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Good morning everyone, very cloudy and cold this morning but dry.


2 very good films on Channel 5 tomorrow morning, African Queen and The Glenn Miller Story.  I will certainly record African Queen, heaven knows how long it is since I last saw it but I'm pretty sure it was in the cinema while my future husband and I were courting!  I've seen The Glenn Miller Story a couple of times at least, I might still be tempted to watch it again.


Enjoy your day everyone


Yogi, I'm glad PB is better now


I've been delivering the church magazines for my round and collecting the subs for next year.


There's been total confusion locally about waste and recycling collection. If yesterday had been a normal Monday, we would have a collection for the garden waste in the green wheelie, food in the brown caddy, and recycling material in the green box. Monday last week and Monday next week, it's the same other than it's the household waste in the black wheelie instead of the green one. Of course there was no collection yesterday being Boxing Day and in any case the green wheelie collection is suspended for 2 weeks over the Christmas period.


The council gave us notices which read "Your Christmas collections will only be affected if your recycling or waste collection is due on Monday 26th December then:

Your black bin will be collected on Tusday 27th, your food caddy on Wednesday 28th, and your recycling box on Monday 2 January"


The majority of people have put out their black wheelies today and they haven't been emptied, I did try explaining to people as I went round what was going on. There would have been streets where the black wheelie was due to be done yesterday, but not people in the roads I went down. The only thing which will get emptied this week is the food caddy tomorrow.


Some of the people I told weren't convinced but the fact is that nothing has been collected today,


El Loro

El, I think there has been quite a bit of confusion about refuse and recycling collections. My council used to put stickers on the bins to tell you exactly when they would be collecting the bins over Christmas and New Year, but nowadays people have to go onto the website to find out - and a lot of elederly people don't use the internet.


After a sleepless night, I'm going to try and have an early one. Goodnight and sweet dreams everyone.


Sweet dreams yogi, I hope your night is restful poor PB, I hope she's not too upset she threw up in the bed. 


Aw I've just noticed my avi has changed! I must thank Lori 


re the bin collections, I missed mine today! I hadn't expected them to be around on a bank holiday, so was very surprised when the truck came down the street as I made breakfast lol 


I hope you all had a good day, we've been out walking, went for a bite to eat and did a lot of knitting whilst drinking & eating. I don't want it all to end! I've loved this Christmas, and I've loved having my mum here  

~Sparkling Summer~

Good morning everyone


Sunny frosty start here this morning.


The refuse confusion in my area continues with even more people putting out their black wheelies today


Yogi, I hope you had a better night's sleep last night


Summer, I'm glad you've had a lovely christmas with your mum


I hope everyone has a good day

El Loro

Good morning everyone, a nice bright morning, with a little bit of weak sunshine.


Summer I am so glad you are having a lovely time with your Mum, I bet she is treasuring this time too   Poor little PB, I am glad she had her Gran there to comfort her and was feeling better by the time she went home


Such confusion EL, at least when they gave us a card or something with the dates on we knew when our rubbish was being collected.  We moved from a London borough down here to Devon just before Christmas.  The rubbish collection was always pretty efficient back in Greater London but the first Christmas down here coincided with a rubbish collection due over Christmas.  I was so shocked to see 'when is your rubbish collection this week - THERE IS NO COLLECTION!'   I had to bundle it in the car and take it down the local dump.


Enjoy your day everyone

Last edited by squiggle

Yogi, I'm glad you slept well last night


Squiggle, the council did give everyone a card with the details of the Christmas collection but many people misunderstood it. Locally, my council used to cancel all refuse collections on a Bank Holiday Monday and people's refuse didn't get collected until the following Monday. Bad news if your collection day was a Monday. It's better now even if people have been confused.

El Loro

Quaggas were a type of zebra which became extinct beofre any of us were born thanks to humans.


They had stripes at the front which faded part way along. There's a project to try to breed  a very similar looking quagga. There's still a long way to go but so far 10 animals have been bred which are closer to what they looked like. These are called Rau Quaggas.

El Loro

On the news today that learner drivers may be able to have driving lessons on motorways omce their instructor thinks they are able to.


After I passed I waited some weeks before doing any motorway driving. Then the day came when I thought the motoway wouldn't be busy around 8 am and went for a drive from the local junction to the next, come off, circle around and return the same way. There was hardly any traffic on the motorway. In case you are wondering why there was little traffic at 8 am on the motorway it was Christmas Day. 

El Loro
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