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*night owls*  


aw sorry to have just missed you yogi! I hope you've had a good day, sweet dreams.  


phew velvet!!! Thank goodness the soup situation wasn't worse I'm glad all is well. Your sister sounds lovely  


well gang, I was ready to pop in here about 20 mins ago but miss Bramble had other ideas. I've only just recovered from the hysterics she's had me in, what a funny girl  

~Sparkling Summer~

I watched that film "Quest for Love" last night. It's a gem of a movie and worth looking out for if it gets shown again on the Talking Pictures TV channel. Although it's produced by the Carry On producer and directed by the Doctor film comedies director it's nothing like those films. It's a romantic film. Easily the best thing done by Joan Collins. There are a couple of scenes between her and Tom Bell where she's so warm, tender and likeable that I was reminded of Ingrid Bergman.


Simon Ward makes a brief appearance in a very eatly role for him. And for those who remember the Adam Adamant series, Juliet Harmer features.

El Loro

Good morning everyone, slightly more cloudy this morning.  Thank goodness that all was well with the soup pot Velvet, could have been worse - be careful now.  I'm so glad you have that lovely get together and wish lots of love and laughter flowing between you all


I hope all goes well with the nurse Yogi and that you look lovely after your visit to the hairdressers.


You could very well be right about the young man EL. It's fascinating how we all see something different in it.  I think the picture of Jesus and the man kneeling is very symbolic.  I have been thinking about that and you will have noticed Adam in the back ground.  My personal view is that it is Jesus forgiving and restoring Man, ie the human race, for the mistake that Adam made, which led to the Fall.


Enjoy your day everyone


I've had a rather disturbing phone call from someone claiming to be from British Gas and that there had been technical problems with my electricity meter last weekend. They were wanting me to give them details. I questioned their authenticity.


I'm querying this with British Gas. The smart meter readings are going through as normal, there are no messages on my account from them and I've had no emails.


El Loro

Squiggle, possibly though it may be an unscrupulous way to businesses to switch to them without realising. There was that call a day or so ago from a different number which I posted here and Summer said that she had had calls from the same number. That was borderline legal, today'smay be fraudulent. I've also put a warning on one of the Who Called Me sites - the number hasn't been reported before.

El Loro

Suumer, the phone call today was from 01417718197 in case they try the same think on you. I don't know that it's connected with the one the other day that we both got as scammers can make any phone number they want appear on your caller display. I've had energy companies ring me before trying to get me change supplier but today's was easily the most serious. My guess is that they were trying to get the meter number as that number would carry over to any other supplier.

El Loro

Good morning everyone, definitely colder here too 7š (but I prefer Fahrenheit which at 44š definitely sounds cosier)


I'm glad you slept well Yogi.  Brace yourself for Strictly tonight, I've caught occasional glimpses of It Takes Two (not keen on Zoe Ball) and they are pushing Ore for all they are worth, he was even crying yesterday and saying he was 'doing it all for them'.  I quite liked him when it started too.  At least we get to see Danny dancing 3 dances which will be a treat, he's a joy to watch.  Even Darcy had to admit he is as good as the professionals. Not that that will stop them awarding the glitter ball to a Clifton


Enjoy your day everyone

Last edited by squiggle

GJ, I hope your football match goes the way you want, looks to be quite an important match as to how this season goes for you.


Yogi, I'm assuming that the call was dodgy though until I hear back from BG I can't be sure. I've got a husband & wife client coming to see me shortly. He's a police officer and I'll mention it to him.


Squiggle, in my area the cloud has meant that the temperature is much the same as yesterday.

El Loro

We had internet problems in our area today but Virgin seem to have sorted them now.

Squiggle, I agree with everything you said about Strictly.

PB's ballet display was great. She has really grown in confidence since the summer display.

I'm off to watch Modus - the subtitles require concentration.

Goodnight and sweet dreams everyone. Hugs for the night owls.


Good morning everyone


No fog here but there's a weather warning for that in my area.


Summer, you must be pleased that Jack Frost paid you a visit on his return from holiday


Yogi, I'm glad your internet problems have been sorted out.  The animated film Ballerina opens tomorrow and sounds perfect for PB.


I hope everyone has a good day

El Loro

Good morning everyone.

Weather is dry atm.

El, that film does sound like PB would enjoy.

Squiggle, Strictly ended as we expected. I'm resigned to the fact I'm unlikely to ever again get a reality TV winner I support.

Joe, I hope you have a nice lunch with your mum.

Velvet, I look forward to your sniping. Enjoy your time with mum and sis.

Have a good day everyone.


I see that a certain well known rather cold film is on BBC1 on Christmas Day. I might record it if my fingers don't get frosttbite on the remote controller. It's been mentioned a few times here and I seem to remember someone here had an avatar from the film. I think there's anough clues there to wotk out which film

El Loro
El Loro posted:

I see that a certain well known rather cold film is on BBC1 on Christmas Day. I might record it if my fingers don't get frosttbite on the remote controller. It's been mentioned a few times here and I seem to remember someone here had an avatar from the film. I think there's anough clues there to wotk out which film

I hope you enjoy it, it's delightful and my mum & I will definitely be watching it after dinner  



~Sparkling Summer~

I've had a phone call from British Gas about last Friday's phone calls. They have looked into this and confirm that there is no problems with my meters and that the person who rang me had nothing to do with British Gas. I was able to give him more details as to what had happened. The details are being passed to their fraud department to be followed up. He thanked me for what I had done in providing them with this information and also for posting the information on one of the Who Called Me sites.

El Loro
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