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~Sweet Sizzling Samba!~ posted:
Yogi19 posted:
~Sweet Sizzling Samba!~ posted:
Yogi19 posted:
~Sweet Sizzling Samba!~ posted:

I love scotch broth too! 

Oh my word, soup in here, quality street in the darnie thread... I'm hungry again now! 

lol I ate so much at lunchtime, I didn't have room for any tea.

Was it the full 3 courses?


With pudding..?

 Christmas pudding 

velvet donkey posted:
Yogi19 posted:
~Sweet Sizzling Samba!~ posted:
Yogi19 posted:
~Sweet Sizzling Samba!~ posted:
Yogi19 posted:
~Sweet Sizzling Samba!~ posted:

I love scotch broth too! 

Oh my word, soup in here, quality street in the darnie thread... I'm hungry again now! 

lol I ate so much at lunchtime, I didn't have room for any tea.

Was it the full 3 courses?


With pudding..?

 Christmas pudding 

That's what we had too    

 Rum sauce, brandy sauce or custard?

Last edited by Yogi19

Good morning everyone, lots of blue sky today.  Were you following me around yesterday Summer?  I was buying pigs in blankets and custard as well as lots of other things!!


Good luck with the gift buying Yogi, hopefully I've got everything now, and very pleased I don't have to go out again today.


Since poor Daniel O'Donnell has been getting such a bad press in here I'll share my favourite song of his.  I'd like to share my video of it but I've got the feeling that it may not play correctly as it is no longer on YouTube.  I've tried to upload it onto Photobucket but it seems very poor on there.  This version always brings a tear to my eye as there are very many recognisable scenes from Jesus' life. But if not I will put a current YouTube one.



Last edited by squiggle
El Loro posted:

Squiggle, the Daniel O'Donnell youtube clip works fine here. That hymn "Here I am Lord" is one of the hymns which are regularly sung at my church so I know it well.

I wasn't able to post the one I keep on my computer EL, I posted one from the current YouTube line-up, not a patch on mine.  The one I love so much includes Jesus with the woman at the well, raising Jairus' daughter, walking on the water, feeding the five thousand, greeting the fishermen on the beach - where he restores Peter, and ends with his ascension, simply beautiful.

~Sweet Sizzling Samba!~ posted:

It must be a case of "great minds think alike", Squiggle did you get everything you need? 


Good morning another dull, damp, overcast day here. Where's Jack Frost this year?! 

I think so Summer, it took it out of me though and I am still stiff this morning, with the rubbish still to put out and some hoovering to do.  I'll get there though.

El Loro posted:

Here's Squiggle's version of Daniel O'Donnell singing Here Am I Lord. I've downloaded it from Photobucket then uploaded it here so it bypasses Photobucket's servers and so runs more smoothly. It will take a few minutes to get processed but should be playable by about 15:10.

Thank you so much for sharing this EL, I never tire of listening to and watching this one Do you know, watching it again, I think the last scene shows Jesus when He comes back again, what do you think?

Last edited by squiggle

Squiggle, I did notice that scene. That and the earlier one (-1.30 on the timer) of the man kneeling before Jesus were the two most powerful ones for me. I would have swapped the position of the two. I felt that the young man on the bench was someone who had fallen on hard times and didn't know what to do. Then Jesus met him and talked with him. Some years later he had sorted himself out and came to Jesus to be baptised by him - the other image.


I hope you don't mind my saying that as I don't want to spoil that image for you

El Loro
Last edited by El Loro
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