mph. Something about that doesn't quite ring true


Yogi, I'm glad everyone enjoyed the panto and PB delighted with her wand


GJ, I hope you are able to get out on your bikes today. I don't think the weather forecast is as poor as it is here.


I hope everyone has a good day

El Loro

Happy New Year everyone.

Enjoy your bike ride, Joe. I hope the weather is dry for you.

El, I never forgave them for abandoning baby Oleg  so I love the new clip.

Squiggle, BB didn't go to the panto. We thought he was a little young at 10months. Maybe next year though.

We are expecting the clan for New Year's Dinner - 8 adults and 2children, it's going to be a noisy house!

Have a great day everyone.



I hadn't watched or recorded Peter Pan Goes Wrong on BBC1 shown early yesterday evening. Amateur group tries to do a staged performance of the play but if something wrong can happen it will. I was told by a couple of people at church today that it is very good and very very funny. David Suchet provides the narration and also steps in at intervals when there's been a mishap. Apparently he even does a bit of Poirot at one stage.


It's repeated on BBC1 tonight starting at midnight.

El Loro
El Loro posted:

Yogi, BB did go to the panto, If you had turned around you would have that he's behind you


I didn't mind Oleg leaving as his last advert showed that he wanted to remain in Africa with his new friends.


I hope your New Year's dinner goes well

Santa Baz posted:

Very Happy 2017 Buddies .....may your joys be many and your sorrows few 

Thanks Baz, and a Happy New Year to you too.

Rocking Ros posted:

Yogi hope your day went well with your family

night everybody

It did go well, thanks Ros. I hope you had a Happy New Year too.

I thought I had posted in here last night. I must have forgotten to hit the POST button.

Garage Joe posted:

Sunny and not frosty!!

we'll be getting the bikes out!

Enjoy your bike ride, Joe.

It's frosty up here and of course, that's the only reason I won't be cycling today.

Have a good day everyone.

squiggle posted:

Good morning everyone, lots of blue sky and fairly sunny I'm glad you had a good day with family Yogi, I hope Summer is having a great time whizzing down hills          Image result for skiing smiley

Enjoy your Bank Holiday everyone


 Great pic, Squiggle.

El Loro posted:

Yogi,  I do beileve you when you say that the only reason you won't be cycling today is because of the frost


Even though it's frosty here I have done a bit of cycling this morning. I put out the recycling box for emptying today

 You know me better than that, El.


Re my post yesterday about the Moon, Venus and Mars. This photo was taken in Cheltenham.

The view from my house was better as the Moon was a crescent but the camera used in the above doesn't pick that up. Venus is what looks like a bright star and to the northwest from the Moon you can see Mars though the reddish tint can't be seen in the above.


Tonight Mars and Venus are in much the same position and the Moon will be to the north west from Mars though I doubt I'll see due to clouds.

El Loro

Good morning everyone, a beautiful crisp winter day, similar to you EL with a heavy frost last night and a sunny morning.


I did go to look at the sky but couldn't see the moon although the stars were very clear.  I looked west out of my bedroom window and south out of the back bedroom window.  Out of the back bedroom I could see the plough which is about the only one I can recognise easily.


Thank you Velvet, I hope you are enjoying the New Year so far


Enjoy your day everyone

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